The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 267 This trick is poisonous!

Chapter 267 This trick is poisonous!

In Nanliang, he often ate imperial meals, but he had never eaten such delicious porridge.

It seems that Junguo's food is very good.

"I like to eat, so I'll let the imperial dining room do it in the future." Mu Wan leaned back on the chair and smiled after eating.

She just had a full meal and needed to take a walk to digest food, but she got up and looked out the window. It was getting late, and she was a little reluctant to go out.

"Why don't I play the piano for the emperor to relieve boredom." Nan Sheng looked at her expression, his eyes flickered and said immediately.

Mu Wan narrowed her eyes slightly, "Let's do it next time, it's too late now, and it's time for Concubine Ai to go back and rest."

"Is the emperor going to drive the minister away?"


Seeing the young man standing still, Mu Wan raised her brows slightly, and if she didn't leave, she might have to stay and sleep.

But she really didn't mean that.

And he's clearly pushing himself.

"My concubine, can we be honest, I know you were forced, Zhao Shisan asked you to come close to me, what is the reason for it, you can tell me frankly, I can promise to keep you safe from now on in the kingdom, how?"

Mu Wan looked at him with a smile.

Nan Sheng showed a terrified look and said, "Even if I was forced, I have already entered the harem and became a concubine Sheng. It is my duty to serve the emperor. The prince sent me to marry for the sake of friendship between the two countries. There is no other reason." The purpose, I hope the emperor will not misunderstand."

Mu Wan got up and stood in the flower hall to move her body slightly, exercise and help her digestion.

"So you won't tell me!"


The young man looked at her, his eyes flickered, and he chuckled, "I don't know what the emperor wants to know, so where do I start?"

Mu Wan put one leg on the imperial concubine's couch and pressed it, raised her eyebrows and smiled, "Then don't tell me, let me guess, Zhao Shisan sent you to assassinate me?"

"Your majesty... I dare not."

As soon as the words came out, the young man hurriedly knelt down.

Mu Wan switched legs and continued to press, then stopped and turned around to walk in front of him, reached out to grab his chin, and frowned, "It's not that you don't dare, but you can't now."

The voice of talking and laughing, but the tone is extremely majestic.

Nan Sheng was secretly startled, for some reason she suddenly didn't dare to move easily, just raised her face slightly, and met her pair of eyebrows that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, with a hint of teasing in her sly eyes.

It was an instant humiliation.

Clenching his fist, he had a new understanding of her.

The rumors are true, this woman is really... a womanizer.

The young man was a little annoyed, he was really stupid, he believed what he said before, and thought she was not that kind of person.

Mu Wan looked at him with cold eyes, humiliated, angry, and unwilling, and immediately lost interest.

"Don't you want to stay and serve me? If that's the case, it's not just about chatting about Qin, it's as simple as chatting."

Mu Wan let go of her hand, glanced at the guqin on the table, and immediately took it over.


Seeing her touching her piano, Nan Sheng's face changed slightly, what did she want to do! !

"Whoever allowed you to get up, kneel down."

A sharp voice scolded him angrily, and he didn't dare to get up easily, and continued to kneel back.

At this time, the Empress's eyes were cold and sharp, which made people feel strange, as if she had completely changed herself.

She took out a dagger to snap the strings.

"Your majesty, don't do it, that's a minister..."

The boy knelt on the ground and shouted in a panic.

"The only thought your mother left you, I know, you said it just now, so this piano is your most precious thing, right?"

Nan Sheng nodded with a pale face, regretting bringing it here, this woman is really vicious.

"As long as you tell me what your purpose of entering the palace is, I will return it to you intact, how about it?" Mu Wan hugged Qin and held a dagger as if wanting to take hostages, threatening the strings cruelly. He, "Otherwise, I will destroy it."


At this moment, the boy stared at her with dark and cold eyes.

But he quickly controlled it, subdued his cold breath, and returned to the appearance of a little white rabbit, scared, terrified, and helpless, "My lord, I beg you, don't destroy my qin, as long as the emperor is happy , I will promise you whatever you want me to do."

Mu Wan couldn't help picking her lips, his revealing eyes did not escape her eyes.

Good boy, I want to play the innocent and helpless boy in front of her!

Almost at this moment, she affirmed that Nan Sheng was the spy of Nanliang.

He hid it well, but it was a pity that he met her.

She is not so easy to be fooled, after Chu Fox's wave of operations, she can still be fooled just like this, she should go back to the furnace and rebuild.

But the next moment, she was dumbfounded.

I saw this guy standing up suddenly, as if he was willing to give in, pulled off his belt, and took it off in front of her...


"If the emperor is dissatisfied with the subject, you can come at me, please don't ruin my mother's piano."

Where did he stand, he took off one by one and walked towards her.

Mu Wan stepped back subconsciously, pointed the dagger at him, gritted her teeth and said, "Stop."

This trick can be described as poisonous!

(End of this chapter)

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