Chapter 272
The next day, five watch.

She stepped on someone's face unexpectedly.

She really didn't mean it.

But the resentment in Chu Bei's eyes was enough to strangle her to death.

"I think you are looking for abuse."

The bed in Suzaku Palace is so big and comfortable, so I didn't go back to sleep, but insisted on going to her place to sleep on the floor, can you blame her? !

Mu Wan got up and ignored him, walked around the screen and began to wash her face and brush her teeth.

The man covered his face and followed her, watching her rinse her mouth with something unknown, frowned and said, "Is this the toothbrush you mentioned?"

Usually they brush their teeth with specially made wicker, but after going to the Xuanwu Hall, they only see her using a toothbrush. The things she uses are always very strange and convenient, and people can't put them down.

He has been wondering how she came up with these things?
Mu Wan paused, rinsed her mouth, raised her eyebrows and said, "Yeah, why don't we mass-produce it, make it a manufacturing workshop, open a convenience store or something later, what do you think?"

When it comes to doing business to make money, she is always radiant and full of energy, her eyes twinkling like pearls shining brightly.

And for him, by the way, it will become more pleasant.

Chu Bei's eyes softened, he took the toothbrush she handed over, and said, "Okay, you write down the production method, and I will ask someone to arrange it."

"Yeah, when I ask Fu Si to research toothpaste, soap, etc., and make them together, I will open a convenience store in the capital."

Mu Wan smiled happily, paused, and explained, "I think these things are very convenient to use, so I just call the store a convenience store, straightforward and friendly to the people, what do you think?"

"Well, I'll listen to you."

"Then I will take it as your promise to contribute. You pay the money first, and when I earn money, I will pay you back the principal with interest."

He has a mine, so it doesn't matter if he hugs this thigh first.

"You don't need to pay it back... just pretend that I am going to apologize to the emperor for last night's rudeness, and I will bear all the money in the workshop and convenience store. If the emperor refuses, it means that I will not forgive me." Chu Bei looked up. looking at her.

Mu Wan blinked. Last night's impoliteness meant... She licked her red and swollen lips, which still hurt, and her mood instantly became unhappy. Yes, he was too rude last night. I was a dog, and I was almost bitten by him. die.

"Since the queen apologized sincerely, then I will forgive you once, and I will leave all the workshop and convenience store to you."

Chu Bei's eyes were delighted, and he turned his head to look at the untidy floor bed, so he didn't need to sleep on the floor bed tonight.

"it is good."

He smiled in surprise.

Mu Wan nodded slightly, she planned to get dressed after washing.

Chu Bei also started to wash up, and then quickly tidied up the floor, so as not to be seen by others...

When Tan Momo and the others came in, they found that both of them had washed and dressed.

Neither of them knew how to comb their hair, so they waited for them to do it.

Mu Wan glanced at the man who returned to his cold and indifferent expression.

This stuff really works!

Just like him, I don't know how many people he deceived.

She definitely didn't know about her shameless appearance in private.

People before and after are completely different.


Realizing that she was looking at him, Chu Bei couldn't help but curled his lips and whispered.

"Hypocrisy, hum..."

Mu Wan thought of what kind of scoundrel he was when there was no one in private, so she couldn't help but despise him.

Chu Bei: "...??"

Didn't you just coax it, so what's the matter. ⊙_⊙

Women's Sea Needle...

Mu Wan stepped out first, and Chu Bei followed depressedly, always thinking about how he provoked her again.

Outside, Chasing Shadow stepped forward, "Your Majesty, Your Highness."

Seeing his anxious expression, Chu Bei said lightly, "What's the matter, tell me."

Zhui Ying cupped his hands slightly, "Go back to your lord, last night a group of men in black appeared in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and wanted to assassinate the assassins in custody."

(End of this chapter)

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