Chapter 360 Royal Farm
Guanshi Huang was dragged away by the fat chef before he understood what a picnic was.

"Let's go, do what the emperor tells you to do. I have a list and tools here, all of which are specially made and prepared by the emperor. Let's just do it and don't disturb the emperor and the empresses to relax."

Fat Yuchu has such a blank expression on your face, the empress clearly brought her concubine on a date, why are you joining in the fun?

Guanshi Huang: "..."

Glancing at the teenagers not far away, it was rumored that the Empress loved to play, and it was true.

Mu Wan looked around the farm, and felt that the place was big enough to build a shed dedicated to growing bean sprouts, growing mushrooms and the like.

Chu Bei looked at her and asked, "What does the emperor want to investigate when he comes to the farm?"

He suddenly said that he wanted to come to the Royal Farm. It shouldn't be as simple as a picnic.

"I told you before that the side dishes in hot pot restaurants are too hot. I want to grow some bean sprouts, mushrooms, etc. as side dishes, so that I can eat vegetarian dishes in winter."

There was a hint of curiosity in Chu Bei's eyes, "Bean sprouts? Mushrooms?"

Mu Wan smiled, "You'll know when the time comes, it's hard for me to explain it to you right now."

Chu Bei pursed her lips and nodded. Anyway, what she came up with would always surprise people. She thought to herself, if these bean sprouts can grow in winter, maybe they can solve the vegetable problem of the soldiers.

Mu Wan thought about it with him, and tacitly said, "Is the Royal Farm safe? Will someone else sneak in?"

"If the emperor wants to do a good job of keeping secrets, it is better to choose a private farm."

Once it is known that bean sprouts and mushrooms appear in hot pot restaurants, they will be found on her head.

After all, the Royal Farm belonged to her in a sense, and only she had the right to use it, and most of the things planted were specially for the emperor to eat.

"The queen is right, so you have a private farm?"

"Yes, I don't know how big the emperor needs."

"You can do whatever you want. I'll give you the secret recipe later. By the way, help me find some seeds. I want to plant some new seeds to increase the yield of crops."

Chu Bei raised his eyebrows, "Are you going to plant it yourself?"

"Well, use potted plants and plant them in the palace. If you can bring them to the farm for trial planting, and wait for a considerable harvest, then distribute them to the common people."

At present, the imperial court does not have a department dedicated to studying crops, so she can only experience it herself first, and then find a way to establish a related research department later.

Chu Bei nodded, his eyes were filled with admiration for her. If the output of crops can really be increased, the basic food and clothing problems of the common people can be solved, which is also a good thing for the imperial court. The most important thing in marching and fighting is the problem of food and grass, which the monarchy has never been enough for. Awesome, we really need to solve this problem to avoid future disadvantages.


The empress was in front, and the other teenagers leaned behind.

Because they were wary of Fuyu and the others, Situ Mo and the others were always vigilant and abided by the rules, not as casually as usual.

They didn't dare to go forward, so Fuyu and Nan Sheng naturally didn't dare to break the rules and go to the empress's side without authorization.

It was a little far away, so they couldn't hear what the emperor and empress were talking about.

After talking about the business, the emperor and empress came together and expressed their desire to go fishing in the fish pond.

Mu Wan has always advocated a combination of work and rest.

This will have people ready fishing rods.

When it comes to fishing, a few teenagers are interested, how can they not play when they come out.

Soon he came to the fish pond, and seeing several large overturned cars beside him, Mu Wan couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and glanced at the spring water flowing into the fish pond.

Since she promoted irrigation tools such as bobbin carts and overturned carts, the fish pond has fixed tanks of spring water every day, eliminating the need for labor and saving a lot of work.

Therefore, the water in the fish pond is crystal clear and very clean. The fish raised are fat and beautiful, and the fish meat must be tender and sweet.

Looking at the cheerful fish swimming around inside, Mu Wan couldn't help drooling.

Several teenagers sat down to fish.

There are several fish ponds with different species of fish and a pool of turtles.

The fish in the pond can be caught in a bucket at random, and it is not as surprising as imagined.

At noon, the imperial chefs prepared the ingredients, and Mu Wan began to guide the barbecue.

Prepare a picnic rack and barbecue tools over there. The ingredients have been prepared a long time ago. The meat is cut into bites or slices and strung together with bamboo sticks. There are also corn, eggplant, wild mushrooms, chicken legs, chicken wings, and fish. Shrimp and so on are strung together in a string with bamboo sticks.

Chu Bei and the others watched Mu Wan grilling meat by himself. It was the first time they saw such a "gentle" barbecue method, which made people very curious and surprised.

While roasting, use a brush to brush the seasoning. The fragrance is really fragrant and makes people salivate.

Mu Wan distributed the grilled meat skewers and corn cobs to them to eat first.

Several teenagers took a bunch and tasted it.

"How about it?"

The girl looked at them with slightly raised eyebrows and asked.

Needless to say the taste, even if it is not delicious, as long as the empress baked it for them personally, even if it is charcoal, they will eat it up.

The teenagers nodded and praised fiercely while eating, it was much better than the "rough" baked food they used to eat.

There is an urge to eat all the bamboo sticks.

After reading it once, everyone knew it, and then went to other barbecue stations to start grilling.

With the help of the royal chef, everyone can learn how to bake.

Not long after, Mu Wan had grilled skewers as high as mountains, and the teenagers struggled one by one to let her taste the taste.

Mu Wan's head was full of black lines, and she felt like she was throwing a stone at her foot.

The concubines' eyes were blazing and they were full of enthusiasm, she really couldn't bear to refuse.

I had no choice but to pick it up silently, and everyone ate a bunch of roasted ones.

"Well, it's delicious. All my concubines sit down and eat together. I can't finish it all by myself."

In the end, I still couldn't hold back and begged to let go.

The teenagers couldn't stand her eyes and had to sit down.

There is only a plush carpet on the lawn, a few low tables are placed, there are iced juices, fine wines, and fruits...

The rest of the royal chefs will bake, and they will be responsible for eating.


At this time, the Zhou Mansion received an order from the Empress Dowager.

The entire Zhou Mansion was shrouded in a layer of haze.

Miss Zhou bestowed upon King Ling as his wife.

To put it bluntly, the lady is the aunt.

The number one beauty in the capital, the number one talented woman, has fallen to the point where she is married off as soon as she is a petite girl, which is also amazing.

Thinking about the future Prince Li and Princess Li, who was still glorious in the last moment, everyone envied her.

Now she has fallen to the point of being a concubine, and the news swept across the entire capital like a gust of wind.

Everyone was shocked.

Who would have known that a goddess who was as pure as ice and pure as a flower of a high mountain would do such shameless things?
There is nothing to sympathize with, but Zhou Ruolan did it herself, so she can't blame others.

It's just that what people can't understand is how could Miss Zhou have a private meeting with a little guard?

(End of this chapter)

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