Chapter 329 Draft 1
Mu Wan stared at them coldly, too lazy to say anything, "There must be no mistake in moving to the fief as soon as the Empress Dowager's birthday is over, otherwise she will be punished with death."

After speaking, he shook his sleeves vigorously and walked into the imperial study.

The empress dowager's face was livid, but she was dragged away by several princes just as she was about to attack.

"Queen, calm down, we can't annoy the emperor anymore."

A companion is like a tiger, she is the emperor after all, her tolerance is limited, if you bother her again, maybe the eldest princess will really have a dead end.

The eldest princess fornicated the harem and lost all the face of the royal family. It was her own fault, and she had no one to blame.

I can't even blame the empress, it would be strange if the empress didn't punish her.

The queen mother's face was displeased, "Then what should Xue'er do? Are you just watching her go to the fiefdom to suffer?"

She has only one daughter, and it hurts to hold her in her hand since she was a child. She is reluctant to let her daughter go to a remote fief to suffer.

"Mother, this matter needs a long-term plan. Let's go back to Yong'an Palace first. Now that all the beautiful girls have entered, we still need mother's eyes. You must take care of your phoenix body, and don't get angry." Ling Wang sat in a wheelchair road.

The matter of the eldest princess was a foregone conclusion, and Jiang Jingrui was already dead, so there was no point in continuing the quarrel, and they still had more important things to do.

The queen mother glanced at King Ling, but there was really no other way, the emperor was not her own son, nor her own daughter.

There is no hope, now I can only go back and make a long-term plan, there are still a few days before the birthday of the Empress Dowager, I can only think of a way when the time comes.

At present, there is still a draft, and it is important for several princes to choose their concubines.

Today, the outstanding girls selected from all over the country have entered the palace and are arranged in the Chuxiu Palace, waiting for a few concubines to be screened, so she will naturally go to check before she can rest assured.


In the imperial study room, Mu Wan reviewed the papers nonchalantly, a princess and concubine Jiang are not worthy of her anger.

After a while, Xiao Lizi told, "Your Majesty, all the beautiful girls will be arranged in the Chuxiu Palace when they enter the palace, but it seems that Miss Zhou will be arranged to live alone in the Yiyue Palace."

Hearing this, the empress raised her eyebrows, "Is she the only one who wants to do something special?"

"Going back to the emperor, I heard it means the empress dowager." Xiao Lizi said.

"Oh, so she is Princess Zhunli?" Mu Wan pursed her lips and sneered.

The old lady is getting more and more confused, a beautiful girl is actually arranged to live alone in the harem.

Mu Wan pinched the brush and looked gloomy, "How many days does the talent show usually take?"

"At least half a month, at most two or three months, because you have to learn the rules of the palace." Xiao Lizi said truthfully.

These are all previous draft rules.

Today is quite special, the draft is not to expand the harem, but to select concubines for several princes.

"You don't need to learn the rules in the palace. Let all the princes enter the palace, send them to the palace if you like, and let those beautiful girls leave the palace within three days."

Xiao Lizi raised his eyes to look at the sullen empress, and hurriedly said: "Your servant complies with the order, so let's pass on the message."

Mu Wan put down her pen, "Let the little eunuch do the errand work, and you will follow me to Chuxiu Palace."


In the Chuxiu Palace, many young girls stood together neatly and orderly in uniform palace attire.

After layers of strict screening, only five or sixty people were finally sent to the palace.

These beautiful women are all fair-skinned and beautiful, and they are unparalleled in beauty. In addition to their appearance, their family background, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and conduct are all impeccable.

Several empresses and concubines sat on the grand master's chair in front.

Dressed in luxurious and brocade clothes, graceful as jade, with a romantic temperament, each one is more handsome than the other, which makes a group of young girls spring up.

This draft is different because these empresses and concubines are responsible for the selection.

What everyone expects is not the emperor's favor, nor is it praying to be selected by several princes, but the attention of the handsome young men in front of them. Even if they can take a second look at themselves, they will be satisfied.

The girl was shy and timid, looking forward to the bright future, peeking at the boys in front of her, she couldn't control her blushing and heartbeat, which was exciting.

Several princes rushed to Chuxiu Palace after receiving the notice.

Seeing this scene, Qiqi couldn't help but change his face, feeling very angry.

Who is choosing the concubine for?

A few concubines took the limelight, not to mention their demeanor, and it made people feel that their appearance seemed to be the green leaves that set off the blooming flowers.

So annoying.

Even if these show girls cannot be all concubines, more than half of them will enter the palace to become side concubines, concubines, and will become women in the backyard of the palace in the future, but these women only have a few concubines in their eyes.

The faces of the princes were gloomy and ugly.

It wasn't until someone yelled that the princes were coming, that a group of beautiful girls suddenly calmed down, stood upright, lowered their eyebrows and looked at each other, not daring to look around.

Chu Bei and the others were sitting on the grand teacher's chair, and they didn't bother to look up, they just said, "Since everyone is here, let's start, the emperor has a decree, the draft will be over within three days, all princes choose by themselves, whoever they like Bring it back to the house."

Prince Li frowned slightly, "Then don't you need to learn the rules in the palace?"

"Take it back and teach it slowly." Chu Bei said with a slight tug on his lips.

Everyone: "..."

King Ling sneered, "Is this also what the emperor meant?"


Prince Qi glanced coldly at Chu Bei, "I'm afraid it's against the rules."

Where is this draft?It's clearly like dismissing beggars.

I just want to use the guise of the draft to send them away.

Several princes secretly clenched their fists, only then did they discover the way of the empress.

Just say that it is impossible for that woman to be so easy-going and use the emperor's standard to choose concubines for them.

What kind of talent show, in fact, is purely to send them away, to buy time for Chu Wangfu and them to get married.

Thinking of this, a few people didn't have the heart to choose a princess. As a prince, he couldn't even marry a noble daughter in the capital. It was ridiculous.

Chu Bei sipped the teacup, lowered his eyes and curled his lips and said, "The emperor is the rules."


The faces of the princes suddenly became ugly, and they dared to be angry but did not dare to speak out. Whoever is the emperor of the world is the biggest, she just follows the rules, and she is not wrong at all.

Situ Mo raised his eyes and looked, "How many princes still choose concubines? Time is running out, pick a few, and the rest will be eliminated directly, and the remaining ones will learn the rules in the palace for two days, and then they will be sent to the palace , Choose a date to get married."

Xiao Ci smiled and said, "The emperor has put all his heart into choosing concubines for the princes. The princes should not disappoint the emperor's wishes. All the beauties in the world are here. The princes can choose more desirable ones to bring back. government."

"Oh, hurry up, my son still wants to take a nap, don't dawdle." Xia Houjin looked drowsy, raised her eyes and glanced at the princes and shouted.

Concubine Sheng attended for Concubine Su Gui. He was sitting on the side to make up the numbers. Seeing the interesting scene, he couldn't help laughing and said, "The beauties in Junguo are much more beautiful than those in Nanliang. The princes are blessed. Qian, the emperor treats the princes very well."

Ling Wang narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the Nanliang Xiangye, and smiled, "How can the prince's concubine just look at the appearance? Let's wait for them to perform their talents on the Empress Dowager's birthday and observe for a few days to see their character." Let's talk about how you feel."

"It's impossible for so many beautiful women to arrange for all of them to perform their talents. Now that they are being selected, the remaining ones will perform well on the Empress Dowager's birthday. At that time, the king will ask the emperor to marry him." Prince Li laughed.

Chu Bei and the others looked at each other, and it was the Empress Dowager's birthday in two days, so they agreed after thinking about it, mainly because they didn't bother to talk.

(End of this chapter)

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