Chapter 366 Wine

King Li got married, and almost all the dignitaries in the capital came to congratulate him.

For this reason, the envoys of various countries found another reason to stay in the monarchy.

It's not too early, Prince Xiqi and others first come to the hot pot restaurant to eat hot pot and then go to drink wedding wine. They are all in a palace, and they meet when they go out, so it is rare for the three of them to be in the same frame.

At this time, Mu Wan's carriage had just arrived, so they met him at the door.

Seeing Chu Bei and the others, their eyes fell on a young man wearing a mask among them.

Dressed in purple, she is extremely dignified.

It goes without saying that it is not difficult to guess the identity of this person.

I didn't expect to meet her when I came to the hot pot restaurant.

Zhao Shisan's mood suddenly brightened, he stepped forward to say hello, and said with a smile, "Brother Bai, long time no see."

Mu Wan looked at the three of them, maintaining a polite smile, "Brother Zhao, Brother Li, Brother Beiming, what a coincidence, let's eat hot pot together?"

Now that they met, they cheekily followed into the private room of Yizihao.

Prince Beiming smiled and said, "I heard that Nanliang is doing business with Junguo, and will open a hot pot restaurant in Shengjing, Nanliang. We, Beiming, also want to visit and do business with Junguo if possible."

Hot pot restaurants are very popular in Beijing, and they also like to eat hot pot.

Especially the "toilets" of hot pot restaurants are very popular with the upper class and powerful.

If possible, he would like to build such a "toilet" in his own home.

Prince Xiqi nodded, "That's right, we Xiqi also have this idea, especially the bathroom... I asked about it before, but I didn't expect the hot pot restaurant to be opened by the emperor."

The few people just entered the private room, and the air in the private room fell into low temperature with one sentence. Mu Wan raised her eyebrows and looked at Prince Xiqi, then raised her hand and slapped him on the back, and laughed loudly, "Haha, brother Li really knows how to joke." , The hot pot restaurant is opened by the Queen and Brother Su, I have a lot of work to do every day, how can I have time to open a shop?"


This palm was so heavy that Prince Xiqi's face was distorted in pain.

Prince Xiqi looked at her, and suddenly felt a chill, this woman has violent tendencies!
He unconsciously looked at the handsome young man beside her, thinking how could Chu Bei bear her? ?
rude woman!
A flower stuck in cow dung, what a pity for such a beauty.

Prince Xiqi curled his lips unconsciously, staring straight at Chu Bei's handsome face...

Zhao Shisan glanced at him coldly, and said with a smile, "The prince should eat more."

Saying that, motioning someone to hand him chopsticks, even if you have something to eat, you can’t stop your mouth.

Prince Xiqi was a little strange, Zhao Shisan was a man with a paralyzed face to everyone, why did he suddenly care so much about the empress?Still interested in helping her speak? !

I thought to myself that he might have fallen in love with the Queen of the Kingdom!
Thinking of this, Prince Xiqi twitched his brows and eyes hard, looking at Zhao Shisan, he felt that his eyes were not good.

Who is not good to look at, but the Queen of the Kingdom? !
What's so good about that woman?

"Well, thank you Regent."

Prince Xiqi complained a few words to himself, enduring the burning pain on his back, took the chopsticks, raised his eyes to look at the prince Beiming opposite, and suddenly remembered that he had to drag him to eat hot pot this morning. Coming with the Empress of the Kingdom?

Fuck, what taste do they have? !

At this moment, the First Prince Beiming stared at him coldly, with a sinister smile, obviously harboring malicious intentions.

Prince Xiqi's back felt cold, and the corners of his mouth were slightly pulled. He sat down and didn't dare to talk nonsense. He stuffed the freshly roasted beef into his mouth calmly, squinted his eyes in enjoyment, and said, "How can you stay away if you haven't come for a few days?" I’m grilling meat in the hot pot, this table is really nice, I’ll buy a set when the time comes.”

Mu Wan said while grilling the meat, "If the two countries don't do business, these things won't be taken away."

Prince Xiqi: "..."

The First Prince of Beiming: "..."

Does this force them to open the country?

I'm afraid she has miscalculated.

Even if their hot pot restaurant is hype, the final decision is not in their hands.

A few years ago, the four major powers continued to fight each other. The family and the country hated each other, and the common people did not accept it easily. The relationship between them was like fire and water.

Emperor Xiqi and Emperor Beiming may not necessarily agree to trade.

The two countries are not like Nanliang, the little emperor is just a puppet, and all the power is in the hands of Zhao Shisan.

Zhao Shisan fell in love with the empress again, so he would naturally try his best to please her.

Prince Xiqi and Prince Beiming looked at each other, and then their gazes fell on the girl who was grilling meat.

Mu Wan smiled and said, "It's okay, don't worry about it."

When Junguo and Nanliang are in business, there is no fear that Xiqi and Beiming will not take the bait.

Well said, there is no rush.

They wait and see first.

Prince Xiqi and Prince Beiming nodded tacitly.

"Come on, let's not talk about business today and just drink. I'll finish this glass of wine first." Mu Wan sipped her glass and narrowed her eyes. Several large jars of wine.

Then he glanced at the faces of the others, and sure enough, they all changed, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but drink an extra glass.

"Is this wine the emperor's private possession of royal wine?"

The eyes of Zhao Shisan and the others were bright, and they had never drank such a pure and strong wine so far.

I have never drank it several times at the palace banquet of the monarchy.

The royal wine in the palace almost tastes the same.

They drank too much and didn't feel any difference.

Now the wine in their hands is as pure as spring water, poorly purer than any other wine.

The taste is sweet and sweet.

Truly the king of wine.

"This is the daughter of the Chu family, the queen tried to brew it."

Chu's daughter is red?
Several people looked at Chu Bei.

Chu Bei glanced at Mu Wan, and said with a smile, "That's right, it's indeed brewed by this king's distillery."

"Then what kind of wine is the wine in the emperor's hand?"

The three of them glanced at the wine glass in their hands and then at the wine glass in Mu Wan's hand.

The wine they drank was white wine as pure as sweet spring.

In contrast, the liquid in her hand was red, as red as blood.

They are curious.

Mu Wan smiled and said, "This is called Chu's red wine, which was specially brewed by the queen for me. The queen was worried that drinking would hurt my health, so she specially brewed a kind of red wine that can not only beautify the skin, but also not easy to get drunk, and specially gave it to me. Drink, and you have a taste too."

Three people: "..."

It's no secret that Empress Junguo doesn't drink well.

At several palace banquets, his face was flushed and drunk without drinking two glasses of spirits.

So later, they were all replaced with fruit wine, and she was not allowed to drink strong alcohol.

Unexpectedly, the queen would brew a kind of wine specially for her.

What is this called?
Show affection?

The three of them looked at Chu Bei and Mu Wan's eyes, and ate dog food unexpectedly.

Whether it was Zhao Shisan, the First Prince of Beiming, or Prince Xiqi, they were all unhappy.

The relationship between these two is too good.

Look at the other concubines sitting there only drinking, but not jealous at all.

Chu Bei's eyes lighted and his lips raised slightly to signal for someone to pour them, "Everyone, please."

The wine is very good, sweet but not greasy, and has an inexplicable fruit wine aroma, which is indeed very special.

After a few cups, I want to pack the wine jar and go back to treasure it.

Chu Bei said, "I'm sorry, red wine is specially brewed for the emperor, and it is only for the emperor to drink, not for sale."

These were brought out from the palace, and there were not many of them.

Zhao Shisan didn't look at him, but looked straight at the empress, and said with a smile, "The two countries are in business, and this king wants to order this kind of red wine to be sold in Nanliang. I don't know what the emperor wants?"

(End of this chapter)

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