Chapter 353 Accident
But after a while, the Empress also asked someone to serve them small cakes.

Now everyone was very happy, and the atmosphere slowly became lively.


After eating the cake, the emperor gave gifts, and then others gave gifts.

Prince Li, Prince Qi and others will send them first, and what they will send must be valuable things, such as white jade Avalokitesvara statues, emerald Buddha beads, golden statues of blessings and longevity, and so on.

Seeing these things, the Empress Dowager slowly revealed a smile on her face.

The prince and others finished delivering, and then the ten princesses took the lead.

What I presented was a double-sided embroidered Longevity Screen, which was said to be embroidered by the tenth princess herself, and was praised by many people.

Then the envoys from various countries arrived.

The Prince Regent of Nanliang, Prince Xiqi, and the First Prince of Beiming sat down together and presented congratulatory gifts one after another.

Those congratulatory gifts are ingenious and surprising.

The Empress Dowager showed a happy and satisfied smile.

The Regent of Nanliang and the others were all thanks to the Empress Dowager who came back in time, so they were not driven away by the Empress. Naturally, they wanted to send a congratulatory gift to express their gratitude.

The empress dowager was happy, so the empress invited the envoys from various countries to sit down and greet each other politely.

Three rounds of wine.

The ten princesses took the initiative to come forward and performed a dance.

A startling dance, stunning everyone, full of limelight, other ladies dare not compete with it.

Even if Xiu Nu wants to express herself, she is secretly clumsy.

Undoubtedly, he wanted to please the Tenth Princess and please the Empress Dowager.

Everyone knows that the Empress Dowager loves the tenth princess and Prince Li very much, this will embarrass her, only annoy her, and make the Empress Dowager unhappy, so it is absolutely impossible to enter Prince Li's mansion.

These show girls are very smart, just right after the performance.

Then there was Miss Zhou's water sleeve dance, which was astonishing for a while, but it was also inferior to the ten princesses.

Zhou Ruolan was so witty, the Empress Dowager and Ten Princesses were very satisfied, Prince Li was also very happy, and praised her for being a smart and smart woman.

Not only is she beautiful, but also intelligent, which makes Prince Li feel more honored. He locked his eyes on Miss Zhou and liked it very much.

He Shou is over.

It is all kinds of singing and dancing programs prepared.

After about a while, several princes also began to choose their concubines. Taking advantage of this, the show girls were all finished, and the princes asked for marriages whoever they liked.

Prince Li naturally chose Miss Zhou, and asked for a marriage, and the Empress Dowager readily agreed.

Miss Shangguan chosen by the king.

King Ling chose his cousin Miss Xu.

Ling Wang chose Fan Zhenzhen.

The other beautiful girls will be given to several princes respectively.

Either concubine, wife, or concubine.

The purpose of this draft was to buy them a place to live, the empress didn't say anything and waved her hand happily to give them a marriage order.

Some people are happy and some are worried.

But Mu Wan didn't care about these people, she just wanted to get rid of this group of people as soon as possible.

A birthday banquet cost a lot of money, and she was very distressed, so she deliberately asked people not to leave the banquet, and let people stay. They had to finish their food before leaving, and no waste was allowed.

The banquet was quite lively, until the evening, there was still more to say.

The empress dowager was getting old, and the marriage of several princes was settled, so she withdrew early.

Mu Wan leaned on the dragon chair and sipped the fine wine while admiring the moon. She was still in a good mood.

At this time, many young masters of aristocratic families couldn't sit still, especially the lively children like Lu Fei, who got the empress's permission to play in the imperial garden.

The rest of the banquet in Ziyang Palace were ministers and noble ladies, and some quiet and timid ladies who could only follow their mothers and dare not wander around.


After a little eunuch came over and underestimated a few words in Chu Bei's ear, his face changed slightly, and he glanced at Mu Wan. It was obvious that something had happened, so it's not convenient to explain it here.

Mu Wan frowned slightly, "You go first."

Chu Bei nodded and left Ziyang Palace alone.


At this time, Chu Bei left Ziyang Palace and hurried to the harem.

Just now, Princess Ninth of Nanliang was accidentally pushed down the lotus pond, but fortunately Xia Houjin rescued her in time.

After they left.

Qi Wang, who was hiding in the rockery, was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

All of this was originally planned by them, but they didn't expect a virtuous concubine to come out halfway, and suddenly appeared and rescued him silently, and placed him in the harem.

This matter cannot be made public, Nanliang envoys pursued it, and the empress demanded a thorough investigation, and the Qi Palace must be involved.

He didn't want to cause trouble, so he left quietly.


In Linmo Hall, the Ninth Princess of Nanliang was crying, saying that someone was going to harm her, and she refused to let it go.

Xia Houjin got dizzy from the quarrel, and said angrily, "You are stupid, you know the news is fake, but you still deliver it to your door, you deserve it, don't cry, cry again, this son will throw you back!!"


The Ninth Princess of Nanliang exploded with anger, her face was blue and red, but she was scared to shut up by his ferocious eyes. She didn't dare to cry, but she still sobbed softly.

If someone hadn't passed a note saying that Chu Bei had asked her out, she wouldn't have taken the risk.

If you think about it with your brain, you can know the impossible, but the temptation is too great, and she couldn't resist it for a while.

Who knew, when he got to a place where no one was around and passed the lotus pond, he would be plotted against.

At this time, she also knew that someone was plotting against her, so she didn't dare to call out.

She knows water and can go ashore by herself.

But she didn't know that there was someone hiding under the lotus pond. That person grabbed her calf and pulled it down... After choking on a few sips of water, she became flustered and frightened, so she didn't bother to call for help, which attracted Xia Houjin.

But what she didn't know was that Xia Houjin was nearby, just to save herself.

Xia Houjin glanced coldly at the weeping Princess Ninth of Nanliang, her eyes filled with contempt, if she hadn't known about Qi Wang's plot and Chu Bei's order, he wouldn't have come to rescue her.

The Ninth Princess of Nanliang changed her clothes and wrapped herself in a quilt. She hugged her legs and shrank into a corner of the imperial concubine's couch. She didn't notice his eyes. After all, she was a girl. Facing the fear of death, she inevitably felt flustered and frightened. Bold and terrified.

She suddenly missed Nanliang and wanted to go home. In Nanliang, even if she pierced the sky, there were people protecting her, but this place in Junguo was too scary, it didn't fit her character, and she would never come here again in this life.

"Drink some water to suppress the shock."

"What do you mean, I don't want you to be pitiful." The Ninth Princess of Nanliang glanced at the teacup in her slender and jade-like hand, and immediately turned her face away and hummed softly.

Xia Houjin clenched her fists, wishing she could drop the teacup. He just didn't want to see her cry in front of him, and was afraid that someone would misunderstand him and bully her. Then his heart softened for a moment, and he felt compassion, and comforted her with good intentions. In the end... well, this woman scared her to death, she deserved it!

"Hmph, don't pull it down!"

A certain persimmon's face was livid, and he took a sip from the teacup to calm down his anger, otherwise he was afraid that he would strangle her to death before Chu Bei came.

The Ninth Princess of Nanliang continued to sob softly, she just ignored him with the back of her head.

Until Chu Bei stepped in, her eyes lit up, she got up and ran over...

Xia Houjin grabbed the collar and said in a bad tone, "You are enough, don't you want to learn from Jun Muxue?"

(End of this chapter)

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