The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 356 Birthday on September 9th

Chapter 356 September [-]th Birthday
"You said it wasn't the guard who had sex with Zhou Ruolan in the cold palace, but who could it be?"

Chu Bei's phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, expressing vivid descriptions of the word she said "fuck the sheets".

This time the conspiracy was carefully designed by King Ling, who else could it be?

His move can be described as vicious, it completely ruined Zhou Ruolan.

Chu Bei handed her the hangover soup, and said with a smile, "No matter who it is, that kind of dirty thing, if you know it, it won't stain your ears. Now the faction of Prince Li's Mansion and King Qi's Mansion is completely embarrassing, and there will be no such thing in the future. Opportunity to join forces."

If he were to say what he was most worried about, it would be that the princes would join forces to deal with the empress.

It's a pity that he still overestimated these princes and the empress dowager.

Mu Wan took a sip of hangover soup, lowered her eyes, and raised her lips slightly. She knew who it was even if she didn't say anything. King Ling was narrow-minded, like a dormant poisonous wolf. strange.

"In the future, there will be fewer banquets in the palace. Once there are banquets, those people will not be safe. They will drug and fall into the water. How dare they have sex in the cold palace? From now on, those people will not be allowed to participate in any palace banquets."

Chu Bei was a little surprised, thinking she wouldn't be angry.

"Next month is your birthday. The emperor's birthday will be 16 years old. Naturally, there will be a big feast for the whole world to celebrate. At that time, the king will never let such a thing happen."

Mu Wan was slightly stunned, "Next month is September, when is my birthday?"

She doesn't even know her birthday.

"September [-]th."

Mu Wan's eyes darkened. Isn't that the Double Ninth Festival?

Oh, no, the Double Ninth Festival falls on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month.

The September [-]th he mentioned is the Gregorian calendar.

"Then September tenth is Princess Ten's birthday?"

"Well, they plan to hold a martial arts contest to recruit relatives that day."

Mu Wan rubbed her chin, originally she didn't want to hold a big feast to save money, but today, seeing the congratulatory gifts from all the officials, they all gave valuable things.

Her warehouse is now empty, so it has to be done for this birthday, the emperor's birthday, the gifts from all the officials will naturally not be bad.

Thinking of this, Mu Wan nodded, "The empress can figure it out."

It was getting late, and they were going to wash up and go to bed.

But Shoukang Palace, Yong'an Palace, the palace outside the palace, Zhou's family, etc. are destined not to be peaceful.

Including in the palace, Princess Ninth of Nanliang returned to the palace with the envoys. Early in the morning, Zhao Shisan sent her back first.

And he intends to stay to discuss trade matters.

Mu Wan: "..."

"Prince Regent, the trade regulations may not be written sooner. The Emperor of Nanliang is probably looking forward to your return earlier. You don't need to do this by yourself. When all aspects are settled, I will send someone to Nanliang to discuss with you."

Zhao Shisan hooked his lips, "This king has told the emperor about this matter, and all business matters will be supervised by this king."

"Hmm... well, I will leave this matter to Mr. Shen and the queen."

Mu Wan changed the subject, and said with a smirk.

Zhao Shisan frowned, and was immediately unhappy. He thought he could take the opportunity to get close to her, but she didn't expect her to avoid him on purpose.

Chu Bei glanced at Mu Wan, and slightly raised the corners of his lips, expressing his satisfaction with her performance, "The emperor still has something to do, the regent, please."

Mu Wan sipped her tea, lowered her eyes and nodded.

No matter how unwilling Zhao Shisan was, it was impossible for him to stay with a stern face, so he left Xuanwu Hall with a displeased face.

After the people left, the empress began to review the scriptures.

After an hour, she would rest for a while, when Ning Xinyao came to her.

It was because Fu Si was going to a nearby small village to investigate the death of a large number of livestock.

She wanted to go with her, but Fu Si disagreed.

So she came to beg Mu Wan.

"It's too dangerous, you'd better stay in the palace and watch the workshop for me."

Fu Si also said the same.

Ning Xinyao lowered her head slightly and said, "But... Yao'er is afraid that Master will be in danger."

Mu Wan smiled and said, "What danger can he have? Fu Si is superb in medical skills and martial arts. If you go, you will become a burden for him. Be obedient and stay in the palace. You write to uncle, and I will send someone to Qinglong Mountain .”

Ning Xinyao's clear eyes lit up, and she said, "Have you heard from Father?"

Mu Wan nodded and handed the letter to her, "Well, yes, this is a letter for you from the secret guard just now."

There are two letters in total, one for her and one for Ning Xinyao.

After she read the letter, she let go of her previous worries. The attitude of the Ning family would not be her enemy, and she only wanted to live a life of idle clouds and wild cranes. Since she ascended the throne, Qinglongzhai has never robbed the imperial court of military pay.


Ning Xinyao read the letter, she was very happy and did not let go, as long as her father and the others are safe and sound, she is no longer in a hurry to go to Qinglong Mountain to find them. Late.

"Then Yaoer is going to write a letter."

As she spoke, she continued happily, as if she had forgotten something, and when she remembered that she was going back to the imperial study, Xiao Taohong hurriedly held her back, "Girl, what the emperor said makes sense, so let's not trouble Dr. Fu." All right."

The little girl's selfishness is that she doesn't want her to take risks.

There might be a plague in that kind of place.

Ning Xinyao looked depressed, no one knew her depression, she just didn't want to stay in the pharmacy by herself, because that Chu Liuyi would come to pester her because Fu Si was not around.

She said that she had no intention of being interested in him, and she would not consider marrying within five years.

But he didn't listen, and every time he stepped into the pharmacy without authorization and was beaten by Fu Sipang, he didn't have a long memory.

She wanted to go out of the palace to avoid Chu Liu, that's all.

By the way, she also wants to go out of the palace to see the outside world. Now she is more and more interested in studying medicine, so she wants to learn more medical skills from Fu Si.

"If only I knew martial arts like my cousin..." Ning Xinyao was a little frustrated. If she knew martial arts and had the ability to protect herself, then her cousin and master wouldn't stop her.

"Yaoyao, you want to learn martial arts, I can teach you."

At this time, Wei Wei didn't know where Chu Liu came from, and suddenly said such a sentence, which scared the two of them to pick each other.

Ning Xinyao looked at him, quickly waved her hands and said, "Sixth Master Chu, why did you come here? I'm just talking casually, I don't really want to learn martial arts."

Are you afraid that the king of Chu will reprimand him if you leave your post without authorization? ?
Chu Lan was wearing a guard uniform, but he couldn't hide his sunny and lively temperament. He squinted his eyes slightly and said with a smile, "I saw you haven't come back, so I came to look for you."

While that Fu Si was away, he must seize the opportunity to try to embrace the beauty, and then piss him off.

Ning Xinyao twitched her eyebrows and said with a smile, "Thank you Sixth Master Chu, I'm going back to Xuanwu Hall to write a letter, and I won't be going back to the pharmacy for now."

Chu Liu frowned slightly, "Then I'll see you off."

Ning Xinyao shook her head, "No, no."

After saying that, he and the girl ran away in a hurry.

Leaving Chu Lan alone in place depressed for a long time.

Until Chu Bei sent Zhao Shisan back, he raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at him, "Is there something to do in the Imperial Study?"

"Brother, do you think I'm out of action?" Chu Lan showed a bitter face when she saw him, and said sadly, "Yaoyao, she always avoids me."

Chu Bei: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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