Chapter 295

If the envoys from Nanliang saw his expression like this, they would definitely be terrified. The regent king has always been ruthless. He never liked to smile when he was a child, but now he smiles so sweetly... What a hell.

It was not the first time that the shadow behind him noticed the change of the regent. Although he was shocked, he still remained calm.

Chu Bei's pupils were deep and cold, and he looked at Mu Wan, not to be outdone, and said, "Your Majesty, how can I have a silkworm robe made of ice silk for thousands of years, which is comparable to the golden cicada's soft armor."

"Can you also be invulnerable, insoluble in water and fire?"

Mu Wan paused, and couldn't help but stare at him with wide eyes.

Chu Bei nodded and said with a smile, "That's right, and the emperor will definitely be more beautiful wearing it."

"Really... Do you want to give it to me?" Mu Wan couldn't help getting excited. The whole thing was a dress, which was much better than this little vest.

"I have long wanted to give it to the emperor."

He had planned to wait until her 16th birthday to give it to her.

Now being stimulated by Zhao Shisanyi, the gift had to be brought forward.

Wait for her birthday before seeing her off.

As he spoke, the dark guard came in with a big box in his arms.

When Zhao Shisan took out the golden cicada soft armor suit, he hinted to the hidden guard to get the silkworm suit at the bottom of the box.

Mu Wan opened the box, saw the beautiful dress, and immediately smiled, "This dress is really beautiful."

The sky blue dress, with peacock feathers embroidered on the skirt, is exquisite and gorgeous, feels cold and silky to the touch, and has an excellent drape.

Mu Wan hugged the dress and didn't let it go. She obviously liked it very much. Wearing it, even if she walked across the capital, she would not be afraid of being assassinated and losing her life. This kind of good thing was sent to her heart.

Whenever he is happy and excited, he wants to reward him with a kiss.

She thought about it and did so, not minding the public, hugged Chu Bei's handsome face and kissed suddenly, "Thank you queen."

Chu Bei didn't expect it, he didn't expect her to be so bold, his ears turned red, but his heart was as sweet as canned honey, he raised his eyebrows and glanced at a certain prince's black face that was about to crack, and smiled, "Regent Let’s put away the soft armor of the king, it’s too expensive, the emperor can’t afford it.”

It's not that he can't afford it, but that he has already given her the best. Zhao Shisan was compared abruptly.

This made him very embarrassed, his face was extremely dark and ugly, he only hated that this was not in Nanliang, otherwise he would never lose to him.

Hearing this, Mu Wan stabilized her smug smile, put away the golden cicada soft armor, and motioned for someone to return it to Zhao Shisan, "The queen is right, the things are too expensive, the regent should keep them for himself. "

What he sent always felt malicious.

"There is absolutely no reason to take back what this king sent out. If the emperor does not accept it, could it be that he looks down on this king?" Zhao Shisan said coldly with a dark face.

Mu Wan: "...."

It's so strange today, why are you rushing to give her something? !

With such a big deal, I don't even think about Chu Huhu and Zhao Shisan she knows!
Are you taking the wrong medicine?
Zhao Shisan had a tough attitude, so Mu Wan could only raise her eyebrows and look at Chu Bei, meaning to listen to him.

She wanted to accept all the orders, but she was afraid that Huhu Chu would be unhappy and would not give her the silkworm dress. If she had to choose between the two, she would of course choose the big silkworm dress.

Chu Bei narrowed his eyes slightly, and stretched out his arms to hug her, "If the regent says so, the emperor should not take the prince's kindness into consideration."

It means that he agrees to her accepting it.

Mu Wan grinned happily, her eyes were bright, and she said with some enthusiasm, "Then I'm not welcome."

Quickly waved his hands to let Xiao Lizi take both boxes back.

Chu Bei: "...."

Zhao Shisan: "...."

At this time, Fu Si came out holding the medicine box after checking Nan Sheng's injuries.

"Physician Fu, how are you?" Mu Wan asked when she saw him.

He had black lines all over his face, "It's not poisoning, it's because he ate too much seafood recently that caused the wound to worsen. Concubine Sheng was injured by a knife and she taboos eating seafood. I sent someone to tell the imperial dining room."

Zhao Shisan suddenly said in a bad tone, "I'm afraid someone deliberately put seafood soup in Concubine Sheng's food. This matter must be thoroughly investigated."

Mu Wan: "...."

"Then start checking from the imperial dining room immediately." Chu Bei smiled.

He didn't give an order, and the Imperial Dining Room didn't dare to do so, but wanted to see how long their play would last.

From beginning to end, Chu Bei believed that Nan Sheng was directing and acting on his own, eating seafood on purpose and making his injury worse on purpose.

"No need to check..."

At this time, Mu Wan squeezed out a smile and stood up with a guilty conscience.

Zhao Shisan and Chu Bei frowned and looked at her.

Seeing her dodging eyes, Chu Bei secretly supported his forehead, remembering that Concubine Sheng had eaten shrimp and crab porridge casserole with her that day.

"What does the emperor mean?" Zhao Shisan frowned slightly.

Could it be that he wanted to protect Chu Bei? !
"Hmph, we must investigate thoroughly."

The man's eyes were full of killing, and he refused to stop.

"Prince Regent calm down, I know what's going on, Concubine Sheng ate seafood porridge with me in Xuanwu Palace that day... I didn't know that his wound hadn't healed, so I didn't stop him..." Mu Wan hurriedly surrendered.

After a long time, she "poisoned" Concubine Sheng.

Seeing him eating so happily that day, he must have wanted to eat very much, so he hid the injury from her.

Zhao Shisan: "...."

Fu Si: "...."

Zhao Shisan squeezed the center of his brows silently, and the anger in his heart jumped up. If Nan Sheng was in front of him at this moment, he would definitely not be able to help giving him a kick. It's the poison and the mouth, it's extremely stupid, it really sucks, if you find a chance, you must reward him with a whip, otherwise he won't have a long memory.

In the hall, young Nan Sheng saw the Prince Regent walking in with a black face, his eyes dodged subconsciously, his body was uncontrollably frightened, his face was pale, and he was trembling a little, like a kitten who made a mistake and was afraid of being punished by its master.

The point is, the little cat is still looking at her with pitiful and helpless eyes.

Mu Wan: "...."

"Prince Regent, I'm to blame for this, not Concubine Sheng, it's I who let him eat."

Chu Bei stood aside, watching Nan Sheng's shameless behavior coldly, his nose was not his nose, his eyes were not his eyes.

This kid is too cunning, knowing that Jun Muwan will be soft-hearted, and he can't stand the pitiful eyes of this little animal, so he deliberately showed such fearful and helpless eyes to ask her for help.

What's even more annoying is Jun Muwan, this woman is more affectionate and playful than he imagined, she is no different from the emperors since ancient times, the emperor does not distinguish between men and women, as long as she is an emperor, she is a scumbag and a scumbag.

She also did not escape the ancient laws.

But it doesn't matter, he is already ready to strangle all the peach blossoms around her, and see if she dares to be promiscuous...

Chu Bei secretly gritted his teeth and stared at the woman beside him. If she dared to come forward to comfort Concubine Sheng, he would immediately pinch off this little peach blossom first.

Feeling the chilly murderous aura behind her, Mu Wan's hair was all over her body.

(End of this chapter)

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