Chapter 296
Mu Wan was hairy all over, expressing that it's really hard to be a human being, and it's even harder to be an empress. With a conscience, she wanted to help Nan Sheng out of sympathy and a sense of shame.

Didn't you see Zhao Shisan's ferocious gaze?
From a glance, he knew that he worked under his hands, and he was often beaten severely.

She suspected that Zhao Shisan had violent tendencies.

Nan Sheng and Fu Yu are poor people.

But she also has a sense of propriety, she is only limited to saying a few good words, and doesn't care about the rest.


Nan Sheng was sitting on the edge of the bed, clutching the quilt tightly with his slender hands, he did not expect that the Empress would help him take the blame.

It was obvious that he was greedy and deliberately concealed it from her that day, but she was not angry and even spoke good words for him.

At this moment, the boy's chest was oppressed and felt warm, and even his nose was a little sore.

He is just a boy of thirteen, he is still a child after all, he has never received any care since he was a child, and he chose to become a chess piece in the hands of the regent in order to survive.

As a secret agent, he is not good, and he is not valued. He only likes to play the piano and compose music, and he just wants to live...

That's why the regent brought him to the kingdom to lurk beside the empress, take over Fuyu's task, and let her fend for herself.

Nan Sheng's eyes were reddish, looking at Zhao Shisan with a hint of youthful rebellion.

Zhao 13's eyes darkened, and he regretted letting him come. The dead child not only failed to complete the task for a long time, but also dared to hide the matter from him. If he hadn't raised him himself, he would have sent him to the border to live on his own. self-destruct.

The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't help wanting to slap him.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Mu Wanqing coughed, "Let him have a good rest first."

The regent still knows how to measure, he slightly cupped his hands, and said in the tone of a father-in-law, "The king will leave first, and Nan Sheng will be handed over to the emperor. This king hopes that the emperor will treat him well, otherwise this king will not be able to explain to Nan Sheng." .”


Mu Wan was so speechless that she couldn't even speak polite words.

I really don't know how his face is so thick, Nan Sheng is a spy sent by him, and she didn't get rid of him early, it is considered a great mercy of her, but he still dares to ask her to treat Concubine Sheng kindly? !
If she didn't know that Nan Sheng was a spy, Mu Wan would definitely be moved by Zhao Shisan's words. After all, she was not her own father, but she cared more about Nan Sheng than her own father.

Seeing Zhao Shisan say these words without changing his face, Mu Wan secretly sneered, "Since he entered the palace, he is one of my people. As long as he can keep himself safe, I will naturally protect him."

Looking at the smiling girl, Zhao Shisan narrowed his narrow eyebrows slightly, "With the emperor's guarantee, I can rest assured."

Mu Wan: "...."

What guarantee?She made no promises.

Mu Wan's depressed sample instantly pleased the regent. A smile curled up on his lips, and he raised his eyebrows and glanced coldly at the displeased Chu Bei. His mood improved a lot in an instant. With his hands behind his back, he walked away from Xingman Hall with refreshing steps.

After he left.

Mu Wan looked back at the young man with slightly red eyes. Apart from being a little weak, there seemed to be no major problem. She gave a few official instructions and planned to leave.

At this moment, the boy stopped her, "Your Majesty..."

"Concubine Sheng is weak and needs to rest. Don't walk around or eat indiscriminately if you have nothing to do." Chu Bei put his shoulders on the empress's shoulders and looked back, and immediately gave a stern warning.

Nan Sheng lowered his eyes and said, "I just want to have a private conversation with the emperor."

"Just say what you have to say, this king won't listen to you?" Chu Bei's eyes were sharp with displeasure.

The boy's eyes flashed secretly, revealing a look of fear, "The empress is calm, I just want to talk to the emperor alone, don't you have the qualifications?"

"Okay, the queen should go out first." Mu Wan had a headache.

Chu Bei's eyes darkened and he wanted to slap him, just like Zhao Shisan's mood just now, this kid is too mean, and he is too cunning, the child brought out by Zhao Shisan is indeed as virtuous as him, cunning and shameless.


When Mu Wan spoke, he still wanted to save face.

His eyes warned Nan Sheng again, and then he went out with his clothes on, "The king is outside, call me if you have something to do."

He didn't dare to assassinate the empress even if he tried.

If he dares, tear him down.


Mu Wan: "...."

"Okay, I understand, the queen doesn't have to worry, I will definitely call you if something happens."

After coaxing people to send it out with a good voice, Mu Wan turned her head and wiped her sweat silently.

"The empress is so rude, why isn't the emperor angry? It seems that the emperor really dotes on the empress." Seeing this scene, Nan Sheng couldn't help being envious and jealous of Chu Bei.

Why is there so many beautiful men in the harem, but the empress dotes on him alone!
Think about yourself is not bad.

The empress never looked at him more.

Thinking back to the day when she went all out in Xuanwu Hall to serve as a servant, but until the end she didn't touch her and even sent him out.

And the next day, he heard that the queen stayed in the Xuanwu Hall, ate and lived with the emperor and went to the morning court together. He still had many privileges, and the emperor seemed to pamper and protect him a lot.

I thought it was a shame to fight for favor and flatter the empress.

But now, he is no longer disgusted, but yearns for the empress's favor. He is simply crazy. If this continues, he will never be able to complete the task.

The teenager clutched at the quilt along with subconscious restlessness.

"The queen is more delicate."

Mu Wan heard the sourness in the boy's tone, and her brows twitched violently.

"Didn't Aifei have something to say to me? Since there is no one else, you should hurry up and tell me."

She has a lot to do and is very busy.

Mu Wan went to the chair and sat down, looking at the young man in front of the bed. He was wearing a thin white jacket, with black hair hanging down, and picturesque eyebrows, like a handsome young man who came out of an ink painting, with a tinge of sickness in his skin She was white, her beautiful eyes dodged slightly, she looked at her and quickly dodged again, and her ears were faintly red, "Thank you just now for the protection of the emperor's servants... and... I'm sorry, that minister didn't deliberately deceive the emperor, nor did he intend to scare the emperor. Yes." Thinking of Meng Lang's behavior that night, his ears became hot red.


Just to tell her this?

Mu Wan unconsciously raised her eyebrows, looked at his slightly red cheeks, and frowned slightly, sometimes she really couldn't judge what kind of person he was.

Saying that he is innocent and harmless, it will look fake, as if he is naturally like this.

But the gloomy and cold eyes he showed that day were not fake. This beautiful young man became cruel and cruel, and he was definitely a murderer without blinking an eye.

It can only be said that no matter what he does, the first purpose is for him to protect himself...

After all, there was almost no sunshine in his past days, and the people around him were not friendly to him.

Mu Wan thought she didn't understand him, so she laughed, "These are trivial things, don't worry about them."

"Why isn't the emperor angry?"

Nan Sheng raised his eyes slightly surprised.

What he did was deceiving the emperor. If he was in Nanliang Palace, Emperor Zhao would definitely be angry.

"Aifei means you want me to punish you?" Mu Wan twitched, wondering if he was masochistic.

"I don't mean that..."

He just wanted to know if she didn't blame him, but if she was conniving and protecting him on purpose, if so... Does that mean that he fell into her heart.

"Okay, take care of yourself, as long as you keep yourself safe, you'll just have one more person in the harem." Mu Wan was still very wary of his identity, and her tone was a little more warning.

The boy watched her leave without any regrets, and suddenly felt a sense of loss.

It was the first time he met someone who could make him feel warm...

(End of this chapter)

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