The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 304 Unheard, Unseen, Unseen

Chapter 304 Unheard, Unseen, Unseen
Xueer was raised by him since he was a child, and when he suddenly said that he would give her a horse as a wife, he suddenly felt that his daughter had been snatched away by a bully.

Hong Hong likes snow fungus, he knows it, so other stallions are not allowed to abduct snow fungus without authorization, let alone this bloody horse easily approach snow fungus.

"Xiao Aifei, you see that you are the last one, why don't I punish you for wearing women's clothes, how about you marrying your Xueer to my Honghong?" Mu Wan rubbed her chin and smiled, as if discussing with him. , but not his bargaining tone.

Xiao Ci: "..."

"No, Your Majesty, Xue'er is just an ordinary gallant horse, and Hong Hong is a first-class hard-earned horse. I feel that Xue'er is not worthy of the emperor's family, Hong Hong."

Everyone: "..."

Mu Wan stroked the horse's shiny and soft hair, and raised her lips slightly, "No, Xiao Aifei, it's fine if you dislike me, but your horse also dislikes my horse."

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Ci silently supported his forehead and knelt down and said, "The emperor appeases his anger, I have absolutely no intention of doing so, it's just...just..."

He was about to cry while talking.

Mu Wan looked at him like that, and twitched her eyebrows, "Could it be that you are reluctant to part with Xue Er?"

"Back to the emperor, the snow ear was raised by the minister." Xiao Ci said hastily.

Mu Wan sighed, looking at Honghong, a little depressed, "Then why, Honghong likes your snow ear, I promised it just now, I can't let me go back on my word."

The tone was a little sad.

A few teenagers had black lines all over their heads: "..."

It's not like trying to grab it hard.

She could really do this before.

Mu Wan touched the back of the horse depressedly, and her eyes lit up, "How about this, as long as you promise to marry your Xueer to my family's Honghong, I will give your Xueer a generous dowry gift, and I will grant you a wish, no matter what. In the future, I will agree to whatever conditions you put forward, and even if Xue Er gets married, it will still be your mount, how about this?"

There was a flash in the eyes of the teenagers, Xiao Ci was kneeling there, and his heart felt a little more relaxed. It doesn't matter what the bride price is, she said to make him a wish, no matter what it is, she will agree.

Anything is fine.

This is the empress's promise, once Jinkou opened, she will never go back on her word.

They all have a gold medal for avoiding death, no matter what they do in the future, they can avoid death, but Xin'er doesn't have a gold medal for avoiding death.

Only one gold medal for avoiding death can only save one life.

"What the emperor said is true." Xiao Ci's eyes flickered for a moment and thought about it.

A companion is like a tiger, no one can know what the Empress is thinking.

Although she is very easy-going and friendly now, she seems to be understanding, and she is a rare wise gentleman.

But emperors have been ruthless since ancient times. She is the empress of the monarchy and holds the power of life and death for everyone. If she knew about herself and Xin'er, Situ Mo and Xuan'er, what would she do?
It is definitely unacceptable. The royal family also values ​​face the most. No matter what they are, they are empresses and concubines, and they are the empress's men. Once the matter is exposed, this matter will not only be taboo in the royal family, but will also make the empress ridiculed by the world.

At that time, who can guarantee that the Empress will not punish them with a capital crime in a fit of rage, or even punish the nine clans?

Thinking of this, not only Xiao Ci, but also Situ Mo's faces changed.

Even Chu Bei couldn't help worrying. It's true that the Empress doesn't allow others to betray her, but she doesn't allow anyone around her to cheat in the slightest.

For concealing these things from her, Chu Bei always felt a little self-blame and restless in his heart. He always wanted to confess to her, but Xiao Ci strongly opposed it... and the fate of the four families was at stake, so he did not dare to be hasty. ordinary woman.

That's why I have been hesitant to hide it and want to wait for the right opportunity to explain it to her.


"No joke, I will do what I say, don't worry."

Mu Wan stroked the horse, and looked at Xiao Ci with narrowed eyes.

"Okay, I agree." Xiao Ci gritted his teeth and let go without any hesitation.

Mu Wan was slightly surprised, and couldn't help wondering, is the emperor's promise so alluring?

That's right, she is the emperor, holding the power of life and death for everyone, so they must be scruples.

Thinking of this, the corners of her lips raised slightly, she was in a good mood, and being an emperor still had some advantages.

"Xue Er, the king of this county is sorry for you."

Xiao Ci got up and touched the horse, gritted his teeth and handed her the rope.

Mu Wan: "..."

"Didn't I say I would be hired?"

"Your Majesty, are you joking, do you really want to give Xue'er a dowry?" The corners of Xiao Ci's mouth twitched, this is really unheard of, unseen.

This woman is always surprising.

"Well, I will hire you according to the standards of a lady, and I will let Xiao Lizi go to Xiao's house to propose marriage later." Mu Wan said happily.

At that time, she will hold a lively wedding for Hong Hong.

The mount she raised naturally couldn't lose to Chu Fox and the others.

The little fat pig can eat the imperial food, and Habao can run rampant in the imperial garden, so her family Honghong can naturally marry a beautiful wife, and the wedding must be held in a festive and grand manner.

In short, you can't lose.


Xiao Wangfu, upon hearing this, the whole family looked at each other in blank dismay.

Concubine Xiao looked at the betrothal gift that Eunuch Li brought from the palace, frowned slightly, and said, "Eunuch Li, the emperor likes snow ears to bring back to the palace, so it's impossible to send these."

Prince Xiao's Mansion did not dare to accept these betrothal gifts.

Xiao Lizi said with a smile, "Princess, don't be nervous, the emperor promised Defei, these are all what should be done, the emperor said that Xueer should not be wronged."

This time, everyone really didn't know what to do, they had never heard of someone who hired his own horse to marry a wife.

Is it just a horse looking for a mate?
There was such a big battle, some were hired, and some were holding wedding banquets. It can only be said that the Empress's behavior became more and more strange, and the emperor's heart was hard to understand.

But if she does this, isn't she afraid that people will say that she is absurd?
Presumably, as soon as the news came out, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty would spit and accuse her the next day, admonishing her for all kinds of things.

Concubine Xiao looked at Old Concubine Xiao with some embarrassment, "Old Concubine, do we want to marry as a dowry?"

No matter what, they had to fully cooperate with what the Empress wanted to do.

Several juniors of the palace came to the front yard, and heard that the Empress was going to marry Xue Er for her horse, they all came to see in amazement.

Hearing that the concubine also said that she would marry as a dowry, everyone couldn't help covering their mouths and giggling. The more they heard it, the more interesting it became.

"Sister Xuan, the emperor's dowry to Xue'er is according to the standard of a lady, Xue'er is so lucky! The dowry of all the ladies in the whole capital is probably inferior to it." The sixth girl of the Xiao family pulled Xiao Xuan Son innocently smiled.

Miss Xiao Qi tilted her head, her black eyes flickering like jade, "The emperor is really strange, why did he hire Ma, is she going to marry Ma as his wife?"

Xiao Xuan'er's face froze, and she hurriedly covered her six-year-old cousin, "Stop talking nonsense, Lian'er."

Miss Xiao Liu was also taken aback, probably because she felt that she had said the wrong thing first, so she hurriedly taught her sister patiently, "Seventh sister, the emperor hired Xue Er to marry his elder brother for his bloody horse, and it is the emperor's horse. , I want to marry Xue Er as my daughter-in-law, do you understand?"

Miss Xiao Qi seemed to understand, "Lian'er understands, then I will also marry Xuexue a wife."

Xuexue is her white rabbit.

"Your family Xuexue, the little rabbits are already in a litter. If you marry again, you will be a concubine, and it belongs to the mother." The fifth young master Xiao, Xiao Xuan'er's little brother, couldn't help but spit at her with a look of contempt.

Everyone: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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