Chapter 273

"How about the assassin?"

"Feiying led people to arrive in time, the assassin is fine, the man in black ran away and found that he had entered the palace."

Chu Bei nodded slightly and waved his hand to let him back down, looked at Mu Wan, and said with a smile, "Yu'er can't hold it anymore."


Are you referring to Zhao Shisan? !

Mu Wan pulled the corner of her lower lip, "Zhao Shisan sent someone to assassinate that assassin, because he didn't want his previous plot to be exposed."

In order to force her to accept Nan Sheng as her concubine, she actually sent someone to assassinate herself, hmph, sinister villain.

If the assassin confessed, then Nan Sheng would definitely be thrown into limbo.

Chu Bei laughed. "no."


Mu Wan looked at him in surprise.

If you don't tell her about the matter now, you will definitely go to investigate at your own risk, and you can't let her get close to Nan Sheng.

Chu Bei thought for a while, and then said truthfully, "Zhao Shisan has always been cautious in his actions, and he will not intentionally leave hidden dangers. His purpose of doing this is to find an excuse to break into the prison, find someone, and then save him."

He sent someone to assassinate the assassin, and he was not afraid of being exposed. Even if they tracked down the palace, they would only say that it was because the assassin wanted to assassinate him, so damn it.

There are good reasons, not to mention the death of an assassin, the Ministry of Criminal Justice has nothing to do with him.

You can't offend the Regent of Nanliang for the sake of an assassin.

It turned out to be the case.

"So, he let Nan Sheng enter the palace to approach me to save that person? Then who are they going to save?"

Mu Wan wanted to understand the cause and effect, but she didn't know who was the person Zhao Shisan cared so much about and had to save. It must be a very important person who took so much trouble.

Chu Bei raised his lips slightly, "It's not someone else, it's Fuyu."


Mu Wan's tone was startled, she never expected it to be him.

Before Fuyu entered the palace, he was an orphan. According to the palace records, he was sold into the land of fireworks since he was a child. Because of his beauty and amazing beauty, he was favored by the eldest princess and brought back to the princess mansion. He was carefully trained and trained to become a male favorite Was sent to the palace dedicated to her.

It's hard to imagine any connection between him and the Prince Regent of Nanliang.

Could it be that Zhao Shisan fell in love with Fuyu? !

Mu Wan's eyes widened.

Chu Bei is full of black lines, "Don't think wrong, Zhao Shisan is not that kind of person, Fuyu is the younger brother of the Empress Dowager of Nanliang, the son of General Nangong's mansion, he was trained as a spy of Nanliang since he was a child, and sent to Kingdom."


It's so ruthless that even my own brother is willing to be trained as a spy, sent to the enemy's country, and even become a male favourite. It's really tragic.

But is Zhao Shisan so concerned about Fuyu because of the Empress Dowager of Nanliang? !
Mu Wan's eyes lit up, and she secretly said excitedly, "Zhao Shisan and the Queen Mother of Nanliang are having an affair, is it true?"

Chu Bei's face turned black, how could she know about this.

"It's so rumored that the Empress Dowager of Nanliang was Zhao Shisan's fiancée before she married the late Emperor of Nanliang, but because of Nangongdi's military power and her father's fate, she broke the beautiful marriage contract and married the late emperor and became the successor. Less than three months after the late emperor passed away, Zhao Shisan became the regent, supported the son of the late prince, and the grandson of the emperor became the empress dowager of Nanliang."

Chu Bei silently gave her some superficial relationship between the Nanliang royal family.

Mu Wan listened with gusto, nodded and made various speculations, "Could it be that the former Emperor of Nanliang was jealous of Zhao Shisan, and then he robbed his fiancée by tricks, and Zhao Shisan secretly killed the late Emperor because he was out of anger?"

Chu Bei: "...."

"I don't know, but Zhao Shisan held the military power at that time. He had a high position and great achievements. The first prince died because of him. The former emperor of Nanliang did have a lot of dissatisfaction and suspicion towards him before he was alive, but the death of the first emperor of Nanliang was due to Sickness, marrying a heir is also for joy, but who knows that it doesn't work, and finally died of illness."

The information he knew was superficial, and what was actually the case was a secret of the Nanliang royal family, which was difficult to obtain.

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(End of this chapter)

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