Chapter 254 Mecha Crossbow

In the imperial study room, Mu Wan leaned on the rocking chair tiredly, motionless as if she was about to become a salted fish.

Chu Bei took the hangover soup from the palace man, and coaxed softly, "Drink a bowl of hangover soup first, then go to rest when you're tired, and leave the rest to me. You don't have to think about it. It's okay for those people to let them stay for a few more days. I will leave sooner or later, with this king here, you don't have to worry about it."

He thought Mu Wan was worrying about the farewell banquet.

Seeing how tired and exhausted she was, it made my heart ache.

As a little girl, she should eat, drink, go shopping, and just wait carefree to be pampered in the palm of her hand.

But she is not an ordinary woman, she is in the emperor's family, and she is still the empress of the monarchy, and she has to care about the whole country and the common people. Such a heavy burden falls on her thin shoulders, the more I think about it, the more distressed I am.

Mu Wan casually covered her face with a notebook, and dealt with it with a casual "hmmm" in a daze.

In fact, she didn't take today's matter to heart at all. She was so big that she only wanted to sleep well when the sky fell. People like the empress dowager had no effect on her.

She was tired because she went to bed late last night, got up at five o'clock in the morning, and then had to deal with envoys from various countries, as well as the empress dowager, king li and others during the day. Mu Wan was really tired and just wanted to sleep.

She lay on the rocking chair, swayed a few times, and fell asleep not long after.

Seeing that she was not making a sound or moving, Chu Bei stretched out his hand to remove the miscellaneous notes. When he saw the girl's sleeping face, piles of black lines suddenly dropped from her forehead.

This sleep is until evening.

The banquet was already over by this time.

When Mu Wan woke up, Bi Yue came to serve her, and told her that Butler Lin had gone to the side hall outside the palace early to wait to be summoned.

"Well, what time is it?"

"Go back to the emperor, it's almost time."

"Who sent me back to the palace?" She asked confusedly.

Biyue helped her dress, and replied, "It's the Empress."

Mu Wan got up and loosened her muscles and bones, her eyes were as calm as water, she didn't find it strange that Chu Hu has been clinging to her lately.

She left the banquet, and he followed to the imperial study.

It's just that she fell asleep, so Chu Bei must have stayed in the imperial study to help review the memorial.

Mu Wan pulled her lips slightly, and after thinking about it, she decided to go to the side hall to see Uncle Lin first.

"The old slave has seen the emperor."

"Uncle Lin, why did you enter the palace, but what happened to the hot pot restaurant?"

Uncle Lin shook his head, "The business of the hot pot restaurant is very good. With the support of the prince, the queen mother dare not send anyone to harass her."

That day, Princess Chang caused trouble at the hot pot restaurant, and she was kicked by Mu Wan so hard that she passed out, and they didn't see them coming to find fault after that.

Mu Wanyan frowned slightly, "It's not that simple, neither the queen mother nor the eldest princess will let it go so easily. Now that the empress dowager is back in the palace, they will definitely cause trouble for the hot pot restaurant and the Su family, so be careful." good."

Uncle Lin nodded, "I know this old slave, and Mr. Su also told me that this old slave entered the palace today mainly to ask the emperor about mecha bows and crossbows."

Mu Wan had shown him the power of the sleeve crossbow, and also said about the mecha crossbow, that she wanted to secretly form a magic arrow team.

Uncle Lin has been thinking about this.

After all, he was born in the Dragon and Tiger Army, so he naturally likes these things, and if possible, he would like to return to the barracks.

But the first emperor arranged for him to follow the emperor, and he was secretly responsible for training the blood shadow guards.

He engraved the explanation of the first emperor in his heart, and he never dared to forget it for a moment.

"I'll give you the blueprint later." Mu Wan smiled when she thought of this.

Uncle Lin suddenly showed a pleasant smile on his face, and asked, "Did the emperor design these by himself?"

"Well, but this matter must be kept secret." Mu Wan's eyes flickered slightly, and she nodded.

Uncle Lin smiled and said, "This old slave understands, that old slave will go back first, and this is the income from the shop last month, and this old slave will also hand it over to the emperor."

As he said that, he handed over a Jiazi to her, which contained 70.00 denomination bank notes, ten in total, [-]% of which were the proceeds of the hotpot restaurant.

 After it is put on the shelves, you can vote for the monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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