The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 365 The queen smells so good...

Chapter 365 The queen smells so good...


Chu Bei nodded and handed over the secret recipe to the secret guard. He has a Mingyue Villa, and someone will handle it wherever he sends it.

The dark guard sent it immediately, and used hundreds of altars of fine wine to start refining.


After dealing with this matter, it was almost time, so I went back to Xuanwu Hall to prepare for bed.

Chu Bei was laying the floor a little depressed.

And Mu Wan was on the dragon bed, wearing a bright yellow tunic, with a bun on her head, a mask on her face, and her legs dangling, lying on her stomach reading the little storybook he brought back for her from outside the palace.

Recently, she likes to put on a facial mask before going to bed, and read these small story books collected from outside the palace, which is called a light and small entertainment at night.

Gradually, Chu Bei had to be responsible for showing her the time. When it was time to apply the mask, he would remind her to have someone come wash her, and then turn off the lights and go to bed.

This is his hard life.

After washing off the mask on her face, Mu Wan jumped onto the dragon bed in a good mood, sat cross-legged, looked at him with raised eyebrows, and patted the empty seat next to her, "The queen will sleep with me today."

Chu Bei's hand paused slightly, black lines all over his face in an instant, he would no longer be fooled.

This woman is very black-bellied. After the two of them agreed in private that they were not allowed to take a step beyond the thunder pool, she deliberately started teasing him every day.

Sometimes it is normal to deliberately drill into his bed in the middle of the night.

Every time it would cause him to soak in cold water all night.

It was torture to him.

The agreement was agreed, if he broke the rules first without holding back, she would not abolish the harem.

Looking at the woman's eyes that were as clear as water, the corners of Chu Bei's lips twitched slightly, "No, I'd better sleep on the floor."

Tomorrow is a rest and there is no need to go to court.

So here she is again.

If it was normal, she would not take the initiative to invite him.

However, this time he misunderstood Mu Wan.

She just feels cold. The weather has turned cold recently, and it's a little cold in the middle of the night. She needs someone to warm her bed.

He is the queen, isn't he just to warm her bed?
"Why, you want to play hard to get."

"... "

Chu Bei silently raised his forehead, raised his eyes and watched her raise her eyebrows slightly. I had seen through your carefulness a long time ago, so I couldn't say what I meant, and climbed up silently, put my arm through her hair, put her arms around her shoulders and pressed her On his chest, he secretly smiled, "Well, go to sleep."

He is so domineering and has no rules in private.

Being hugged suddenly, Mu Wan couldn't help but blushed slightly, and pressed her side face against his chest, listening to the strong heartbeat, her heart also beat fast.

He smelled really good, a faint mint scent.

Probably bathed with peppermint soap.

"The queen smells so good..."

As Mu Wan said, she lowered her head and rubbed against his chest, a warm breath just touched his chest.

Chu Bei trembled all over, his Adam's apple moved slightly, and his voice was inexplicably hoarse, "Wan Wan..."

Arms tightened violently.

Mu Wan was tightly held in his arms.


Mu Wan raised her eyes very depressed, she was almost suffocated by him.

His Adam's apple rolled again, and even his breathing became rough.

It was only then that Mu Wan realized that this time she was playing too much, no matter what, she was at a young age, how could she stand such teasing from her?
Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Mu Wan hurriedly struggled to keep a distance from him.

But in the next second, I just feel dizzy, and my mouth is blocked...



"I'm going to sleep in the study."

He hurriedly got up and turned around, not daring to stare at her anymore.


"Your Majesty, what are you talking about?" His voice was deep and deep, like the sound of jade.

"I let you come over..."

Mu Wan squeezed out a few words between her teeth, and then pulled them down.

Chu Bei's head was full of black lines, and he was wondering why she was so daring, but in the next second, his entire handsome face burst into red, and his eyes were dim, "You..."

But... this meeting has no time to care about these.

Otherwise, he wouldn't do such a thankless job if he was killed.

She was so ashamed and indignant that she wanted to dig a hole in the ground...but she didn't know that today she was shooting herself in the foot with a rock.


There is no need to go to court today, so Mu Wan will take it as a holiday for herself, and sleep until she is exposed to the sun.

Chu Bei has the habit of getting up early, and he gets up early in the morning to practice kung fu.

It was the best night's sleep he'd ever had.

So I was in a particularly good mood, and the curvature of the corners of my lips hadn't been suppressed all day long.

The corners of his lips were slightly raised, his eyebrows were smiling, and he was full of vigor.

After bathing in the bathing hall, dressed in purple, he strode across the threshold of the Xuanwu Hall, glanced at the palace servants, raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked, "The emperor hasn't woken up yet?"

The palace man replied respectfully, "Go back to your lord, the emperor just got up and is washing and changing clothes."

Chu Bei nodded slightly, then walked in.

At this time, Mu Wan had already washed and dressed. She was dressed in purple regular clothes, only the sleeves were embroidered with gold silk cloud patterns, and she was wearing a snake bun with only a purple gold jade hairpin on it.

Xiu Mu, if she doesn't have to go to court, she won't go to the imperial study.

Seeing her attire, Chu Bei knew that she was leaving the palace.

"The emperor intends to attend King Li's wedding banquet?"

Mu Wan's small face immediately collapsed, "He's getting married today!"

The capital is holding wedding banquets these days.

Several princes took turns getting married, starting with Prince Li.

Today, if you are going to rest for a long time, you will definitely go to Prince Li's mansion to drink wedding wine.

It would be bad if she didn't attend the wedding banquet if she was bumped into outside the palace.

If you go out of the palace to take a look, it's still okay, but if you go to Prince Li's mansion, you can't leave behind the next few princes, otherwise it will be unfair, the old lady and the queen mother must be demons.

She hated those two women the most.

"If you don't want to go, don't go, let's go, this king will take you out of the palace."

"From now on, you will be allowed to stay in Xuanwu Hall on the first and fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year..."

Mu Wan withdrew her hand angrily.

This man really wants to open a dyeing room just to give him some color.

You can't get used to him, or you won't fight for a day, and you will go to the house to expose the tiles.

It will be myself who will work hard in the future.

Chu Bei narrowed his eyes slightly, and put his arms around his waist instead of letting him touch. In short, he clings to you shamelessly, "Why don't we wait until the emperor turns sixteen and we..."

"You want to repent?"

Mu Wan narrowed her eyes and smiled involuntarily.

Chu Bei's complexion changed slightly, and he quickly changed his words, "No, I said casually, let's go, let's go out of the palace... The convenience store and cake shop have been selected, and I will take you to have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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