Chapter 316 Will You Dislike Me?

Where Chu Bei had a hot face and a cold butt, his nose was ashamed.

Miss Zhou felt a burning pain in her face, as if someone had slapped her hard, her face turned blue and red, and she could only look at Fu Si with tears in her eyes asking him for help.

"We all ate this dish. It's not poisonous. You still want to eat it yourself. No wonder others." Fu Si raised his hand and pinched the center of his eyebrows, feeling quite a headache.

She was also helpless for Mu Wan's prank. This woman even played tricks on them together, let alone her.

She should do the first day of junior high school herself first, so don't blame others for the fifteenth day of junior high school.

She stayed at home and waited for the draft in the palace. Wouldn't it be good to get married, but she wanted to provoke the empress, Xiao Xiang Chubei felt embarrassed now, who is to blame?
He used to think that she was smart, but now he just thinks that she is extremely stupid, and he can't stand it if he insists on dying. If he continues to defend her, I believe that Chu Bei and the others will never recognize him as a brother again.

For her, it seemed worthless to break up with Chu Bei and the others.

Fu Si glanced at Zhou Ruolan who was crying, and then at Jun Muwan who was smiling brightly, his head was covered with black lines. This woman is really, really irritating.

Stuffed dog intestines?
It's a shame she couldn't think of this kind of dish.

Seeing that his senior brothers didn't help him.

Zhou Ruolan had no choice but to leave angrily in the end.


After the people left, Mu Wan couldn't help but laugh happily.

But in the entire private room, she was the only one in the mood to smile.

Several teenagers all had dark faces.

Mu Wan's scalp was numb from being stared at, and she gradually closed the corners of Zhang Yang's mouth. She choked on her mouthful of saliva while laughing, and coughed suddenly, "Actually, stuffed dog intestines taste pretty good. You all eat quite a lot... I like it very much. It’s delicious to eat this dish.”

Xia Houjin's face was completely dark, with a hint of anger, "Did you kill Ha Bao?"

Both Situ Mo and Xiao Ci propped their foreheads in front of the table and were so depressed that they couldn't speak anymore. It's fine if she wants to cheat Miss Zhou, why didn't she tell them!

dog intestines...

Thinking of what they just ate in their mouths, they seem to be pulled out of their stomachs.

The few of them are pampered young masters, and they eat delicacies from mountains and seas. If it wasn't for her, they might never know what a dog intestine is in their entire lives.

"It's just an ordinary stray dog, your Habao, I still keep it." Mu Wan looked down at her slender fingers, and smiled charmingly with red lips.

Xia Houjin: "..."

He was angry, this woman is definitely Chi Guoguo's revenge.

He had to reconsider whether to send Ha Bao out of the palace to hide.

Thinking about it, he got up and immediately ran back to the palace to see his dog.

Situ Mo, Xiao Ci, and Fu Si didn't have the appetite to continue eating. They gave her a disgusted look, and then they all got up and left first.

In the end, only Mu Wan and Chu Bei were left.

Mu Wan looked at him eagerly, "Will you dislike me?"

Chu Bei: "..."

The girl poked her little finger in front of him, looked up at him with big watery eyes, her eyelashes fluttering, and she seemed a little nervous.

Chu Bei's deep eyes became darker, he stretched out his hand to gently pinch her chin, and said with a smile, "As long as the emperor doesn't dislike me."

He bowed his head...

Mu Wan was shocked and slowly closed her eyes.

The two stayed close together until they heard footsteps before they hurriedly separated.

Su Ran opened the door and came in, and saw two people standing in front of the window on each side, one stared at him with a hint of displeasure and cold eyes, and the other lowered her head shyly with a flushed face, realizing what was happening suddenly in his ears Hot, hurriedly said, "I heard that some customers have complained about the new signature dish, will this dish still be served tomorrow?"

Mu Wan's eyes dodged slightly, and she said with a blushing face, "Come on, just state the ingredients on the menu, and you can try them in the early stage."

"Well, I see, I'll go and give instructions." After speaking, Su Ran immediately exited the door.

I closed the door and stood in front of the door for a while, my face was hot, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I waited until I returned to my usual indifferent and cold appearance before I went to ask the cabinet maker.


On the other side, after Zhou Ruolan angrily left Yizihao Yajian, she planned to go back home directly.

But at the door, they met the hidden guards of Prince Ling's Mansion.

With a flash in her eyes, she glanced at the two Zhou girls who were supported by the girl, and said, "Send the third and fourth sisters home first, and I will go to the pharmacy to get some medicine for them."

The two maids nodded, and helped their girls into the carriage, and the coachman drove the carriage back to Zhou Mansion.

Zhou Ruolan glanced at the departing carriage, then got into her own carriage, opened the curtain, her eyes instantly became cold, with a hint of disgust, "What the hell are you trying to do!!"

Ling Wang was sitting inside, playing with the small wine glass in his hand, he raised his eyes and saw that her eyes were slightly red, he frowned slightly, his eyes were dark and he asked, "Did he bully you?"

Zhou Ruolan got into the carriage and sat down, her expression worried, her eyes dark and malicious, "It has nothing to do with you."

"Lan'er, this king doesn't understand, what's so good about him, why do you insist on hanging on his tree? Hmm!" The man's eyes were dark and his voice was cold.

"If he's not good, then you're good? Just you, a cripple, can you compare with him?! It's a joke." The woman smiled mockingly.

She had just suffered a huge humiliation, and was worrying that there was no one to vent her anger on. At this time, King Ling ran in front of her, and he was completely reduced to a punching bag.

The grievance and anger in Zhou Ruolan's heart all vented on him.

The words he spoke were like knives that pierced the heart.

King Ling's face was livid, angry and unwilling, and blood was dripping from his heart.

He grabbed the woman's neck, his eyes were cold and full of hostility.

But Zhou Ruolan is not a weak woman with no power to restrain her. Her beautiful face was stained with viciousness, her eyes flickered, and a few golden needles appeared in her hand, and she swept across the man's face fiercely, instantly touching Wang Jun's face. There were a few more bloodstains, as if injured by the claws of a little wild cat, the blood flowed out, which was a bit shocking.

King Ling frowned, and immediately let him go, covering his face, his lips began to turn black, and he said angrily, "You... dare to kill me by poison? If I die, the entire Zhou Mansion will have to be buried with me , you can't escape."

The carriage turned quickly from the busy street into a deserted alley.

Zhou Ruolan knocked King Ling unconscious and threw him out, and the hidden guards of King Ling's mansion caught him in time.

"This is the antidote for him. Tell your master not to provoke this girl again, otherwise this girl will make him miserable."

Then he threw out a jade bottle, and the carriage left quickly.

The dark guard administered the antidote to King Ling, and then took him directly to King Qi's Mansion.

Prince Qi looked at him and said with a headache, "Fourth brother, why do you still want to provoke Zhou Ruolan? She will enter the palace for a draft in a few days. When you want her, you can tell the empress dowager directly to marry her." That is, when she marries into Prince Ling's Mansion, can she still escape from your palm?"

"Brother Wang... sorry, I was too impulsive this time."

Ling Wang said with an ugly face.

Prince Qi was still injured, and the bruises on his face hadn't dissipated. Sitting on the chair, he felt uncomfortable. He looked up at him and said, "Then what are you going to do now? Prince Li also plans to win over the Zhou family."

King Ling's eyes flashed sinisterly in vain, "I just thought of a way to kill two birds with one stone, that is, I can help Brother Wang marry the Ninth Princess of Nanliang as he wished, and also make Zhou Ruolan submit to me and be used by us."

Prince Qi showed joy on his face, "Okay, fourth brother, please tell me."

The corner of Ling Wang's lips curled sinisterly, and he told him carefully...

(End of this chapter)

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