Chapter 340
There are quite a few hidden guards in the dark, as well as Blood Shadow Blood. If he wants to do anything in Xuanwu Hall, he will definitely die.

Thinking of this, Mu Wan became more calm.

And who is Zhao Shisan?
He wouldn't be so stupid to face her opponent in Xuanwu Hall.

Do you want to scare her and suppress her momentum?

His style of acting is really funny. Doing this, he thinks he can make her compromise?
She is not Emperor Zhao.

Mu Wan sneered in her heart, and looked at him coldly.

Zhao Shisan's phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and her gaze gradually changed from deep and obscure to a hint of doting, and she couldn't help raising her hand to touch her straight and delicate nose, "How could this king be willing to..."

"Zhao Rui!"

At this moment, a cold voice came, and then a silver light waved directly across his outstretched arm.

Zhao Shisan hurriedly avoided the sharp and murderous sword aura.

The sword energy swept across the table and chair, splitting into two halves in an instant.

Mu Wan's heart jumped into her throat, just as Zhao Shisan raised his hand, thinking that he was going to strangle her neck.

Seeing that the split chair frowned, seeing Chu Bei rushing back to the palace in time, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Seeing the scene just now, Chu Bei was so angry that he wanted to kill Zhao Shisan.

This man really... can't stay.


At this moment, Mu Wan got up and walked to him, and looked at Zhao Shisan with a slight frown. This guy is really crazy, and he still wants to assassinate her in the Xuanwu Palace?
There was a faint cold light in Chu Bei's eyes, and he was full of murderous intent. He glanced at her, then shielded her behind him, looked at Zhao Shisan with cold eyes, and said in a deep and cold voice, "The regent is so big!" If you have the guts to fight in the Xuanwu Palace, you won't be afraid that this king will let you come and go."

Zhao Shisan was dressed in purple, with a golden crown and hair, standing in the hall like a mountain. He adjusted the brocade clothes on his body slowly and methodically. The phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, always feeling very glaring, wishing to shatter such a picture, sneered and said: "What is the empress so nervous about, this king came to discuss something with the emperor, you are not afraid of hurting your peace with your sword facing each other like this? This king If there is an accident in the palace of the monarchy, the soldiers of Nanliang will surely come to the city. At that time, the peace that the two countries have managed to maintain will collapse. The two armies will fight, and the corpses will be everywhere. point."

Mu Wan frowned, is this threatening her?

Chu Bei sneered, discussing something, what are you doing so close?Full of nonsense.

"Don't say such alarmist words in front of the emperor, you are just the king's defeated opponent."

The man in front of the hall suddenly had dark eyes, pursed his lips, clenched his fists, his veins twitched in anger, "It's really crazy! This king advises you not to get carried away."

"If you lose, you lose. This king respects you for being a man. If you have any grievances, come to this king. Don't attack the emperor." Chu Bei's eyes were cold, and he knew what Zhao Shisan wanted to do.

The two confronted each other, and the woman on the side was sweating coldly. What the hell were they doing?
She was afraid that Chu Bei would kill Zhao Shisan on the spur of the moment. At present, more than a dozen hidden guards pointed their swords at him.

It was as if Chu Bei stepped forward to tear him apart as soon as he gave the order.

It would be really bad if people really died in Xuanwu Hall.

Mu Wan wiped her sweat, her eyes moved, and she hurriedly said, "If you have something to say, you will all step back. If the regent really cooperates sincerely, the two countries will open up business and benefit each other, then you can sit down and have a good discussion. If you are not sincere, then Please go."

She secretly tugged at the corner of Chu Bei's clothes.

Chu Bei drooped his eyes and pursed his lips, signaling the dark guards to back down.

The tense atmosphere dissipated temporarily.

Zhao Shisan raised his eyebrows, remembering that she was in urgent need of money, so she opened a hot pot restaurant. It turned out that she likes doing business.

So he nodded and said with a smile, "Well, let's talk about the trade between the two countries."

Seeing that this man still wanted to be cheeky and let it go, Chu Bei's eyes darkened instantly, and he said, "I have a representative to discuss this matter with your country, the Regent, please go back."

As he spoke, someone came to ask him to leave.

The two black-clothed dark guards had cold brows and raised eyes, and they were full of evil spirits.

With such a way of hospitality, ordinary people will definitely be annoyed when they see it, and they will be afraid if they are not annoyed.

But in the eyes of Nanliang Regent, these are nothing.

Seeing how hostile Chu Bei was, he had no choice but to get up, and said with a faint smile, "That's how it is."

Before leaving, he did not forget to turn his head and say to the empress, "I will let the emperor see my sincerity, and please hope that the emperor will give me a chance."

"I also ask the emperor to spare Fuyu's life. If the emperor can spare him, Nanliang and Junguo can also get married, and the sons of several Nanliang township generals will get married. At that time, Nanliang will be the emperor's strong backing. It will also maintain a lasting peace, the emperor can think about it before returning to the king."


Mu Wan sneered, but really didn't know how to reply to him.

Kiss more?

A son of Nanliang Prime Minister's Mansion is not enough, but he also needs to give her the son of the great general of Nanliang Zhenguo. What exactly does he want to do? !

Zhao Shisan's phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and he smiled again, "Also, this king is pleased with the emperor, and sincerely wants to get closer to the emperor. If the emperor likes it, this king is willing to stay in the monarchy, or even your harem."


Fuck, that's what he meant when he said kissing and kissing. He himself came to make a kiss?
Has Nanliang degenerated to the point of letting the Prince Regent come to marry him?
Or do you want to use a serial beauty trick on her?

Mu Wan was taken aback, thinking it was an auditory hallucination, "Prince Regent, don't make jokes, this kind of joke is really bad."

She clutched her heart exaggeratedly, expressing that her heart couldn't bear it.

Zhao Shisan glanced coldly at Chu Bei, who was pale and ugly, and raised his red lips slightly, "This king never jokes, and everything he says to the emperor is from the bottom of his heart. Take a concubine, ask yourself about strength, wealth, status, and even beauty are not inferior to your current Queen Chu. If the emperor wants to consolidate the imperial power, win over the power, want to rest easy on the throne, live happily, free and easy, and do whatever he wants, this king can do it To help you realize it, the emperor can carefully consider my opinion, and I will wait for your reply."

After speaking, he turned around and stepped out of Xuanwu Hall with a big laugh.

Mu Wan's head was full of black lines, she had never seen someone so open-minded and bold as to dig a wall.

This allowed her to refresh her understanding of Nanliang's regent once again.

This guy acts too strangely, speaks outrageously, and always catches people off guard. He almost stirs up Chu Bei's anger. This method is really shocking.

She raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead, she was really shocked.

Thinking of Zhao Shisan giving her something inexplicably before, it was close, so the original intention was here.

Mu Wan's face was a little ugly, and she felt like she was being watched by an old fox, which was a bad feeling.

He looked up at Chu Bei, and suddenly felt chills down his spine. This guy seemed to be extremely angry and couldn't bear it anymore.

Darkness is not good.

"Don't worry about it, the queen. This is his attempt to sow dissension. Don't fall for it." Mu Wan's eyes flickered, and she hurriedly held his cold hand with her small hand.

 Ask for a monthly ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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