The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 255 Begging for a Monthly Ticket...

Chapter 255 Begging for a Monthly Ticket...

However, Uncle Lin was also surprised to have such a huge profit within a few days of opening.

Mu Wan glanced at the bank note and said with a smile, "I haven't distributed dividends to other shareholders yet."

"No, because how much each person will take and how to divide it have not yet been decided. I have also asked Mr. Su and Mr. Lu what the owners think. They all said that they will send it to the palace first, and the dividends can wait until the end of the year. It’s never too late to count together.”

To put it bluntly, they are all masters who are not short of money.

Thinking of Mu Wan's lack of money, he always considered her side first.

Holding the bank note, Mu Wan was very happy that these brothers were loyal enough, she smiled and said, "Then follow what they said, and we will share dividends together at the end of the year."

When she earns more, she will thank them all.

Then she took out 3 taels to Uncle Lin, which was considered as the cost of making the mecha bow and crossbow and forming the Shenjian team.

Uncle Lin accepted it happily.

Now he can safely hand over all the money to Mu Wan.

After all, she is the real master.

"And how is the promotion of the clothing store? It's okay to open." Mu Wan asked, thinking about the promotion of the clothing store.

Uncle Lin collected the silver ticket and said with a smile, "Don't worry, your majesty, everything is being carried out according to the majesty's publicity plan. Mr. Su sent someone to measure the size of the selected model girls and make a few sets of dresses. At the banquet, Princess Xin and Princess Xuan wore them at the banquet, which attracted the attention of many ladies, and several other girls also wore them on the street, walking around in the circle of ladies, attracting the likes of many ladies. , now the clothing store has received many orders from customers before it even opened."

Speaking of this, his eyes were also full of surprises.

The styles of those dresses are all exquisite and beautiful, novel and unique, which are only found in this one in the capital.

If it goes on like this, it doesn't make sense that the business is not booming.

Uncle Lin blushed with excitement as he spoke.

Having been the housekeeper of the Princess Mansion for so many years, it was the first time that he felt that he was getting more and more energetic, and his whole body was motivated, as if he had returned to the time when Longhuwei killed the enemy on the battlefield, his heart was excited and full of high-spirited fighting spirit.

"Well, that's good. You can discuss other business with Young Master Su. You don't have to be polite. Just follow his instructions on how to operate. I only need to take a few percent of the shares. The bottom line is [-]%."

Su Ran wants to cooperate with her in the business of automatic turntable tables and chairs, then they can start to cooperate.

Now she needs to earn money as quickly as possible.

The treasury is empty, and the big hole has to be filled every month. Exorbitant taxes alone are not enough to support the civil and military officials, the harem, and the military camp.

And she was heavily in debt, which had to be paid off quickly.

Now the Empress Dowager's birthday is about to be arranged wantonly, and I'm afraid it will cost a lot of money.

We can't ask Chu Bei to subsidize her again.

Thinking of this, Mu Wan's face was gloomy.

Looking at the few banknotes in his hand, it felt like a dozen taels, not enough to fit between his teeth.

Raising a country is not as simple as raising a small family. There are still many places to spend money.

Uncle Lin nodded quickly, "I understand."

When the emperor is the ninth princess, there is no need to worry about these things!

Just thinking about it makes Mu Wan feel bad.


After Lin Shu left the palace, he went to the imperial study to find Chu Bei.

At that time, he had just put down his pen and stopped what he was doing.

Dressed in purple and with black hair, a smile flickers in the slender phoenix eyes under a pair of sword-shaped eyebrows, instantly filled with tenderness, which makes people fall into it if they are not careful.

With a straight nose and moderately thick red lips, a dazzling smile suddenly appeared when seeing the girl approaching.

"Are you awake? You haven't eaten yet." Chu Bei put down his pen, got up and walked towards her quickly.

"Has the queen ever eaten?"

She didn't reach out to hit the smiling face, not to mention that he also reviewed the memorial for herself. Although she didn't ask him to do it, she still needs to leave some room for herself as a human being, and there will be many times when she needs to rely on him in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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