The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 416 Can't he be more reserved and more reserved?

Chapter 416 Can't he be more reserved and reserved?
Can't he be more reserved and reserved?
"No matter how complacent you are, you will roll into the Qingqiu Pavilion to sleep tonight."

Hearing this, Chu Bei's expression changed. What is Qingqiu Pavilion? Isn't that the Leng Palace?

this woman...

"Don't be angry, your majesty, it's all my fault."

A certain fox turned into a little milk dog in seconds, and obediently stood on the side, ready to kneel down on the durian...

Mu Wan's eyebrows twitched fiercely, she raised her forehead secretly, then her eyes turned cold, and she said, "Whoever presses the empress on this matter will be fined for three months, and whoever dares to discuss this matter in the future will be punished." I will go to the border to do coolies."

These tricky officials should be repaired.

Xiao Lizi rushed to spread the word.

Chu Bei smiled flatteringly, "Your Majesty, where does it feel sore, let me pinch it for you."

Seeing his handsome face, all kinds of inappropriate images from last night flashed in Mu Wan's mind. Her heart skipped a beat, her face blushed like a cloud, then she raised her hand to cover his smiling face, and said depressedly, "It's very hot, touch me."

She was afraid that she would not be able to stand being seduced by him, and in the end she would be bullied miserably. She was the one who threw him down first, and she was the one who cried into a disfigured face.

This late bridal chamber wedding night, she might never forget it in her life.

A certain fox said aggrievedly, "Your majesty is so quick to like the new and dislike the old, does he despise this king..."


What is new and old?
Let him make it!

Mu Wan's head was full of black lines and said, "Do you know what is the Great Devil's Sleep Syndrome?"


"Go away if you don't know, I want to sleep."

This bastard is not only ignorant of restraint, he is deliberately bullying people.

It caused her to stay up all night, and now she is limp and just wants to sleep.

Chu Bei: "..."

"Don't be angry, Your Majesty, I'm going to get out immediately, I'm going to approve the booklet from the Imperial Study Room, Your Majesty, sleep well..."

At this time, Xiao Lizi came in and said, "Report to the emperor, the sixth son of Chu, please see me."

Mu Wan frowned.

"My king is going to see him, you can rest."

As he said that, Chu Bei hurriedly got up and walked out, not allowing her to get tired.

But not long after, he came in with a basket.

Seeing the pitch-black medicine, the bedroom became very quiet for a while.

They seem to have a tacit understanding, and they all know what kind of medicine it is.

Mu Wan looked uncomfortable, "I hope you can understand me, I don't plan to have children now..."

She is an empress, and it is very important to conceive and have a child. She does not intend to have a child unless it is in an absolutely peaceful environment.

Moreover, she is still young, and it is not appropriate to conceive too early.

But these, this is in ancient times, it is inevitable to be backward in thinking, and have different ideas. Some girls marry and have children at the age of [-] or [-], and it is normal to marry and have children at the age of fifteen or sixteen.

Chu Bei will be 19 years old in a few months. At his age, the children of most aristocratic families in the capital are full of soy sauce. Does he feel frustrated because he doesn't want to have children for him?
She really likes him now...

He doesn't want anything, anyone to hurt him.

If she could, she would want to stay together forever and be an ordinary couple.

But she is in the royal family, but she is also the emperor.

With heavy responsibilities on your shoulders, you can't do whatever you want, and you can't just walk away... Being an emperor is actually very hard work.

Chu Bei put his arms around her, and his face was pressed against her slender waist, "I know this, so I will drink this medicine from now on."

Mu Wan paused, and the mist instantly blurred her eyes. She was moved and shocked. She didn't expect him to do this. It seems that she chose the right person.

But is there any contraceptive soup for men?
Can Fu Si concoct it?

"Um... make sure it's safe."

Chu Bei hugged her and smiled, "I believe in Fu Si's medical skills, don't worry."

Fu Si is trustworthy in medical skills, she thought for a while, then picked up the bowl of medicine, pinched her nose and poured it in.

No matter what kind of medicine it is, it's hard to drink!
Mu Wan's face wrinkled into a ball.

Chu Bei thoughtfully stuffed a candied fruit, and then with a smile that was not a smile, he repeated the old saying, "This time the emperor broke the agreement, so what is the emperor's opinion about the abolition of the harem?"

Mu Wan blushed, squinted at him, and said with a smile, "The harem is useless now, I only spoil you and leave the Sangong and Six Courtyards unused, isn't that enough?"

It will be a matter of time before the harem is abolished, but she doesn't understand why he is in such a hurry?
In the current situation, she is simply not capable of abolishing the harem just by abolishing the harem.

And if the harem is abolished because of him, he is afraid that he will become a sinner who will harm the country and the people, harm the beauty, and deceive the empress. At that time, those who are interested will have the opportunity to harm him.

She was afraid but was unable to protect him at the time.

And Chu Bei probably never thought of asking her to protect him, and he didn't know her many worries.

His eyes flickered slightly, "This king didn't let the emperor abolish the harem immediately, what this king means is, you agreed to this matter."

As long as she agrees, he will think about his affairs later on.

The pressure from the courtiers and the criticism from all over the world, he can fully bear it.

I wanted to tease him again, but it can be seen that he looked so expectant, Mu Wan walked to the dragon bed and pulled off his belt, looked back and smiled, "Well, I agreed, is the queen happy now?"

There was an unspoken joy on the man's face, "The emperor is so loving, so of course this king is happy."

He stared at her as if his eyes were shining.

"Go away~"



Prince Li's Mansion.

It is said that after being unconscious yesterday and sent back to the palace by the dark guards, Prince Li woke up not long after.

Things were not as the dark guard had prayed for, he remembered everything when he woke up, and suddenly flew into a rage, smashing the study room in anger.

The backyard of the palace was panicked and shocked.

First, Princess Li went to appease and was kicked out.

Then the most favored Concubine Zheng of the palace came in, "Brother Mu, what's wrong with you, which dog slave made you angry? Tell Yan'er... Yan'er help you vent your anger."

The woman was as gentle as water, trying to hug him in the past to appease his irritable and angry emotions.

Unexpectedly, he was thrown away before he touched the corner of the clothes, and a furious voice came, "Get out~ get out of here!!"

Concubine Zheng was stared coldly by his cold eyes, and was finally kicked out of the study.

Seeing that side concubine Zheng was kicked out, Princess Li felt balanced, and then she said calmly to the concubines, "Let's get back, the lord is in a bad mood, don't bother the lord."

Said that she raised her hand and left the study with the support of the nanny.

It doesn't matter Zheng side concubine's jealous and angry eyes.


The two hidden guards knelt on the ground and begged for punishment.

Prince Li didn't want to talk to them at all, he only knew that his mind was full of scenes of being bullied by Prince Xiqi, as long as he thought of his face, he couldn't help wanting to strangle him, get angry, and even wipe his neck for a hundred or two hundred.

But a certain crown prince didn't know how to live or die, so he sneaked into the palace at this time, and came to him in front of him in a big way.

Prince Xiqi jumped down from the window sill, and his lips curled up unconsciously when he saw this scene, "Oh, Prince Li is planning to demolish the study?"

Prince Li turned around and saw him, and pulled out his long sword in an instant. The blade pointed directly at his forehead, and said murderously, "You are courting death."

Unexpectedly, a certain prince didn't move his brows, his face didn't change, he leaned on the noble concubine's couch calmly, and said with a smile, "Come on, I will never fight back, if I can die under the hands of Prince Li, I will be a ghost even if I am a coward, haha... "

(End of this chapter)

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