Chapter 339 Compensation
Mu Wan's tone was cold and stern, and she sneered in her heart, "Don't forget that Princess Rongyue is wrong first, the regent wants to intervene in my affairs, so why not go back and discipline your good niece well, if the regent is dissatisfied with this, There are a lot of troubles in the monarchy, please ask the envoys of Nanliang to go back, forgive the monarchy for not being well received."

"The emperor calms down. This king is just expressing his feelings casually, and has no other intentions. This is the 2 taels of silver notes for compensation. If it is not enough, I will ask the king for it." Zhao Shisan slightly curled his lips, neither angry nor annoyed. Always locked tightly on her face, he directly took out the prepared compensation from his bosom and gave it to her.


Now that we have made plans to compensate, why do so many things?

Mu Wan was a little speechless, and motioned for the people to accept the bank notes. Seeing that there was nothing wrong, she wanted to drive them away. Anyway, they were not injured in the fight, and the hot pot restaurant was the one that lost. Since she gave the money, she didn't want to pursue it anymore.

Zhao Shisan stood still, he smiled and said, "I still have something to discuss with the emperor alone."


Xia Houjin and Situ Mo were immediately vigilant, looked at the empress, and signaled her not to agree.

Zhao Shisan is not a good person.

Lest she can't handle it alone.

God knows what he's up to.

And the empress seemed to be more dull than they imagined, Zhao Shisan's thoughts, she hadn't even noticed it yet?

Chu Bei was not in the palace, Zhao Shisan took the opportunity to approach the Empress with impure motives, if they didn't pay attention, they would definitely be scolded when they turned around.

Mu Wan glanced at Situ Mo and the others, then at Zhao Shisan, thinking about Fuyu, guessing that he must have come to save Fuyu.

She understands Situ Mo's worries, isn't it because she is afraid that she will not be able to deal with the treacherous Zhao Shisan alone?
But she can't always rely on Chu Bei.

She also wanted to be alone and take the opportunity to practice herself.

After thinking about it, Mu Wan looked at Situ Mo and said, "You all step back."

Situ Mo and Xia Houjin opened their mouths and wanted to advise, but the Empress looked over coldly. In front of Zhao Shisan, they couldn't slap her in the face, otherwise they would only make her unable to step down.

After all, she is no longer the Jun Muwan she used to be.

If you disobey her in public and embarrass her, there will be no good end.

Then the two nodded respectfully and retreated.

Sitting on the first seat, Mu Wan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The two of them were quite sensible, and they didn't always embarrass her in front of outsiders like before.

If you can't even subdue the concubine, how can you build up the imperial prestige?
"Regent please sit down."

Only Xiao Lizi was left in the hall to serve him.

The Ninth Princess of Nanliang also left together.

Mu Wan asked him to sit down, and Zhao Shisan walked to the seat closest to her and sat down.

"The Regent has something to say."

Zhao Shisan took a sip of tea, then raised his eyes to look at her, and said, "This king wants to cooperate with the emperor, I wonder if the emperor is willing?"


Mu Wan was a little surprised when she said that suddenly, she cheered up immediately, and narrowed her eyes slightly, "I don't quite understand what the regent means."

"There are no outsiders here, so the emperor doesn't have to go around with this king, just tell me directly, with the emperor's intelligence, I'm afraid he already knew that the purpose of this king's coming to Nanliang is actually to save Fuyu."

"The king regent is so straightforward, I admire it very much. I did know that you wanted to save Fuyu, but your purpose is really just to save Fuyu?"

Zhao Shisan's red lips slightly raised, "Why did the emperor say that? It's not to save Fuyu, the emperor thinks this king has other purposes?"

Mu Wan raised her eyebrows, exhaled like blue, and said with a light smile, "It is said that the regent is so forthright and doesn't know how to play tricks. How could he start playing riddles with me?"

Zhao Shisan looked at her and remained silent.

The air was visibly eerie.

Mu Wan lowered her eyes and said nothing.

There was a stalemate for a while.

Zhao Shisan smiled and said, "Several princes are trying to win over this king. Your Majesty knows this. They not only want to win over this king, they are also trying to win over forces from other two countries."

"I know this."

"The emperor is not in a hurry?"

Mu Wan pulled her lips, "Why should I be in a hurry, didn't the regent send Concubine Sheng to the palace and decide to help me with my relatives?"

Whether it was Zhao Shisan, Prince Xiqi, or Prince Beiming, they were all human beings. Although Prince Li and Prince Qi offered olive branches, none of the three parties accepted them.

"Haha, to be honest, Nansheng entered the palace only to save Fuyu, at best it was a spy sent by the king, it was just a pawn, life and death are irrelevant."

Mu Wan frowned, displeased that he trampled on other people's lives so lightly, "What about Fuyu, does his life or death not matter?"

Fuyu is the younger brother of the Empress Dowager of Nanliang. Didn't he spend a lot of time in the kingdom because he was entrusted by the Empress Dowager of Nanliang?

"They are all the same to me, and I also know that you will not kill them." Zhao Shisan smiled, because she is kind-hearted and principled, and will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. Or Nan Sheng, as long as she didn't touch her bottom line, she wouldn't want them to die, at most she would imprison them for a lifetime.

Mu Wan narrowed her eyes, "Hmph, do you know me well?"

How can she be so sure that she will not kill Fuyu and Nansheng.

Isn't this man too conceited?

"I don't know very well, so I want to know more about it. Do you know why this king has not accepted the courtship of the two princes? Because this king is waiting for the emperor, but unfortunately the emperor has never thought of cooperating with this king, so today this king took the initiative to come here without waiting." I'm looking for the emperor."

Mu Wan: "..."

"I don't think I need to cooperate with you."

Baba asked her for cooperation, and couldn't wait to take the initiative to find her.

Is he stupid.

Nanliang and Junguo are already married, and there won't be any war in the next two years, and there is no talk of cooperation. If they must cooperate, she would be happy to cooperate in business.

To open up trade between the two countries and increase customs and market taxes, these really need his support.

As for other cooperation, it is free.

How could he, the regent of an enemy country, intervene in the internal affairs of the monarchy?
Zhao Shisan paused, he didn't expect that she would directly reject him, and suddenly felt a little unwilling, and sullenly said, "Because there is King Chu by your side, do you think you can rest easy? If he is really so capable, those princes will have no chance." Bengda, if it were the king who came to help you, your throne would not be half threatened."

Mu Wan frowned slightly, "The more you say it, the more outrageous it is. The queen and I are husband and wife, and he is also the god of war in the kingdom. He should support me and help me. You... you come to help me deal with the government? You are the regent of Nanliang, Why should I trust you."

"What if the king is willing to stay in the kingdom?"

Zhao Shisan suddenly got up and blinked, his figure flashed in front of her.

Mu Wan was startled, and just stood up to take precautions, but was blocked.

Xiao Lizi was startled, and just as he was about to shout, a chess piece flew over and stopped him.

The man propped his arms on the chair, condescending, staring straight at himself with sharp eyes, slightly raised red lips, and smiled evilly, with a myriad of elegance.

Mu Wan froze and didn't dare to move. She sat still on the chair and said calmly, "What do you want to do, Prince Regent? Sit down and say something, do you know that you are blocking my view?"

"Your majesty is not afraid that this king will be unfavorable to you?" The man narrowed his eyes and looked at her fair face, without panic, and smiled happily with his lips curled up.

"This is the palace of the monarchy, and the regent is a smart man. If I lost a hair, you would never even think about stepping out of the Xuanwu Palace." Mu Wan said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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