The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 243 I will not interfere with the affairs of the harem

Chapter 243 I will not interfere with the affairs of the harem

The matter was half resolved, and Mu Wan had no intention of staying in the Golden Luan Hall.

But at this time someone said again, "I have something to play. I heard that the emperor wants to confer Nanliang court musicians, and the son of Nanliang Zuoxiang as concubine Sheng. I'm afraid this is inappropriate."

"Concubine Sheng's entry into the palace was Nanliang's intention to make a marriage, and the regent of Nanliang sent it personally. If you have any questions, ask yourself later at the farewell banquet."

"Also, the canonization of Concubine Sheng is the queen's idea. If you think it's inappropriate, you can directly talk to the queen. I won't interfere with the affairs of the harem."

After speaking, Mu Wan stood up from the dragon chair and left the hall without looking back.

Leaving the ministers looking at each other in blank dismay.

Many ministers looked at Chu Bei, begging for an explanation.

Last night the Regent of Nanliang and the son of the Zuoxiang of Nanliang were assassinated on a dragon boat in the West Lake, and then Nan Sheng moved into the Xingman Palace in the harem and directly became the concubine Sheng of the empress.

When this happened, everyone was caught off guard.

She thought she was brought into the palace just to heal her wounds, but she didn't expect that Nan Liang would actually want to get married.

The son of Nan Xiang, who is of high status, is willing to send him for marriage!
All the ministers were surprised.

"Since Nanliang intends to get married, the emperor and this king can't refuse their kindness. It is a good thing for the two countries to have a good relationship. What do you ministers think is wrong?!" Standing in the hall, Chu Bei glanced deeply at the inquisitive Minister.

Touching the cold eyes of the King of Chu, several ministers felt a little apprehensive, shuddered and shut their mouths in embarrassment. They intend to get married, and the two countries have a good relationship. There is nothing wrong with it. It is simply a good thing.

The sons of the left prime minister of Nanliang were willing to send them for marriage, which shows the sincerity of Nanliang's marriage. Besides, if there is a war in the future, they are worthy of being a valuable hostage.

Simply the best of both worlds.

"There is no doubt, just retreat to the court. Don't bother the emperor with these trivial matters. As a minister, you have to do things for the emperor to solve problems." Chu Bei stared sharply at the few ministers who contradicted the empress in the main hall, especially It's Ling Wang, this guy will abolish him sooner or later, so as not to make her unhappy all the time, hmph...

Faced with Chu Bei's chilling murderous aura, King Ling's face turned livid, and he killed him not to be outdone.

But Chu Bei was too lazy to look at him, turned around and left.

This feeling of being scorned made King Ling feel very humiliated, he clenched his fists and hated, his eyes were red, he wished he could strangle him to death.

Prince Qi also had the same gloomy and murderous eyes. Today he knew that the Nanliang Regent secretly brought the son of Nanliang Zuoxiang to marry him.

You bastard, how dare you play him! !

Go back to the Xuanwu Hall.

Ning Xinyao cooked a table of breakfast early and waited for her in the dining hall.

"I have seen the emperor."

Someone had already told her the news, and she couldn't express how happy she was.

My heart is full of gratitude to Mu Wan.

Unexpectedly, she did what she said, and she really planned to take her grandfather and the others back to Beijing.

For the emperor's cousin, Ning Xinyao began to have complete admiration and gratitude in her heart.

Mu Wan signaled her to get up, "Have you eaten?"

"Not yet, my daughter wants to wait for the emperor to eat together." Ning Xinyao bit her lip, not knowing how brave she was.

She didn't dare to approach this cousin of the emperor easily before.

I think she is a bit fierce.

After entering the palace, after listening to the palace people tell a lot about her, I realized that she had changed a lot.

The whole Xuanwu Palace likes her very much, respects her, and agrees with her from the bottom of their hearts.

Every time she was discussed, those court ladies smiled proudly.

I thought the imperial palace was serious, paying attention to rules, and had many scruples, but when I arrived at Xuanwu Hall, it seemed that it was not like that.

The palace people can still discuss the emperor in private, and the master is not annoyed.

It's so weird.

Mu Wan frowned, and said with a smile, "Then sit down and eat together, next time you don't have to make it yourself, let the imperial dining room prepare what you want to eat, eat it first when you are hungry, don't wait for me."

(End of this chapter)

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