Chapter 268
Nan Sheng's eyes narrowed slightly, an elite light flashed secretly, and he didn't stop, but continued to approach her.

He found out that she was panicking and pretending to be calm... It's interesting.

Mu Wan's ears were reddish, she never thought there would be someone more shameless than Chu Huli, in comparison, this Nan Sheng was even more hateful.

"Presumptuous, one more step, I will not only destroy your qin, but also take your head."

Seeing her put the blade on the strings, she also uttered harsh words.

Nan Sheng had no choice but to pause, "Isn't your majesty..."

"Shut up and get dressed." Mu Wan gritted her teeth secretly.

Thought he was innocent!

Men in this world are generally dark, and there is really no good thing, especially the men in the harem are not things.

Mu Wan was so angry that after he put it back on, she returned the piano to him, took a deep breath, and forced herself to calm down.

From cold and stern to pale, and then resumed his usual smile, he said: "I was just joking with my concubine, I was a little bored at night, I would occasionally have a little stimulation, I hope my concubine will not take it seriously."

Nan Sheng: "...."

He lowered his eyes and smiled faintly, "As long as the emperor is happy."

He also returned to his usual harmless appearance.

"I'm overwhelmed, you step back."

After Mu Wan finished speaking, she opened the door and asked someone to take him out.

"The minister will take his leave first, and come back tomorrow to play music for the emperor."

Nan Sheng bowed slightly and backed away holding his precious Qin.

Mu Wan opened her mouth to say no, but she had already run away, so there was no chance for her to refuse.


Qingge and Qingxue had been guarding outside, they had long wanted to rush in when they heard the commotion inside, but they were afraid of angering the emperor, so they didn't dare to come in.

Seeing that Mu Wan's complexion was not very good, she asked, "Your Majesty, are you alright?"

They were afraid of the same thing as Fuyu last time.

The prince asked them to secretly protect the empress and not allow anyone to touch her.

But Mu Wan is the emperor after all, even if she doesn't think about entering the harem to favor other concubines, there will still be concubines competing for favor with various purposes and ideas.

The harem has been like this since ancient times, whether it is a male concubine or a female concubine, the essence will not change.

Yu Meiren is, and so is the current concubine Sheng.

Maybe there will be others in the future.

In the big dye vat of the harem, it is indispensable to compete for favor and flattery around the emperor.

Not everyone has a dignified status like Situ Mo and the others, has a strong background, cares about brotherhood very much, and sticks to his original aspiration from beginning to end.


Mu Wan leaned on the rocking chair, swayed a few times, rubbed her temples, and said, "I'm fine, let's go down."

She just suddenly found that she was not as free and easy as she imagined.

Facing a man who has no feelings and I don't like, I really can't get close to him.

She is not the eldest princess, nor is she like a man who can love without heart.

It seems that this beautiful man in the harem is not blessed to enjoy it!

Qingge Qingxue saw that she was fine, so she retreated slightly.

Mu Wan continued to lean on the rocking chair and looked at the beams for a while before getting up to go to bed.

And at this moment, a person suddenly appeared behind him.

Her complexion changed, and she immediately turned around with a dagger in her hand——

The man grabbed her wrist and pinched Mu Wan so hard that she frowned in pain, and the dagger fell to the floor with a "clang".

"Queen, you are so brave to break into the Xuanwu Palace privately, let me go."

Looking up to see who was coming, Mu Wan was really annoyed.

I thought it was an assassin, but I didn't expect it to be him. Is this person sick and sneaked into her bedroom without sleeping at night? What on earth is he trying to do? !

Chu Bei held onto her hand tightly, Jun's face was full of gloom, and when he learned that Concubine Sheng was looking for her, he ran over purposely... and hid on the roof to peek.

If Fu Si and the others hadn't followed him and stopped him in time, Nan Sheng's head would have been pinched.

Seeing that he didn't speak, but just stared at her coldly, Mu Wan frowned, feeling a little helpless in her heart, and then forcefully opened his fingers one by one, "I tell you to let me go..."

(End of this chapter)

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