Chapter 307
Lou Si secretly wiped off his cold sweat, and hurriedly said no, no, the brother-in-law started to threaten before the daughter-in-law got married, so scared.

Then Chu Bei asked the emperor what he wanted them to do.

Lu Fei clattered and poured the beans.

Knowing that Mu Wan's ultimate goal was to open a charity hall, the four in Chu Bei were slightly surprised.

It was unexpected that she would do this.

"She can play, earn money, and make some political achievements for the country and the people, and win the hearts of the people. She is really smart." Situ Mo's eyes were filled with admiration.

Xiao Ci and the others nodded in admiration.

Chu Bei clenched his fists secretly, he also wanted to help her solve some troubles behind his back, but he didn't expect that she could easily solve them by herself, so that all civil and military officials felt that what she did was not absurd.

She did this to raise funds to open charitable halls for the people.

It is for the country and the people.

It is to do good deeds.

Based on this reason alone, does that minister dare to accuse the Empress? !

No, and I dare not, not only dare not criticize, but also have to sing praises, record them in history books, and be famous through the ages.

She is not smart, and she is too smart. She is so smart that people can't help but be afraid. She will become stronger and stronger, and when her wings are full, will she no longer need to rely on him? !

But he was also happy, the woman he liked did not disappoint him.

Such an intelligent and capable woman belonged to him.

Just thinking about it can surprise and delight.

Chu Bei was conflicted, contradictory, and complicated. He couldn't express it for a while. He just wanted to go to the imperial study immediately and discuss with her what to do tomorrow. No matter what she wanted to do, he would accompany her.

Hearing Lu Fei and the others talk about the betting on the horse race, they were even more looking forward to the horse race the day after tomorrow.

Then work as fast as possible, finish processing the official documents quickly, and go out to play, so no one will talk about it.

"You stay and help us." Xia Houjin raised her eyebrows and grabbed Lou Si, and immediately began to exercise her uncle's privilege.

Lou Yu expressed that he was unlucky to meet such a domineering brother-in-law.

But for the sake of his future daughter-in-law, Lou Yu had no choice but to help his future brother-in-law instead of helping his cousin.

Shen Qing was also asked to stay and help sort out the paperwork.

Lu Fei and Gu Qingze had to help arrange Honghong's marriage, and they couldn't get away.

The two immediately ran away.

After the two left, the secret guards from the Si Family Mansion entered the palace again with a large package.

"How is this going!!"

The four were so angry that they almost dropped their pens and quit.

Anwei said, "My lords, the lords and the others said that we will go to the horse race the day after tomorrow, and today we are going to grab tickets. If you don't want to work, you can ask the emperor to get them some tickets for the horse race."

Four people: "..."

Chu Bei breathed out a cold air, "Take the things back."

The dark guard nodded hurriedly, picked up the package and left without saying a word. Before leaving, he only left a sentence, "Masters, my subordinates will treat you as agreed, and then go to reply to the master."

The four hidden guards ran away in a hurry.

Chu Bei and the others were left holding their foreheads, their faces were ashen, and they wanted to slap someone.


In the imperial study room, when Chu Bei came in, Mu Wan was struggling to write quickly, and she also wanted to finish the recent papers quickly, so that she could play for two days easily.

Seeing him, Mu Wan breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "The queen is here."

When Chu Bei came, he would definitely take over from her.

However, Mu Wan was also careful enough to notice the ink on his sleeves. He should be handling military affairs in Zhuquedian.

After all, he is still in charge of military talismans, and he was the deputy commander of the army before entering the palace.

The old prince Chu is the coach. If the old prince cheated his son so much, he must have forced him a lot.

Chu Bei was a little worried, saying that she guessed right, and then mentioned how many tickets his father wanted.

"Well, that's it, no problem, I will write the tickets for my father-in-law and mother-in-law myself, and let people arrange the VIP seats." Mu Wan said with a cheerful smile.

"The king thanked the emperor."

Chu Bei bowed slightly, expressing his sincere thanks.

His father's brain circuit, sometimes he can't stand it, but he can go along with it, otherwise who knows what method he will come up with to torment him.

"Sit down, are you very tired, why don't I ask the maid to give you a massage?" Mu Wan saw that he was indeed a little tired, and the dark circles under his eyes were about to come out, thinking that he had been lazy these days and left all the work to him , not to mention that he would be squeezed by his own father, and suddenly felt a little sorry, so he wanted to let him rest for a while.

Chu Bei grabbed her hand, narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "If you let the maid approach me, the emperor won't be jealous?"

Mu Wan's eyes flickered slightly, and she blushed suddenly.

Seeing the girl's reddish cheeks and shy look, I felt itchy in my heart, I really wanted to pick her up and put her on my lap, pinch her face to tease her.

It's a pity that he was afraid of her getting angry, so he didn't dare to make a mistake.

"The queen has worked hard recently, so I will give you a shoulder squeeze as a reward?"

Mu Wan looked at the man's handsome and monstrous face. With his face, he didn't know how many women's souls he could seduce, so let the maid forget it.

After all, she was her queen, how could other women approach her casually.

Even if she took a second look, she felt inexplicably unhappy, probably because of the legendary possessiveness.

Thinking of this, Mu Wan stood up, put her slender hand on his shoulder, but he held it instead, Chu Bei smiled and said, "The emperor has worked hard on reviewing the papers, so I should squeeze it for you."

As he spoke, his big hand wrapped hers around hers, and gently pinched her round fingers. Her hand was deformed due to holding the pen for a long time, and there were some red marks, which were particularly conspicuous on the white fingers like jade.

There was a hint of distress in Chu Bei's eyes. Everyone is a lady, and his fingers are not in the sun. He sees that the life of the younger sisters in the family is better than her.

She also likes to wield knives and guns, and her hands are calloused, which is a bit rough to the touch.

Later, Fu Si had to make some ointment for her hand protection.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but hugged her and put her on his lap. Seeing that she was not angry, he continued to hold her little hand and squeeze her gently.

There was a burst of warmth from the fingertips for an instant, and then it began to tingle like an electric shock. Mu Wan blushed, and hurriedly withdrew her hands and stood up. She couldn't bear it if this went on. This man teased her on purpose.

"Doesn't the emperor like this? Then the king will not touch you."

Chu Bei raised his eyes, Mo Mou looked at her face for a moment, and immediately let go of his hand.

He did what he said and gave her absolute respect.

Mu Wan blushed, suppressed her agitated heart, and made an excuse to change the subject, saying, "No, I just feel hungry suddenly, do you want the queen to go have afternoon tea with me?"

"it is good."

Chu Bei looked at her with a slight glint in his eyes, stood up and nodded softly.


Royal Garden.

When the two arrived at the gazebo, tea and cakes had already been set up.

Seeing a bowl of milk tea on the table, Chu Bei stood up and tasted it, "What is this?"

It's a bit milky and tea-like. It tastes very special. He has never drunk this kind of tea.

"Mother, this is the milk tea that the emperor thought up and asked the imperial dining room to make." Dexi hurriedly replied.

(End of this chapter)

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