Chapter 308 Doubt
Not long ago, Mu Wan gave the secret recipe to remove the milky smell. Several royal chefs in the imperial dining room took turns to test it, and it finally worked.

The result was brought to the empress to taste, and the empress praised it a lot, and rewarded several royal chefs, including him.

The Empress proposed to drink milk tea and wrote the secret recipe, and Dexi happily asked someone to make it.

This time I tried it successfully, it was very simple, and the taste was excellent. He also tasted that it tasted better than drinking pure milk. Throw two small tea bags into it, take out the tea bag and throw it away after the tea taste comes out, add some sugar according to the taste, and you can make delicious and special milk tea like this, which is easier than making tea.

The combination of thick milk flavor and tea flavor is really good. It is suitable for afternoon tea as the emperor said, and it will be even more delicious if it is paired with pastries.

De Xile flattered and praised Mu Wan, "Your Majesty is truly wise and powerful."

"Okay, let's go down to receive the reward, make more, and send it to the other empresses." Chu Bei glanced at him and gave the reward, the milk tea was indeed made well.

"Yes, slaves follow the order."

Dexi happily accepted the order and went straight to the imperial dining room to give orders.

Chu Bei looked at Mu Wan, "Your Majesty is so smart, everything in your mind seems to be able to surprise and turn waste into treasure."

Just like goat's milk, it has a strong smell, and the palace never drinks it, only mutton.

But when I came to her, I could think of getting rid of the smell in a blink of an eye, and I could also think of milk and tea to soak my brother together.

"Goat's milk is a good thing. If a child does not have breast milk to drink, goat's milk can be used instead. It can also whiten and warm the weak body. It is good for women, the elderly, and children to drink, so I plan to promote goat's milk. , especially ordinary people, we can make peace and give poor families a sheep, so that they can improve the lives of their children and the elderly." Mu Wan told him her thoughts while drinking milk tea.

"Then the money is not low."

Appreciation flashed across Chu Bei's eyes, and he said bluntly after thinking about it.

"I know, so I have to work hard to make money. I don't mean to do 100% well. I just want to do what I can, and I have a clear conscience."

Since she was destined to travel here and was fortunate to be the first empress of the kingdom, if she has the opportunity and ability, she will try her best to be a worthy emperor.

Chu Bei frowned slightly, and looked at her intently, "The emperor has changed a lot. Sometimes people feel that the you before and the you now are completely two people."

He has always had a doubt in his heart, and now he is getting more and more confused. Who is she? !

Mu Wan's heart skipped a beat, and her eyes flickered in panic, "I often dreamed about the teachings of the late emperor when I was a child, so I would think of these things."

Chu Bei's eyes flickered slightly, seeing that she was a little nervous and trying to hide something, pursed her lips, and finally did not pursue further, just said, "Milk tea can be sent to hot pot restaurants, some women don't drink alcohol, this is just right."

Mu Wan nodded, she didn't expect him to think of this, "The queen is right."

"The king gave the secret recipe to Su Ran."


When Su Ran was mentioned, Chu Bei remembered that he had something to say to him at the racecourse.

At this time, Su Ran had just entered the palace and arrived at the Suzaku Palace.

The dark guard came to the imperial garden to deliver a message.

Chu Bei said, "Your Majesty, I will take my leave first."


Mu Wan smiled and motioned him to go.

He took two steps, and then turned back, "If the emperor wants to go to the hot spring in the Vermillion Bird Palace, he can do it anytime, and I won't bother you if I go."

Mu Wan's cheeks turned red, how did he know that he wanted to go to the hot spring?
I'm looking for excuses.

After speaking, Chu Bei walked back to the Vermillion Bird Hall.

At this moment, Su Ran was waiting for him in front of the hall.

"What's the matter, tell me."

Chu Bei came in and asked.

However, Su Ran said that he wanted to find a few other people to explain it together.

Chu Bei frowned slightly, a little surprised what he wanted to say, but let someone go to the study first and invite the others.



As soon as Mu Wan arrived at Xuanwu Hall, Biyue came anxiously and said, "Your Majesty, Miss Zhou is here, and she said she was ordered by the Empress Dowager to show Miss Ning her injuries."

"Where is she now?"

"It's already in the side hall of Xuanwu Hall."


Mu Wan raised her foot and went to the side hall.

At this time, Miss Zhou was seeing Ning Xinyao.

The sentence "The emperor is here" she hurriedly started to salute.

Mu Wan's eyes drooped slightly, and she glanced over with a clear and cold gaze, "Calm down, is Yao'er's injury better?"

When the old lady suddenly asked Zhou Ruolan to come over, Mu Wan couldn't help feeling wary.

Fu Si, this little junior, has never been a good stubbler.

Ning Xinyao was pure-hearted, and Mu Wan was really worried that she would be used by others.

If not, when she came in, she noticed something wrong with her eyes.

After Miss Zhou blessed her and saluted her, she said, "Go back to the emperor, Miss Ning's injuries are mostly healed, and there is no serious problem."

"Well, Miss Zhou, how are the two princesses injured?" Mu Wan looked indifferent, sat down and asked casually to show her concern for the princess.

"The injuries of the two princesses are indeed serious, but after applying the ointment given by the courtiers, the swelling will subside in a few days."

Where Zhou Ruolan was standing, her voice was like spring water hitting petals, her voice was as soft as broken jade, she was wearing a blue orchid hollow pattern dress that was custom-made, the color was excellent, it made her even more charming, Probably because of her fair complexion, she looks good in anything she wears.

The number one beauty in the capital can beat everyone.

This girl is indeed bright and charming, and more importantly, she is also very talented.

But a vicious heart is just a delicate and poisonous flower, the more beautiful the more poisonous.

Mu Wan really has no feelings for her, and she doesn't talk speculatively.

She was quite sensible, knowing that the empress could not treat her as a best friend and confided her heart to her heart like before, so she chatted a few words before leaving.

After Zhou Ruolan left, Mu Wan came to the bed, frowned slightly, looked at Ning Xinyao and said, "Do you think that I concealed the news of the death of my aunt and the others, deliberately lying to you, and resenting me in my heart?"

Ning Xinyao was shocked, raised her eyes, and looked at her blankly, maybe she didn't expect that she guessed what Miss Zhou said to her, or maybe she didn't expect that she would speak her heart so bluntly, Her black and white eyes were full of shock.

Her eyes turned red, and her voice choked up: "Cousin..."

When Miss Zhou told her mother that they were killed two years ago, she did have a trace of resentment, because she also told herself that the Ning family was demoted because of the emperor.

If it wasn't for the fact that she was recognized as the emperor's life because she was born, she would become a generation of empress in the future.

It aroused the empress dowager's fear.

The battle for the throne has always been ruthless.

In order to protect her and eliminate the suspicion of the princes, the first emperor cruelly seized the military power of the Ning family and relegated her to a cold and bitter place to fend for herself.

"The Empress Dowager and the others wanted to use Miss Zhou's mouth to sow discord." Mu Wan said lightly, "But what she said is true. The Ning family was demoted because of me. There is nothing wrong with you resenting me. I didn't intend to hide it from you, just You are injured, I am afraid that you will be crazy."

Ning Xinyao's complexion changed slightly, then her eyes turned red, tears fell down, she threw herself into her arms crying loudly, and said, "Cousin, I'm sorry, Yao'er doesn't understand those court affairs, Yao'er is just too sad... My mother is gone, I miss her..."

(End of this chapter)

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