Chapter 362


Seeing those pretentious things, the princes almost had a myocardial infarction with anger.

But there is no way, everyone knows that the kings of Qi went to ask the empress to ask for a debt, and the empress borrowed money from the empress to pay back. It is absolutely impossible for her to use money to buy them a betrothal gift.

The reason Master Qin gave them was that the empress really had no money, let alone the treasury, so they couldn't spend this month's salary and military pay.

If the salary is in arrears, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty will not agree.

Everyone has to live, and everyone has to eat. If they make a fuss about asking for a betrothal gift, those court ministers will definitely support the Empress. For this dowry gift, they have offended the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, and they are in the hands of the Empress. They will lose in the end.

Everyone is like this, and they don't care about things that have nothing to do with their own interests.

As long as it touches on your own interests, you are in a hurry.

The princes understood the pros and cons of it, but in the end they only dared to be angry and dared not speak out, calling the Empress shameless in their hearts.


Today Su Ran was called into the palace to discuss opening a convenience store and a barbecue restaurant.

These things must first become popular in the monarchy, and then they will be conducive to opening up trade between the two countries.

"Brother-in-law Su, please sit down, the injury is recovering!"

As soon as Su Ran came, the empress greeted him warmly, which made him very uncomfortable.

In particular, the phrase Uncle Su made his heart tremble and he felt inexplicably uneasy. He was actually afraid of seeing the Empress, and he always felt very sorry for her. She was sincerely treating him as a friend, but he deceived her... This feeling is really real. uncomfortable.

Su Ran secretly suppressed the emotions in her heart, saluted and sat down, "Thank you, Your Majesty, Caomin has recovered."

Mu Wan was a little ashamed and said, "I'm sorry that I almost killed you, but don't worry, I will avenge you after Ting Yulou, the host of Tingyu Tower, catches you."

Su Ran smiled, and didn't know what to say except "Xie Huang Majesty".

He wanted the Empress to accept this love, and he only asked her to forgive the Su family for the sake of his almost dying for her.

After chatting for a while, we started talking about business.

Mu Wan showed him the prepared business plan, and listened to his opinions with an open mind.

Then make amendments, and if there is no problem, prepare to draw up a contract, sign it by both parties, keep one copy in triplicate, and keep the other copy somewhere in Chubei.

Su Ran is responsible for helping her take care of those shops, three to seven points, she accounts for [-]%, Su Ran accounts for [-]%.

Although this request feels a bit excessive, but Mu Wan can't take care of that much, she needs money.

Su Ran would not dislike such a request, so he signed it directly. In addition, he also donated [-]% of [-]% of the shares to Shantang. In this way, Shantang has a monthly income for expenses.

And the empress can also reduce a burden.

Originally, what Su Ran and Chu Bei discussed was that he didn't want money and would be her housekeeper. As long as she was happy, it didn't matter. But Chu Bei said that the Empress would not agree. If he didn't want [-]% of the shares, the Empress might not ask him to cooperate. He had no choice but to agree to ask for [-]% of the shares.

Mu Wan's eyes were bright, and she was indeed very happy in her heart. She hurriedly thanked him for those orphans, and this happiness rewarded him a lot.

Anyway, they are all tributes, things that don’t need money.

Su Ran refused, "The grassroots should help the emperor share his worries."

"It's also right for me to give gifts to my brother-in-law. Don't dislike me, brother-in-law."

Su Ran's expression changed, and he quickly knelt down and said, "Caomin dare not..."

"'Okay, don't kneel down every now and then, get up, I'm telling someone to have dinner at the Mingyue Hall at noon, and you can join me.'" Mu Wan said happily after accepting the contract.

Su Ran was slightly taken aback, stood up and lowered her eyes, a faint panic flashed in her eyes.


In the Mingyue Palace, I learned that the empress was coming to eat.

Su Li couldn't mention how nervous and frightened she was.

The experience that the empress asked her to sleep with her when she came to the Mingyue Palace in the past still left her with lingering fears.

Although the empress today is not the same as before, she will not do such things as a strong person, but she is shrewd and sensitive, and she has a lot of contacts, so she is afraid of revealing her identity.

In the palace, I was worried and afraid every day, hiding from the empress, not daring to go out, even so, I still couldn't escape and had to face the empress.

"Young master, don't be afraid, I heard that the eldest son is also back." Lian Qiao comforted her.


Su Li nodded, still clutching his sleeves nervously.

When she saw the empress and Su Ran come in together, her heart beat fast, she quickly lowered her head, and said in a salute, "I... I will see the emperor."

Lian Qiao was dressed in eunuch uniform, and hurriedly bowed her head and knelt down, not daring to look directly at the empress.

"Aifei doesn't need to be too polite."

Due to the experience last time, Mu Wan didn't dare to touch him anymore. After a little support, she walked to sit on the imperial concubine's couch.

Su Li glanced at Su Ran, as if this could keep her calm, she sat down beside her.

And Su Ran sat on a chair some distance away.

Mu Wan looked at Concubine Su Gui curiously, and felt that this young man was really evil, even more evil than Chu Fox, and it was difficult to distinguish between male and female.

A big man looks so thin and thin, with red lips and white teeth, bright eyes and white teeth, big watery eyes that are shining and big, with double eyelids, no matter how you look, he looks like a... woman.

"Cough cough..."

Mu Wan was about to reach out to test it, when Su Ran coughed suddenly, which attracted her attention.

"Big brother."

Su Li was suddenly nervous, and immediately got up and went to support Su Ran, his eyes were full of worry, "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Su Ran's eyes flickered, she pulled out her hand without any trace, and shook her head secretly at her, signaling her not to panic, "The grass people are fine, thank you for your concern."

Looking at the two of them, Mu Wan thought that Su Ran was seriously injured and his body was still weak. Su Li didn't know about his assassination, so she smiled and said, "If you feel unwell, please ask the imperial doctor to take a look."

"No, thank you, Your Majesty, please treat your Majesty to a meal first."

He said so, and Mu Wan didn't force it, so he passed the meal on.

When the food came, Su Li hurriedly got up to serve her.

Mu Wan picked up the wine glass and took a sip, raised her eyes to look at him, narrowed her eyes slightly, "Sit down and eat, Aifei, there is no need to wait."

Su Li nodded, and sat obediently beside her, eating with her head down all the time, very quiet.

Su Ran occasionally drinks with the Empress.

Seeing that the Empress was drinking cup after cup, they all panicked. Although the wine was plum wine, it was not easy to get drunk, but the Empress was not a good drinker, if she continued to drink like this, she would definitely pass out.

Su Ran didn't dare to say a few words of persuasion.

Su Li didn't dare to persuade her even more, she was timid, and she was afraid that touching her would make her unhappy.

After a while, Mu Wan was really drunk, "My concubine, have a drink with me, I'm happy today..."

Xiao Lizi hurriedly asked someone to help her to rest in the Mingyue Hall bedroom.

"Imperial Concubine, the Emperor is drunk, and I'm afraid he won't wake up for a while, so I'll rest with you for the lunch break."

The two maids helped the Empress take off her dragon robe, helped the Empress to lie down on the bed, and then bowed and retreated.

Naturally, the palace will be served by the imperial concubine.

(End of this chapter)

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