The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 338 Seeking the Emperor's Grace

Chapter 338 Seeking the Emperor's Grace

Seeing that she was not angry.

Nan Sheng continued, "I was looking for someone. He is the son of the prince's old friend. I have been looking for him for many years. I heard that he was exiled in Nanliang, and even entered the palace. He became an empress and concubine in the palace of the king."

"Oh, there is such a thing?"

Mu Wan showed a surprised expression, really surprised, he would tell the reason.

The young man nodded, and said regretfully, "But yesterday in the Vermillion Bird Hall, all the concubines gathered, and I searched for them one by one, but I didn't find them. I heard that apart from the concubine Jiang who was given to death, there was only one jade beauty left. I have been imprisoned, I have never seen him before, but I don't know if it is him, I want to confirm it, and beg the emperor for permission."

Said the boy got up and kowtowed in front of her.

Mu Wan's eyes narrowed slightly, her tone was lukewarm, "Do you want to see Fuyu?"

"I ask the emperor for permission."

Nan Sheng still fell in front of the ground, sweating secretly.

"Okay, the lotus seed soup made by my concubine is delicious, I will treat it as a reward for you, and let someone bring him to Xuanwu Hall for my concubine to have a look."

"My concubine, get up."

Nan Sheng's eyes flickered, and he was a little surprised that she agreed right away?
"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Mu Wan helped him up, patted him on the shoulder and smiled, "That's it, why didn't you say earlier that that man is very important to Zhao Shisan, whose son is he?"

"The matter is very important, there are many enemies, and the information is not accurate. The prince means to investigate secretly. As for the son of the prince's old friend, I don't know."

"That's it."


Nan Sheng's mouth was tight, and he couldn't get any key information. The corners of Mu Wan's lips raised slightly, and she smiled inwardly and stopped asking.

After a while, Fuyu was taken to Xuanwu Hall.

Two dark guards in black escorted people in.

The young man was a little thin, his hair was a little disheveled, his eyes were a little empty and lifeless, he didn't focus much, and his expression was in a trance. He was only wearing a prison uniform, but he was still very good-looking.

There was no injury on his body, Chu Bei seemed to have used other methods to extract a confession, and did not torture him.

Seeing the Empress, she just knelt down and didn't speak, just like a puppet.

The moment Nan Sheng saw him, his expression changed slightly, and he secretly clenched his fists, knowing at a glance that they had drugged Fuyu.

This method of extorting confessions is also often used in the Dark Night Hall.

Excessive use of drugs can make people unconscious and weak, and they don't even know what they said or did.

This psychedelic drug first came from Yaowang Valley.

Looking at Fuyu, Mu Wan frowned slightly, and probably guessed that Fuyu had been poisoned with some kind of medicine. Thinking about Fu Si's presence, what medicine couldn't be prepared.

"Fuyu is so daring to take advantage of my bedtime to act against me, and I don't know who is behind the instigation. Take a closer look, is he the one you're looking for?"

Nan Sheng: "..."

She said so, if she hastily recognized someone, it would be a solid evidence that the Nanliang Regent ordered Fuyu to assassinate the empress.

At that time, Fuyu could only be killed. In this way, it would be difficult for the Empress Dowager of Nanliang to explain.

Nan Sheng glanced at Fuyu calmly, and said with a smile, "Going back to the emperor, they look somewhat similar, but I'm not sure, can I invite the prince to enter the palace to confirm?"

"Well, this... why don't you let the Regent of Nanliang bring the portrait over first, let me take a look." Mu Wan smiled, and then motioned for someone to take Fuyu down.

It is impossible for Zhao Shisan to enter the palace to meet people.

Nan Sheng's gaze flickered slightly following Fuyu's leaving figure, and he bowed and said, "I understand, thank you, Your Majesty, this time."

As he said that, he planned to go back and ask someone to send a message to Zhao Shisan.

Anyway, this time, it was confirmed that Fuyu was still alive.

As for how to save people, it needs to be decided by the regent, he can't decide other things.

Nan Sheng stepped out of the Xuanwu Hall, feeling a lot more relaxed, and the task was considered half completed.

I really didn't expect the Empress to speak so well.

The young man looked back at the gleaming golden plaque in Xuanwu Hall, and the corners of his lips raised slightly.

After the people left, Mu Wan picked up the lotus seed soup and planned to go to the Imperial Study Room to do the homework assigned by Chu Bei after eating.

But at this time, the secret guard hurriedly came to report that Xia Houjin and Princess Nine of Nanliang were fighting at the hot pot restaurant.

The lotus seed soup in Mu Wan's hand fell to the ground, she shook her lips, and said, "Go, bring that concubine back to me."

The dark guard pursed his lips and said, "Back to the emperor, the Prince Regent of Nanliang rushed to the hot pot restaurant to stop the two of them, and he is now on his way into the palace with someone."

"How much did the hot pot restaurant lose?"

Seeing the Empress gnashing her teeth and her eyes flickering with fire, the dark guard suddenly dared not speak.


Mu Wan glanced coldly and said sharply.

The dark guard tensed up all over, biting the bullet, "Going back to the emperor, after a rough calculation, it's probably more than 1 taels."

As they watched, the hot pot restaurant was just a private room smashed, but any vase in the private room was a tribute from the palace, something used by the emperor.

The Ninth Princess of Nanliang would be able to smash a vase at will for thousands of taels, or even priceless.

Concubine Xian and the two made a big move in the private room, and almost broke the entire private room. The tables, chairs, walls, screens, and the floor-to-ceiling curtains designed by the empress were all destroyed.

Hearing the amount, Mu Wan's brows twitched, wishing to beat Princess Nine of Nanliang and Xia Houjin.

After a while, Zhao Shisan brought people to Xuanwu Hall.

The palace people came to communicate.

Mu Wan sat down and said angrily, "Let them in."

Zhao Shisan, Princess Ninth of Nanliang, Xia Houjin, Situ Mo and others came in together.

The Ninth Princess of Nanliang and Xia Houjin were like children who did something wrong, kneeling down obediently.

Neither of them was very convinced.

But there is no way that one is afraid of the emperor's uncle and the other is afraid of the empress, so they have to succumb to the fierce gaze.

Looking at the two people kneeling in front of the main hall, Mu Wan looked displeased, "Why are you fighting so well?" She also went to her hot pot restaurant to fight, and they must pay for this loss.

The Ninth Princess of Nanliang and Xia Houjin glanced at each other one after another, then turned their faces in displeasure, and hummed coldly and dissatisfied.

The two hate each other.

The Ninth Princess of Nanliang naturally did not dare to tell the truth.

Xia Houjin pursed her lips and stared at her coldly, "Back to the emperor, let Concubine Shu come to explain this matter."

At this time, Situ Mo stepped forward and explained the cause and effect.

After listening, Mu Wan looked at Zhao Shisan, with an evil fire in her heart, and said, "Prince Regent, what do you think? Concubine Xian is impulsive, and I will punish him to think behind closed doors, but Princess Ninth of Nanliang should not change?"

After all, Xia Houjin had a conflict with the Ninth Princess of Nanliang because of the maintenance of the hot pot restaurant.

If she had been there at that time, she would definitely have been like him, unable to control the Ninth Princess of Nanliang.

This savage princess really owes a lesson.

"Rong Yue, this king will naturally bring her back and discipline her severely. As for the loss of the hotpot restaurant..."

"Compensation according to the price."

Mu Wan nodded.

Zhao Shisan narrowed his eyes, and stared at her face with falcon-like eyes, "The emperor seems to be very concerned about the hot pot restaurant."

Mu Wan's eyes flickered slightly, "After all, it's also the store opened by the queen, so I will naturally want to recover the loss for the queen."

Zhao Shisan's eyes darkened slightly, and he smiled lightly, "The emperor is really kind to the queen."

"He is my queen, if you don't treat him well, who should I treat well?" Mu Wan frowned slightly, feeling that he was a little puzzled.

"Not only the queen, but the emperor is also quite partial to the concubine Xian."

"The regent thinks that my punishment is too light, are you dissatisfied?"

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(End of this chapter)

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