Chapter 352 Birthday Banquet 5
The old lady frowned slightly, endured a lot of dissatisfaction and nodded, and then followed the empress and led all the officials to move to Ziyang Palace.

When everyone arrived at their seats, they saluted first, and then took their seats.

The emperor and empress sat together, the empress dowager's seat was next to it, and the empress dowager's seat was on the other side, but now it was empty, and no one asked any more questions.

Everyone directly ignored her existence, just pretending that the disgusting thing never happened before, so as not to spoil the mood when thinking about it.

For the birthday banquet, the most important thing is to congratulate all the officials on their birthdays. As for the singing and dancing performances prepared in the palace, the entertainment is second.

The empress dowager's [-]th birthday, as the emperor, was naturally the first to congratulate the empress dowager on her birthday, Mu Wan signaled for someone to bring up the birthday gift prepared for the empress dowager.

Eunuch Li went down, and not long after, he saw some cooks from the imperial dining room pushing a cart. It was tall and big, covered with red silk and satin, and he didn't know what was inside.

Everyone was very curious, the old lady said when she saw it, "Open it quickly and show it to Ai's family."

Xiao Lizi opened the red silk, revealing a six-story cake, like a pagoda, with a birthday character written in brown sugar inserted on the top, which is particularly conspicuous, and sixty cakes are placed around the bottom cake. Flat peaches, flat peaches are pinched with flour and colored, very realistic.

Then there are a few golden pillars around the cake, which are also made of flour, with a layer of caramel melted on the outside, and each pillar is engraved with a birthday greeting.

At first I thought it was made of pure gold, but the Empress Dowager was very satisfied.

Everyone stared blankly, with admiration in their eyes, but they didn't know what it was. The empress dowager celebrated her birthday, why did the emperor give this thing away?
After taking a closer look, I couldn't help being amazed again. Those golden pillars seemed to be made of pure gold, which was ingenious and valuable.

Such a tall cake, more than one meter long, with six golden pillars, and carved lotus flowers on the top, some in full bloom, with green leaves, are extremely rare, many people think that it should be used very well It's carved in jade tune.

All the ministers praised him one after another, praising the emperor for his filial piety.

When the Empress Dowager saw her, she liked it very much. She looked at the empress and said, "The emperor is busy with government affairs, and he takes care of Aijia's birthday in his heart. His filial piety makes Aijia very happy. I don't know what this is? "

Mu Wan smiled and said, "The most important thing is that the emperor's grandmother is satisfied. This is called a birthday cake, and I specially asked someone to make it."

As he spoke, he motioned for people to push the cake to the front of the hall, and then a few royal chefs cut the cake open with a knife, put it on a plate, and brought a wooden knife and fork, and sent it to everyone. .

Seeing this beautiful, "valuable" thing being divided up in an instant, everyone was dumbfounded, and then looked at those golden pillars, lotus flowers carved from jade... a knife was cut into pieces, and when they looked at it, everyone wanted to goug out their eyes, it was just made of flour ...fancy, not a gold pillar at all.

The empress dowager's complexion instantly collapsed, and she couldn't hold back at all. She twitched the corners of her lips and watched the empress bring the cake to her with a bright smile.

She thought she was giving gold, fine jade, and valuable things. This beautiful gift made all the officials praise her and made her feel good, but her dream was shattered in a blink of an eye.

Still smashed in front of her.

The old lady was so angry that she wished she could throw a plate of cakes on the empress's face and make her go away!

Mu Wan held the cake in both hands with a smile and offered it in person. She did a good job on the surface, showing her image of filial piety to the fullest.

Prince Li and the others looked no better than the old lady, but Mu Wan's acting was so good, thoughtful and impeccable that no one could find any faults.

Yu Che cut those cakes, as if stabbing her heart, the pain made it difficult for them to breathe.

The empress has earned enough of the reputation of filial piety.

The more the old lady thought about it, the angrier she became, but because of her status, all the officials had praised the gift from the Empress for its ingenuity, and she was very pleased with her filial piety. If she expressed dissatisfaction now, it would be that she disliked the gift from the Empress as not valuable enough.

If she reprimanded her, she would know whether she liked this ingenious gift.

The most important thing in giving a gift is the thought. As the saying goes, the gift is light and the affection is the most important. This gift from the empress perfectly expresses this meaning.

Everyone laughed awkwardly, it was really too embarrassing, they didn't dare to look at the face of the Empress Dowager, for fear of being annihilated by a flying look.

Fortunately, the envoy has not arrived at this time, otherwise it would be a joke.

The old lady endured her unhappiness, squeezed out a smile, and took a taste of the pastry. Even if it was delicacies from mountains and seas, it would be like chewing wax.

But I still have to praise a few words, "The taste is good, the emperor has a heart."

"As long as the imperial grandmother likes it, it is not in vain for me to prepare carefully."

Prince Li smiled and said, "How long did it take the emperor to prepare such an ingenious gift?"

Mu Wan stroked her chin, and answered seriously, "Well, it took seven or eight days just to make the ingredients for the cake, and it also took seven or eight days to design the shape, but I did it before the emperor's grandmother returned to Beijing. Thinking about what kind of gift to give her, it took about a month or so."

Chu Bei raised his brows slightly, but his lips did not feel curled up. It has been more than a month... She only remembered the birthday gift of the Empress Dowager yesterday.

The old prince Chu and others agreed, saying, "The emperor is so filial, this kind of heart, no amount of gold, silver and jewels can be exchanged for it, the empress dowager is blessed!"

Prince Li and the Empress Dowager pulled their lips, what else could they say, they just nodded with a smile.


The Empress Dowager tasted it first, and everyone began to taste it with knives and forks.

A small piece of cake has a very special taste. There are fruits, cream, and some dried fruits in it. It tastes sweet and feels extremely delicious.

Especially the layer of cream on the surface is the favorite of children.

Many people still like to eat it.

It's a pity that the cake is limited, and there is only a chance to taste a small piece.

On the seat by the son of the family, Lu Fei and the others took the cake and ate it in one bite, saying that they didn't taste much. Lu Fei has never been in shape, and he is familiar with the empress, so he immediately raised his hand and shouted boldly The palace maid said, "Is there any more cake, it's not enough for me to stuff my teeth."


Lu Guogong who was sitting across from him immediately took a sip of wine, glared at his son, his face turned red, this kid was really spoiled by himself.

"Your Majesty, I have no way to teach my son..."

Lu Guogong and Mrs. Lu Guogong expressed their shame.

Sitting on the dragon chair, Mu Wan smiled and said, "It's okay, he likes to eat, and there are small ones in the imperial dining room, so give him some."

In addition to the six-layer cake, she also had some small cakes made for one person.

This time I also want to take the opportunity to promote, and if the response is good, I plan to open a cake shop.

As long as there is an opportunity to make money, she will not miss it.

Lu Fei immediately said happily, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Seeing the palace people carrying exquisite and small cakes, all the ladies liked it very much.

 Ask for a monthly ticket every day...

(End of this chapter)

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