The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 357 Learning from Scripture

Chapter 357 Learning from Scripture (asking for a monthly pass)

Chu Lan's eyes lit up, and she immediately pulled him to sit down in front of the white stone steps, "Brother, I'll learn from you, how did you make the emperor's sister-in-law give up on you, and the three thousand in the harem spoil you alone?"

Chu Bei stood, frowned slightly and stared at him coldly, "I don't have any experience, think about it for yourself, go back and stand guard."

Chu Lan: "..."

Chu Bei turned around and entered the imperial study.

Mu Wan was designing dresses, jewelry, and drawing a picture book, and the first picture book was completed just short of the last one.

She stopped writing, and saw Chu Bei stepping in.

"Is it done?"


"Thank you for your hard work, queen, sit down and see my first picture book, how about it?"

Mu Wan happily handed him the album.

Chu Bei praised her all the time. After reading the album, he held her hand and smiled, "The second hot pot restaurant has opened, so should we start preparing to open the convenience store next?"

Knowing that she needed money urgently, she sped up the process.

Mu Wan nodded, "Yes, I just don't know how Su Ran has recovered recently? Now that Fu Si is leaving Beijing, do you want to send an imperial physician to take a look?"

Opening a convenience store, cake shop and other business management needs Su Ran's help, and Su Ran is more suitable than Uncle Lin.

"His injury has healed, and there is nothing serious."

"Then let him enter the palace, so that Concubine Su won't be worried."

Chu Bei frowned, "Is she looking for the emperor?"

Mu Wan's tone was slightly surprised, "No, didn't he know that Su Ran was assassinated and injured?"

Chu Bei's eyes flickered slightly, and he said, "I didn't let anyone tell her..."

Mu Wan picked up a pen to polish the album, and nodded silently, "Well, don't tell him, I think he is like a girl, less timid than me, if you know, you will definitely be frightened."

Chu Bei frowned immediately, thinking that she had known it long ago, but it seemed that she just said it casually and didn't find any clues.

Mu Wan really didn't know that even though she had read the novel, she didn't have a deep impression of Su Li. After all, she was a supporting role, and she didn't seem to be favored in the original novel.

Nowadays, Su Li almost never steps out of the gate, never leaves the Mingyue Palace, only comes out except for the palace banquets that must be attended, and deliberately keeps a low profile, so people hardly know her, only know that there is Su Guifei in the Empress's harem, Frail and sickly, I don't know anything else.

Even the empress seldom thinks of her.

Firstly, she was too busy, and secondly, she didn't want to pay too much attention to the concubines in the harem.

Almost always accompanied by the queen, even if they enter the harem, they will stay in the Suzaku Hall.

Suddenly mentioning Su Li today, this casual mention made people tremble inexplicably.

Chu Bei really wanted to end this kind of life as soon as possible, thinking that he should tell her now.

But when he was about to speak, someone came to tell him, "Pray for Prince, King Ling, and Mrs. Zhou to see me."

Mu Wan raised her eyes, her eyes were slightly cold, she pursed her lips and said, "Let them in."

Prince Qi, King Ling, and Mrs. Zhou came in together.

It's been a while since I saw him. Mrs. Zhou seems to have aged a lot. The last time he played chess in the Imperial Garden, he was still full of energy, radiant, rosy complexion, and bright and energetic eyes.

Now not only is she thinner, but her complexion is also not very good, and her eyes have a cloudy light.

Probably because of Zhou Ruolan's affairs.

The proud granddaughter would do such a shameless thing.

The century-old scholarly family of the Zhou family and the old Mrs. Zhou have all lost face to her.

But for the sake of the Zhou family, Mrs. Zhou still had to look for the Empress with an old face, first to plead guilty, and second to beg the Empress to marry her to King Ling.

Last night, Prince Li withdrew in a fit of rage, and the decree of bestowing marriage has not yet been written, so there is still time to change it.

Zhou Ruolan lost her virginity and did shameless things, which angered Prince Li and the Empress Dowager. The Prince Li lost all face. The Empress Dowager will not let her go easily. If she doesn't find a backer immediately, Zhou Ruolan will die undoubtedly.

King Ling simply wanted to marry her.

There is still room for redemption in this matter.

So he came to the palace to find the empress after discussing with Prince Qi.

But their wishful thinking may be wrong.

Mu Wan was dressed in a dragon robe, and her tone was a little lax and lazy. She glanced at the few people and said with a faint smile, "What happened last night made Brother Li feel ashamed, and the Empress Dowager was so angry that she vomited blood. Now she can't afford it. I'm afraid it's not easy for me to agree, why don't you ask the Empress Dowager first? She usually eats vegetarian food and recites Buddhism, and she likes Miss Zhou very much, so maybe she can make an exception and make a decree for a perfect marriage."

The Empress expressed embarrassment and would not intervene in this matter. Even if she had the ability, she would not help Zhou Ruolan.

They also didn't think about it, she was responsible for everything Zhou Ruolan did, she coveted the empress's queen, it was kindness for her not to give her fame.

Still have the face to beg her?
It's ridiculous! !
If it were someone else, it would be impossible to return home safe and sound in the cold palace last night.

Mu Wan was doing things while listening to them while holding the booklet in her hand. It seemed that I was very busy, so let's go if I have nothing to do!

And Chu Bei also sat on the sidelines and went out to do military affairs. The three of them hadn't raised their eyes since they came in. It was absolutely impossible for him to say something nice for him.

The old lady Fu of Zhou knelt in front of the imperial study room, her whole body was shattered like a lump in her throat, her heart was full of remorse.

The eyes of Prince Qi and King Ling secretly met, and they had expected that the emperor would not agree to help.

Then he took out Ling Wang's IOU, saying that if she was willing to decree to give a marriage, the interest on the money would be erased.

This is to make a deal with her.

"Your Majesty, this is the money you received from King Ling before. Here is the IOU. Lord Ling expresses his understanding to the Emperor. He is blind to the fact that the treasury is empty and the country is short of money. If the Emperor can also be considerate and help King Ling once, the money will not have to be repaid. .”

King Qi took out the IOU, squinted his eyes slightly, looked at the Empress, with a slightly smug smile on his lips.

King Ling nodded and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, this matter is the sincerity of Brother Ling Wang. As for our share, we can take it easy, and it will not be too late when the Emperor has more money. The emperor has difficulties, so he never mentioned it."

Mu Wan paused her hands, raised her long eyelashes, and narrowed her eyes as she watched the two princes. She had forgotten about it, and there was still a large debt that had not been settled.

Before that, a small plan was used to smooth out the empress dowager and the eldest princess.

But King Qi, King Ling, and King Ling still had IOUs in their hands, so she wondered why they didn't force her to repay the debt.

It turned out that she was continuing to dig a hole here and waited for her.

Mu Wan put down her pen, motioned for someone to take the IOU to look over, and glanced down, the amount on it instantly made her face uneasy, but there was still a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, and she said, "Oh, I almost forgot, I still owe it Let me tell you how the interest of the 30 taels is calculated for the money of the brothers? There are also the IOUs of the two brothers, and I will return them to you."

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(End of this chapter)

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