Chapter 294 Jealousy

Zhao Shisan looked worried, and looked up at Chu Bei coldly, "Well, I will wait for the emperor to give a satisfactory answer. First, someone assassinated, and now it is poisoning. I want to see why the person behind is so serious. Concubine Sheng."

Mu Wan: "...."

Speaking of which, several days have passed, and the matter of the assassin has not been explained yet.

This Zhao Shisan is really difficult to deal with, the assassin is his dead man, very loyal, he would rather die than submit, it is difficult to ask him something!

Now he took the opportunity to put pressure on her again.

Are you trying to get enough bargaining chips?

Mu Wan's expression remained unchanged, she secretly sneered: What an old fox.

Chu Bei's expression was indifferent, he glanced at the little eunuch coldly, and said with a half-smile, "The imperial physician Xuan Fu is here."

Soon, Fu Si came over with a medicine box.

He looked very bad when he came in.

Recently, he has been called and called almost every day, running around with a medicine box.

At this moment, he wanted to drop the medicine box and quit.

There are so many imperial doctors in the imperial hospital, why are you looking for him alone?
Fu Si glared at the men and women in the hall, bowed his hands slightly, and then turned and went inside.

Mu Wan and Chu Bei: "...."

Looks like he'll have to give him two days off.

Otherwise, this guy will definitely drop the medicine box and run away.

The two of them thought of something tacitly, and then looked at each other and smiled.

Zhao Shisan sat on the side watching this scene with cold eyes, feeling inexplicably unhappy and jealous.

That's right, it was jealousy, he was jealous of Chu Bei.

This kid is so smooth, he became famous in one battle at a young age, and became the famous war god of the kingdom at a young age.

Entering the palace and becoming a male queen, I thought it was a great shame and a stain on his life.

But it's not like that now, he "married" to the woman he likes, and lived a very happy life.

The two love each other happily, live happily ever after, the emperor and empress go to court together, handle state affairs together, can be inseparable from the one they love, have power, fame and fortune, and the only noble woman in the world.

Look at him again, he has a lot of fate in his life, he was born to be the fate of the lone star of the god of evil, he was not liked by his father, he was rejected by everyone, he was jealous of his elder brother, he finally managed to fight a bloody path on the battlefield, he thought he could return victorious Everything changed from then on, but he met Chu Bei, and in the end he was defeated. After returning to the capital disheartened, he learned that his fiancée had married his imperial brother and became his successor...

Their lives are like two extremes, Chu Bei is too lucky, and he is too unlucky.

The more Zhao Shisan thought about it, the more unhappy he became, and he finally understood why he was always so angry these days.

His eyes fell on the face of the girl with a bright smile, his falcon-like eyes flashed faintly, and suddenly a thought flashed through him, he wanted to get this woman, snatch her here, and let this kid also taste the pain he had suffered.

Feel a chill.

Chu Bei and Mu Wan looked at each other together, Zhao Shisan restrained his emotions in the blink of an eye, and drank the tea calmly with his lowered eyes.

Mu Wan frowned slightly, and picked up the fruit on the table to eat, but the man beside him snatched it in time, "I will try it first."

As he said that, he took a bite and allowed her to eat it after tasting it.


Mu Wan opened her mouth, wanting to say that if he was so straightforward, he wouldn't be afraid to offend Zhao Shisan?
next moment.

Sure enough, Zhao Shisan sneered displeasedly, "Is the queen afraid that concubine Sheng will poison the emperor?"

Chu Bei bit the fruit, smiled and hooked his lips indifferently, "The regent's words are serious, the regent doesn't know about it, the emperor has been assassinated and poisoned since he took the throne, and the emperor's vegetarian diet must be carefully tested. You can only enter it after passing, don’t the emperor of Nanliang usually test poison?”

Zhao Shisan's face was gloomy, "Then there's no need for the queen to try it herself." He clearly had ulterior motives in doing so.

"This king is willing, can't you?" Chu Bei's eyes were as cold as water, and he smiled arrogantly.

Don't think he doesn't know, he was spying on his woman just now.

The murderous aura leaked out, and he wanted to kill him and replace him.

Chu Bei stared at Zhao Shisan with deep and cold pupils, full of hostility.

Mu Wan gnawed on the fruit and looked at him with wide eyes. Why did this guy suddenly go crazy?
What did he do to anger Zhao Shisan on purpose?
Zhao Shisan's face was livid with anger, he clenched his fists, looked at Mu Wan with a gentle smile and said, "Your Majesty, are you satisfied with the gift from me?"

Mu Wan narrowed her eyes, "Thank you, Prince Regent, for your kindness. I have seen the things and am very satisfied."

"It's good that the emperor is satisfied. If the emperor likes it, I can send people from Nanliang to send it over. They are all unique tributes from Nanliang." Zhao Shisan smiled and felt that the empress's expression was really cute, so he was willing. Send her something.

"I heard that Nanliang has beautiful scenery, outstanding people, and is rich in beauties. Apart from these, what other specialties does Nanliang have?" Mu Wan took a bite of the fruit and said it casually, purely for chatting.

But Zhao Shisan thought about it seriously, and said, "There are a lot of specialties in Nanliang. If the emperor likes it, I can collect it for you and send it to the monarchy."

"No, no, it's such a hassle. I'll go south and choose myself." Mu Wan laughed.

"Does the emperor want to visit Nanliang?" Zhao Shisan raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.


The man next to him with a handsome face that was about to crack finally broke out unbearably.

Mu Wan looked at Chu Bei, felt his cold and displeased eyes, quickly restrained her smile, and said regretfully, "I was just joking, how could I leave the palace, that dream is too far away."


"Now that the two countries have a good relationship, if the emperor wants to visit Nanliang, this king welcomes him at any time."

Chu Bei narrowed his eyes slightly, "It's hard to guarantee that the two countries will not encounter some thugs to assassinate. If you want to play, this king can take the emperor to travel around the entire territory of the Jun Kingdom. The mountains and rivers of the Jun Kingdom are as beautiful as Nanliang."

Mu Wan's eyes lit up, and she was looking forward to it. It would be nice to have the opportunity to travel around the entire kingdom. The kingdom is quite large, with the largest land area among the four major kingdoms.

At this time, Zhao Shisan's eyes flickered darkly, motioned for someone to hand over a box, and said with a smile, "If the emperor is worried about being assassinated, I have a treasure here that I can give to the emperor. It can save my life in times of danger."

Mu Wan was flattered, he was a little too enthusiastic.

I just delivered a lot of things, and now I'm giving them away again. The box looks very delicate, so it should be a good treasure.

Xiao Lizi went over to take it, and handed it to Mu Wan respectfully.

"Golden Cicada Soft Armor Clothes."

Chu Bei glanced and blurted out.

Mu Wan's eyes showed surprise. Looking at Chu Bei's expression, she guessed that this might be the legendary soft hedgehog armor.

Legend has it that it is woven with a mixture of gold silk and thousand-year-old teng branches.

Invulnerable to swords and guns, insoluble in fire and water.

The necessary magic weapon in martial arts novels to walk the rivers and lakes.

I didn't think it was true.

Mu Wan was very pleasantly surprised.

Chu Bei's expression was not very good. This kind of invulnerable life-saving soft armor was the only one Zhao Shisan had, but he was willing to give it away. It's really a big deal. What exactly does he want to do?
Mu Wan picked up the soft armor, looked left and right, couldn't put it down, as if she got a treasure, she was a little excited, this thing is really good, it's shiny golden, very soft, and beautiful, and it can save your life if you wear it, it's really rare Dear baby.

Seeing the empress's satisfied smile, Zhao Shisan couldn't help but glance at Chu Bei, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, with a smug smile, like provocation, like showing off.

(End of this chapter)

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