The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 315 Don't mess with the relationship

Chapter 315 Don't mess with the relationship
"Yeah, eldest sister is so beautiful, and she is the most talented woman in the capital. There are countless young talents who admire you, and there are countless sons of noble families. Presumably the King of Chu also likes eldest sister. Otherwise, why would he agree to come to the hot pot restaurant? There are many opportunities to get along with you, big sister."

Both girls were saying what she wanted to hear, trying to flatter and flatter.

Zhou Ruolan was very useful, especially the sentence that the King of Chu likes her, which made people excited and happy. If it was true, it would be great.

However, these are only if...

"Okay, I said don't talk too much, be careful that misfortune comes out of your mouth."

Thinking of what Chu Bei said in public, Zhou Ruolan felt a pang of pain in her heart, but on the surface she acted as if nothing had happened, she glared at Zhou Ruoxi coquettishly, and scolded softly.

"Yes, ma'am."

The two girls nodded obediently.

After a meeting, several nobles arrived.

The three girls got up immediately.

"Three girls, please sit down. Today, I am treating you to guests. Just order whatever you want."

"Thank you, Mr. Bai."

The girls brought up by the Taifu's Mansion are different, they are calm in dealing with things, generous, knowledgeable and courteous.

When everyone sat down together, Zhou Ruolan looked at Chu Bei frequently.

The corners of Mu Wan's lips curled, and she ate the hot soup calmly.

Everyone moved their chopsticks and started to eat, all of them were elegant and graceful, with graceful movements.

Handsome men and beautiful women, very seductive to look at.

However, eating hot pot seems to be a bit difficult to maintain the image.

After a while, Xia Houjin couldn't hold back, and no one at the table dared to eat spicy food, for fear of ruining their good image.

But he prefers spicy food.

Seeing that he was drinking soup and couldn't help but be speechless, Mu Wan smiled unkindly.

The atmosphere began to become more cheerful.

The girls also gradually relaxed.

"What is this? It's so delicious." At this moment, the two girls opposite Zhou took a bite of something long like ham sausage, their eyes lit up immediately, and they were full of praise.

Zhou Ruolan also took one and took a bite, her eyes lit up, maybe it tasted good, so she couldn't control herself and started to eat another one.

Speaking of which, other people also picked up one after another.

Mu Wan was also eating, and said with a smile, "What do Miss Zhou think of this dish?"

"Well, it's delicious."

She ate two, staring straight at the plate, her cheeks flushed slightly, she wanted to eat but couldn't bear to eat more because of her ladylike image.

"Eat more if it tastes good. This is today's signature dish, newly baked."

Mu Wan smiled.

A few more hot plates were brought up, and the fragrance was overflowing, and the whole private room was filled with a mouth-watering fragrance.

Seeing other people eating happily, the three girls stopped being restrained, and started to eat with their chopsticks one by one.

After the bottom of the plate, the naive girl on Wednesday asked curiously, "What is this dish made of? It has a unique taste and is not greasy."

Mu Wan narrowed her eyes, wiped the corners of her mouth with a juan cloth, and said with a smile, "This dish is called hot dog sausage, or stuffed dog sausage in popular terms. The thin layer of skin on the outside is dog intestines, and the inside is meat and AI Chop the grass together into minced meat."


After the words fell, the faces of the Zhou girls suddenly changed, and they covered their mouths and vomited wildly regardless of their appearance.

A few teenagers had black lines all over their faces, gloomy eyes, and a fierce look in their eyes that could kill people. They all had an expression of wanting to vomit but couldn't vomit, staring at each other while covering their mouths and giggling. Beat her fat.

Mu Wan covered her mouth and smiled, "Oh, I've eaten dog meat, why can't I eat dog intestines?"

The three girls wanted to cry without tears, looking at the bare plates, dog intestines, such a disgusting thing, they actually said it was delicious, and ate several plates in a row...

Zhou Ruolan's complexion was extremely dark, and her eyes were so dark and resentful that she wished she could strangle the stinky boy opposite him to death. He actually dared to trick her into eating dog intestines.

And she just ate the most.

Thinking of what is called stuffed dog intestines, she couldn't help feeling sick when she thought of it.


"Miss Zhou, you don't have to be so disgusted. Stuffed dog intestines are a delicacy, and pig intestines, don't feel disgusted, the dishes made after cleaning can also be delicacy. If you don't believe me, I will ask the chef to make one for you someday. Try it."

pig intestine.

The girls of the three were breathing heavily, their faces were purple with anger, and he wanted to trick them into eating pig intestines, so he really wanted to strangle him to death! !
Zhou Ruolan glared at the schadenfreude boy opposite, slammed the table and said angrily, "What do you mean, you tricked us into eating such a disgusting thing... You must have intentions, believe it or not, I sue your hot pot restaurant for defrauding customers."

The smile on Mu Wan's face dissipated, she narrowed her eyes and stared at her coldly, then laughed loudly, "Haha, Miss Zhou, you are so funny, this stuffed dog sausage is just a new signature dish of the hot pot restaurant today, try it It’s just eating. Didn’t you just say that the taste is excellent, and you ate three plates? I said it’s a delicacy, but I’m wrong? Besides, are you sure you want to sue the hot pot restaurant? This restaurant is under the cover of Brother Chu , do you want to sue him?"


Zhou Ruolan's delicate face was distorted with anger, her lips turned black, as if she had been poisoned, and she stared at her coldly.

Then, she looked at Chu Bei, her eyes were slightly red with crystal tears, she bit her lips and said in aggrieved way, "Brother Bei, you see that he went too far, he did it on purpose, he deliberately embarrassed me, intentionally bullied me I."

"That's right, Bai Twelve, you are too much. You not only lied to us, but you also lied to the King of Chu and the others. You deserve to die." The two older Zhou girls also yelled, pointing at Bai Twelve and wanting to strangle him to death. , thinking that the king of Chu could teach him a lesson.

"To shut up."

An icy voice suddenly sounded angrily.

The king of Chu glanced coldly, and the two girls of Zhou fell silent, their faces turned pale. Fortunately, a girl helped them in time, otherwise they would definitely faint.


Facing the eyes of the King of Chu, the two girls of Zhou trembled all over, felt terrified in their hearts, and were completely bewildered. They didn't know why the King of Chu angrily scolded them in turn. The two showed fear in their eyes, and hurriedly hid behind Zhou Ruolan, tears streaming down their faces. Terrified, she gritted her teeth and dared not cry out, for fear of offending the man opposite.

Zhou Ruolan's eyes were scarlet, and Lihua was crying until she was in tears. She was so pitiful, protecting her younger sister, and said timidly, "Brother Bei..."

She didn't understand either.

"Brother Chu, do you know her very well? Why does she call you so intimately?" Mu Wan raised her eyebrows and squinted at Chu Bei coldly.

Chu Bei secretly raised his forehead and looked at her, "Not familiar."

"Then she calls you Brother Bei!" Mu Wan pouted slightly and muttered.

"The king didn't answer."

"But she just said that she would sue our hotpot restaurant for fraud."

Chu Bei curled his lips slightly, and glanced coldly at Zhou Ruolan, "She dare not."

Mu Wan raised her eyebrows and couldn't help looking at Zhou Ruolan, "Miss Zhou, do you still want to sue our hot pot restaurant?"

Zhou Ruolan was ashamed and angry, her fists were clenched loudly, she wished to kill someone, she stared at Bai Twelve with scarlet eyes, this brat deliberately lied to her from the beginning, it turned out that he was deliberately embarrassing her, how did she offend him?
"Brother Bei... You are so cruel, what did Ruolan do wrong, you want to treat me like this, you really let me down."

Chu Bei frowned, his eyes were cold, "Miss Zhou, please respect yourself, I don't know you well, let alone your brother, don't mess around with me."

(End of this chapter)

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