Chapter 328 Unhappy Heart

Mu Wan was a little embarrassed, and coughed lightly, "Thank you queen, I will try my best to finish my own work in the future, and not increase the workload for the queen."

"No problem."

He has ten lines at a glance, fast reading speed, and he is more familiar with court affairs than she is, so he handles it with high accuracy, no difficulty, and it takes a lot of time.

But Mu Wan is different, she reads the content of some excerpts, and if she doesn't understand, she has to look up the information, or seek advice from the Imperial Academy.

"Should the emperor learn some homework?" Thinking that she was lacking in many aspects, Chu Bei suggested that she study.

Mu Wan: "..."

"The emperor doesn't like it, so forget it." Seeing her unwillingness, Chu Bei couldn't help laughing, remembering that she didn't like reading since she was a child, so she didn't plan to force her.

"No, I just couldn't find a suitable teacher."

She also thought about charging well, but those courtiers are too old-fashioned. If you want to find a wife, Situ Mo is suitable, but he also has other affairs to be busy. In addition to his status as Concubine Shu, he is also a palace editor, and he also needs to assist at ordinary times. Chu Bei manages the harem.

Xia Houjin and Xiao Ci both had positions, and they had them before entering the palace, which was specially granted by the late emperor.

"Then I will teach you personally." Chu Bei said with a smile.

As he spoke, he reached out and picked up the pastry on the table and squeezed it with his fingertips, but he didn't eat it, with a smile on his lips, and his eyes were cold.

Mu Wan frowned, looked at him, pursed her lips and asked tentatively, "Are you not angry?"

Chu Bei raised his eyes, narrowed his phoenix eyes, then suddenly reached out and hugged her, pinched her slender waist with his big hands, lifted it a little bit, looked down at her eyebrows, and said in a low and cold tone, " If this king is angry, will the emperor not go to Xingman Hall, huh?!"


Feelings are still angry, but they have been holding back.

Mu Wan fell into his arms, black lines fell from her hair, and she regretted asking him to death.

Now the unbearable anger in Chu Bei's heart was instantly ignited by her words. At this moment, his scorching eyes seemed to have balls of fire, looking at her deeply, staring at her eyebrows, her red lips, and her neck as white as jade. The urge to punish her severely surged in my heart.

Thinking of this, he no longer endured it, bowed his head...

She still has a sweet and sweet pastry taste in her mouth.

How much did this woman eat him?

Did that kid make the cakes himself?

Heh... Unconsciously, the peach blossom cake that fell on the ground was broken by his kick.

Being bitten suddenly, Mu Wan frowned in pain, moaned in pain, then got a little annoyed, bit back like a little fox, not to be outdone.

Chu Bei's eyes darkened, he grabbed her arm, and said angrily, "Can't the emperor be gentle with this king for a while?"

Mu Wan's face was flushed, she felt that he was too shameless, it was because he didn't know how to pity and cherish jade.

Chu Bei let go of her, licked his lips, touched the corner of his lower lip, frowned in pain, then sat down, raised his eyebrows and looked at the cakes on the table, sneered, "Is this made by Concubine Sheng herself? "

"Well, the taste is not bad, do you want to try it?"

"Do you like it?"

"Actually, the taste is not very good. It is not as delicious as the one made by the Imperial Dining Room. The queen wants to eat it. I will ask someone to make it for you again."

Speaking of which, Mu Wan was startled, and hurriedly picked up a plate of pastries, ready to run away.

The corners of Chu Bei's lips curled slightly, "Did you feed Concubine Sheng some cake?"


Mu Wan paused, with a hint of helplessness in her eyes, then picked up the pastry and fed it to him, and said with a smile, "I also feed the queen, are you satisfied now?"

Chu Bei lowered his head and took a sip of the soft pastry to save face. His cold eyes gradually filled with softness, and then his mood improved a little. He stretched out his long arms and pulled him back into his arms. His voice was low and hoarse, "Your Majesty, if you want to hear the truth, you should lie."

Mu Wan narrowed her eyebrows and smiled, "Queen can do whatever she wants." Knowing that Chu Huhu was in a bad mood, I generously accommodated him once.

"To be honest, this king is very unhappy."

"When you men have three wives and four concubines, women feel so unhappy in their hearts." Mu Wan laughed.


"So the emperor feels that even if he doesn't have your concubine in his heart, he can only die in the palace for the rest of his life?" Chu Bei frowned, feeling that she was different from other emperors.

But the facts are in front of her eyes, she is no different from other emperors, and she can't tolerate her concubine having an affair with others.

But this is also human nature, and I am afraid that no one will tolerate it.

There is a reason why men can't tolerate their wives cheating and women can't tolerate their husbands with other women. Because men are superior to women, women can only tolerate it.

But it's different when it comes to her. She is an empress with a noble status and doesn't need to tolerate anything. Now it's them concubines who should tolerate.

Mu Wan blinked, and keenly grasped that he had something on his mind, "Why do you ask so suddenly? Do you think I'm cruel and ruthless and afraid that I will treat you like this in the future?"

After dealing with Jiang Jingrui and the eldest princess, there was obviously something wrong with the concubines, and the concubines were somewhat panicked, she could understand.

Chu Bei said coldly, "What the emperor did is not wrong, Jiang Jingrui and the eldest princess deserve to die."

She had already given Jiang Jingrui a chance.

She is not a ruthless person.

They all know it.

"Then why do you ask that?"

She sat on his lap, raised her small face slightly, and her black and white eyes were full of doubts.

Chu Bei's eyes flickered slightly, "This king just said it casually, the emperor is tired, this king will send you to Xuanwu Hall, and I will start giving you homework tomorrow."


Seeing that he seemed to be in a really bad mood, Mu Wan said, "Okay."


The next day, after the next day, the Empress Dowager blocked her in front of the imperial study, and Prince Qi, King Ling, and Prince Ling also entered the palace together.

With the support of several princes, the queen mother is obviously full of confidence.

The queen mother stayed up all night, her eyes were bloodshot, she stepped forward and said angrily, "She is your imperial sister, it's fine if you take her title and demote her to be the county lord, why do you want to kill all of them and let Xue'er move to the fiefdom today? Do you want to kill the eldest princess and Aijia?"

Mu Wan looked at her and sneered in her heart. She sent people to hunt down and kill the Ning family. At that time, Mrs. Ning was pregnant with Liujia, with one dead body and two lives. The youngest child of the Ning family was only ten years old, and they all died on the way to escape. Why didn't they say that Kill all?
Thinking of this, Mu Wan's eyes instantly turned dark.

Prince Qi still had bruises on his face, he supported the queen mother, and felt that the empress wanted to kill, he couldn't help but tighten his heart, and hurriedly said, "Your majesty, although the eldest princess has committed an unforgivable crime, she has not yet chosen Son-in-law, the martial arts competition is coming soon, so it might not be appropriate to move to the fief at this time, why don't you let the Empress Dowager move out of the capital after her birthday."

"I ask the emperor for permission."

The two princes secretly exchanged glances and followed.

The queen mother is still dissatisfied with this result, she can't let the title of eldest princess be taken away, and lose the honor of the princess.

But none of the princes interceded, and she couldn't twist her thighs with her arms, so there was nothing she could do.

 February is here.I hope someone will continue to follow until the end of the month.

(End of this chapter)

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