The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 303 The Emperor Plans to Give Snow Er a Marriage

Chapter 303 The Emperor Plans to Give Snow Er a Marriage

She doesn't want to overturn the jealousy every day, quarrel and fight every day, it's too boring, she just wants to live in peace with them.

"This king understands that this king is too impatient. It will not be like this in the future. This king will trust the emperor."

Mu Wan: "..."

Emotional intelligence is quite high, and he can recognize himself immediately, and he can change and accept his own shortcomings. He can say these words, which made Mu Wan look at him again in his heart. In ancient times, not all men were willing to let go In order to save face, put down your posture and pursue to please a woman, especially a man like Chu Bei who is excellent in all aspects.

"I'm very pleased that the queen can say that." Mu Wan smiled slightly.

"In that case, let's go."

She was happy to be able to go out and relax.

After changing their clothes, Situ Mo and the others also went to the Xuanwu Hall when they heard the news, and the group set off for the Royal Racecourse.

The royal racecourse is very large, and it is usually open to the outside world, but only for the grandsons and nobles, those who are more distinguished.

Without the leadership of the emperor's grandson and nobles, the children of ordinary families cannot enter.

The Empress is coming to ride a horse.

Knowing the news in advance, the racecourse manager quickly cleared the venue, no matter who it was, they had to leave immediately.

Su Ran took Chu Bei's token and brought a few wealthy businessmen here to discuss business. With the relationship that Chu Bei gave, he would have special treatment.

So all the people he brought could stay here, and the wealthy businessmen who came with him saw the situation, and asked cautiously and worriedly, "Brother Su, is it okay for us to stay here, will it anger the empress? "

"It's okay, maybe the emperor still wants to see you." Su Ran smiled nonchalantly.

Since the Empress is keen on doing business to make money, she definitely wants to get to know these wealthy businessmen.

When they arrived at the racecourse, Chu Bei told Mu Wan that Su Ran brought a few wealthy businessmen here to discuss business.

After finding out, Mu Wan was really interested in meeting them.

In the gazebo, a few wealthy businessmen saw the empress and several concubines arriving, and immediately stood up and saluted nervously, "The grass-roots see the emperor... ladies and gentlemen..."

I don't know if these concubines will be angry if they call "Niang Niang".

The wealthy businessmen looked at the faces of the handsome young men in front of them with great anxiety, and were relieved to see that they did not look unhappy.

It's not that Chu Bei and the others don't care about this name, but they've gotten used to it, and it's a foregone conclusion. It doesn't make any sense to struggle with another name, so they just ignore it.

"Let's get down, there is no need to be formal, please sit down, I heard that you are all rich businessmen from all over the country, I don't know what kind of business they do at home."

Mu Wan sat down and picked up the teacup and took a sip. She raised her eyes and looked at the three rich businessmen. Two of them were a little older in their early thirties, and the other was a little younger in their twenties. , it can be seen that they are all rich people.

Chu Bei and the others also sat next to each other.

A man in brown brocade clothes spoke first, he was the oldest, and he was much calmer and calmer in comparison, he stood up and cupped his hands and said, "Caomin Qian Fugui has met the emperor, and returned to the emperor, Caomin's home is in Yangjiang, and the main homework is It's a tea business, most of which are with the Su family."

All the tea from the Qian family was paid tribute to the palace through the Su family and sold to the dignitaries in the capital.

Another man got up and answered, "Return to the emperor, Zhang Jinhui, a grassroots man, lives in Yunzhou, and his family is mainly engaged in the medicinal material business."

The last one is called Chi Jin, who is a wealthy man in Los Angeles. He mainly does business in horses, sheep, cattle, etc., and generally does more business with other countries.

They came to Beijing this time mainly to develop a hot pot restaurant with the Su family, as well as the automatic turntable business.

Because Mu Wan said that he wanted to open a chain store, Su Ran thought of developing other rich businessmen to join in the shares. Of course, the Su family is the big head, which is equivalent to the general salesman of the Empress. As for Su Ran's development in other places, she doesn't care. Take a few percent of the profit from it.

After roughly understanding the situation, Mu Wan didn't ask any more questions, thinking that he should quickly cultivate side dishes such as bean sprouts, and the hot pot base should be improved?
There are so many chefs in the imperial dining room, there is always room for them.

Thinking of this, Mu Wan got up and planned to ride a horse, while Su Ran stayed in the pavilion and continued to discuss with the three of them.

"Brother Chu..."

As soon as Chu Bei got up, Su Ran called to stop him.

"What's the matter?"

Chu Bei asked.

"There is something I want to have a good talk with you." Su Ran lowered her eyes slightly.

"After you go back to the palace, come and find me again." Chu Bei frowned slightly, got on the horse without saying anything, and rode away.

Su Ran stood where she was, her fist clenched, and there were countless thoughts in her eyes. This time, she had to speak clearly.


Mu Wan rode a maroon sweat-blooded BMW galloping heartily on the open lawn.

The galloping wind whistled in my ears.

Looking up at the blue sky and white clouds.

fresh air.

Riding horses and whips with a few teenagers, laughing and chasing.

This scene seems to be frozen in a photo frame, with countless colorful ink and flying paintings, which is amazing and yearning.


The girl was dressed in purple and had black hair, with a bright smile and a flamboyant smile. From time to time, she turned her head to look at the boys who were chasing up, grinned a row of white teeth, and said with a smile, "Hey, if you guys are so slow, whoever will be the last one today? Tomorrow, I will wear women's clothing as a model and go to the store to help."

As soon as they heard the words "wear women's clothes", all the teenagers turned black, whipped their horses and immediately accelerated.

In less than a while, Quan ran up to her.

"Ha ha…"

Mu Wan laughed happily. Immediately, her eyes flickered, she waved her whip not to be outdone, and lowered her head slightly to the horse's ear, her red lips lightly raised, "Red, run, I will reward you if you win!" Beautiful daughter-in-law for you."

Just now the boy said that Hong Hong is the horse's hard-earned horse, and he has liked Xiao Ci's horse, Xue Er, for a long time.

When she said this, she didn't know if she was really smart, or if the horse was too spiritual. When she heard that she was rewarded with a daughter-in-law, she immediately ran with all her might, like a runaway horse.

That speed, even a thousand miles away, was no exaggeration, and it instantly left Chu Bei and the others behind.

The teenagers suddenly looked dumbfounded.

"What's going on with Honghong today?" Xiao Ci asked in surprise.

Usually, this sweaty horse is quite lazy, and he likes to cling to his snow ears.

The stallion is the least aggressive. I thought he was docile, so I chose him for the empress.

Xia Houjin smiled and said, "It must have been stimulated."

Chu Bei glanced at Xiao Ci, he was the closest to the empress just now, and she heard what she said clearly, after thinking about it, he prepared him mentally in advance, and said, "The emperor plans to give Xue Er a marriage."

After speaking, he walked away.

Xiao Ci was stunned by a thunderbolt, his face darkened and he stood there dumbfounded.

Xia Houjin, Fu Si, and Situ Mo gave him a sympathetic look, and then rushed forward quickly. No matter what, they didn't want to wear women's clothes.

There is no doubt that No.1 is the empress, Chubei is second, Xia Houjin is third... Xiao Ci is the last one.

Xiao Ci rode the snow fungus, "treading", and came over with some hopelessness in his life.

Where Mu Wan was standing holding the horse, Hong Hong cried out excitedly when she saw Xue Er, as if to say, I can finally marry you.

The pure and kind Snow Er, completely ignorant of it, leads her master closer step by step.

"Okay, don't bark, and be careful to scare your wife away." Mu Wan tugged on the rope and patted the horse's back, laughing.

Chu Bei and the others: "..."

Xiao Ci dismounted from his horse wanting to cry but without tears, his voice was a bit sad, "Your Majesty..."

(End of this chapter)

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