Chapter 361 Dowry
She doesn't even look down on the noble prince, will she commit herself to an unknown person?
Everyone was puzzled.

Zhou Ruolan couldn't even figure it out herself, the person she was dating that night was clearly Chu Bei, but when she woke up, it was a guard.

She couldn't accept this fact, and every time she thought about what happened last night, her face would instantly become gloomy. Looking at the bright yellow Yizhi, she was so angry that she wanted to tear it apart, and shouted at people desperately, "Get out!"

The two nuns from the palace stood still, their faces were respectful, calm, their eyes were cold and sharp, and their tone was quite sharp: "Miss Zhou, this is the order of the Empress Dowager, let the old slave and others send you to marry , and please don’t embarrass the old slave.”

The people around the empress dowager, what big scenes haven't they seen?
Do you think that if she makes a lot of noise, loses her temper, and throws away Yizhi, she can stay out of marriage?
That's impossible, if it wasn't for the protection of Yaowanggu's relationship, what was waiting for her would be a big knife and her head would fall to the ground.

The two old nuns are not afraid of her making trouble.

Zhou Ruolan was livid with anger, her face was distorted, she wished she could strangle the two old things to death.


Mrs. Zhou rushed over to hold her back, her eyes were red with tears, and there was pleading in her eyes.

"Can the two sisters please go out first, I will persuade her."

The two old nuns glanced at Mrs. Zhou, and then retreated slightly.

Mrs. Zhou sat down and held her daughter's hand tightly, "Lan'er, what can you do if you don't enter Prince Ling's mansion?"

The Empress Dowager and Prince Li must take revenge, and this matter will not let her go easily.

She didn't enter Prince Ling's mansion to be a concubine, tore up Yi's decree, and killed two nuns. With the backing of Yaowanggu, she felt that these were trivial matters.

But then the Empress Dowager would definitely be furious, and Yao Wanggu might protect her life, but he would never care about the lives of other people, and the Zhou family would be finished by then.

"Mother...I'm not reconciled, someone plotted against Lan'er." Zhou Ruolan cried, her eyes darkened.

"Mother knows that you have been wronged, but do you know who it was that night?"

"It's Chu Bei..."

"you sure?"

"I just saw his face..."

Zhou Ruolan was a little confused, her expression was gloomy, and her face can be changed. At that time, she was also drugged, so would she still pay attention to these things?
Mrs. Zhou shook her head helplessly. That night, King Chu left for a meeting, but he came back soon. The Zhou family also secretly inquired. That night, Princess Nine of Nanliang fell into the water. Maybe they appeared in the cold palace at the same time, the person she saw must have been disguised by others.

"Silly daughter, you've been smart all your life, but you've been foolish for a while!"

Zhou Ruolan's face was gloomy, and she clutched the quilt tightly, "If I find him, I will definitely tear him to pieces."

Mrs. Zhou wiped her tears, said distressed and sad, "Lan'er, we don't have enough evidence, if we rashly correct King Chu, our family will not be able to bear the anger of King Chu at that time, you can't just care about yourself, you also want to Miss your mother and your father, okay?"

Zhou Ruolan lowered her eyes and said nothing, she didn't think much about it.

Seeing that she was unmoved, Mrs. Zhou was a little disappointed, and then said, "You have to know, the harem is dominated by King Chu. He is in charge of the harem, and his people are everywhere. You deliberately followed him to the cold palace. How could you not know?"

Zhou Ruolan's face changed slightly, "Mother, what do you mean, he arranged all of this?"

Mrs. Zhou's eyes flickered slightly, and she shook her head, "Mother is not sure, mother only knows that the King of Chu must know about this matter, think about it, he knew it, but he didn't stop him, allowing you to be plotted and ruined by others , do you still want to miss him?"

Zhou Ruolan's face was pale, as if she had been pierced by ten thousand arrows. Every word of Madam Zhou's words pierced her heart, and she kept ringing in her ears. He knew that he had this ability...but he watched her jump into the fire, and he couldn't help it. Don't save her.


How could he do this to her?

"Chu Bei, since you are so ruthless, don't blame me for being ungrateful."

With deep hatred in her eyes, Zhou Ruolan wiped away her tears, gritted her teeth and said, "I'll marry..."

Mrs. Zhou was overjoyed, she held her hand tightly, she was finally relieved, her daughter was not brought up by herself since she was a child, she did not grow up in the Zhou Mansion, she is cold and arrogant, selfish and cruel, she is not at all in her heart This mother, I am afraid that if she is cruel, she will run back to Yaowang Valley, regardless of the Zhou family's life or death.

The Zhou family will never allow her to leave after getting into trouble.

Otherwise, this responsibility will be borne by their elders.

Mrs. Zhou is a smart person. It is impossible for a selfish daughter to disregard her son and husband. That is her god, her everything.

Young master Zhou is not married yet, this time he will take the provincial examination, and we will talk about marriage after he can pass high school.

This incident has already had a great impact on him and must be resolved as soon as possible.

Can not affect the son's future.

Now that the Zhou family has offended Prince Li and lost the emperor's favor, their power is much worse than before.

Only by choosing to take refuge in Prince Ling's Mansion, there is still a little room for turning around.

Otherwise, what awaits the Zhou family will be a path of decline.

Once a century-old family declines, it is difficult to rise again. The Ning family is the best example.


Zhou Ruolan agreed to marry into Lingwang's mansion as a concubine, and within two days, a little girl was carried into Lingwang's mansion.

With the Empress Dowager under pressure, even if King Ling wanted to organize a wedding banquet for her, he would be powerless.

In the end, she became King Ling's concubine.


After returning to the palace, Mu Wan heard about this, and couldn't help but marvel, the empress dowager was really a thunderous trick, not only forced Zhou Ruolan to be a concubine, but also gave a marriage to King Ling, and gave a marriage to the second wife of the Zheng family. King Ling was the main concubine and got married on the day Zhou Ruolan entered the mansion.

This means that she will not give her a good life in the future.

But isn't the empress dowager afraid of driving a crazy woman by doing this?

Rabbits bite people when they are in a hurry, let alone a poisonous snake?
I'm afraid it's pushing Miss Zheng Er into the fire pit.

Poor girl, I hope the old lady will not regret it.

However, it doesn't matter to her. Even if she is capable, she will not protect someone who has nothing to do with her.

Chu Bei and the others also meant the same thing. Let her put away unnecessary sympathy. As an emperor, she should not be indecisive and emotional.


Seeing that he was about to reach the Xuanwu Hall, Xiao Lizi asked, "Should the Emperor take a bath first or go to the Imperial Study Room first?"


When he arrived at the bathing hall, he took off his brocade clothes, got into the water and began to take a bath.

The others also went back to choose to take a bath and change clothes.


After taking a bath, Mu Wan arrived at the imperial study room, and saw Mr. Qin from the Ministry of Rites waiting outside the imperial study room.

Seeing him, Mu Wan looked depressed, afraid that he came to ask for money.

Several princes got married together, and according to the regulations, the palace had to prepare a betrothal gift.

It costs money to prepare the dowry.

When the matter of money was mentioned, Mu Wan felt a headache, and said directly, "I have no money, and the treasury has no money, so you can figure it out."

Mr. Qin was sweating profusely, and he also knew that the empress had just returned 100 million taels of gold, so he really regretted asking the empress for instructions. He was embarrassing the empress.

Fortunately, the Empress was not angry, otherwise her life would have been lost.

One word sent him out.

Mr. Qin was very depressed, and felt that this task was too difficult.

After coming out of the imperial study room, the betrothal gifts that were not prepared were carried directly to the palaces of the princes.

By the way, let someone bring the words of the empress to the princes.

Marrying a daughter-in-law is one's own business, and one's own way of dowry.

(End of this chapter)

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