Chapter 417 Broke my heart.

He is here to die.

One sentence completely angered the irritable boy.

"Li Jinyan, I will kill you!"

The young man took the sword and slashed at him, Prince Xiqi was startled, and quickly jumped up from the imperial concubine's couch, staring at him with a livid face, "Jun Mubai, you are serious!!"

Xiqi's dark guard held his forehead silently, really feeling that their prince was hopeless.

Knowing that Prince Li is in a fit of anger, how dare he provoke him to the death?

Isn't it courting death?

The hidden guards on both sides did not dare to act rashly without orders.

Standing aside with black lines all over his head, he watched the two masters arguing.

Seeing the two masters demolish the study, the dark guard went up to hold his master up.

If this continues, Prince Li's Mansion may be demolished by them.

The main one was Prince Li, who was still staring at Prince Xiqi angrily, his eyes were ferocious as if he could eat people, and he was still kicking his legs while being held up by the hidden guards, trying to kick Prince Xiqi to death.

Prince Xiqi staggered back, stabilized his body and patted the brocade clothes, "tsk", "I didn't force you, you have to follow me, you brought the drunken spring wind yourself, you Say, are you embarrassed to blame Bengong?"

His concentration was not enough in the first place, and with such a strong drug, how could he control it?
Besides, in that situation at that time, if they didn't "detoxify" in time, they would all die on the spot.

The young man in red looked at the angry young man, narrowed his eyes and narrowed his eyebrows, and said with a smile, "You saved me once, so this time I will repay my favor! You don't have to thank me."

Prince Li almost vomited blood, "You..."

The crown prince lifted the corner of his robe and leaned against the imperial concubine's couch, with the corners of his lips slightly raised, "Okay, it's just such a trivial matter, you still care about it, it's not good to be my palace this time, you want me to help you win the throne, I agree You're done, but I still have one more condition."

He stared straight at Prince Li, the meaning was obvious, that is to let him have fun under him.

Prince Li paused for a moment, then his eyes burst into anger, "Don't even think about it."

The young man in red raised his head and laughed, "Haha... I won't force you. I will give you a day to think about it. I will wait for you at Jinmoxuan."

A person who dares to covet even the queen of the kingdom, let alone a mere prince?
What's more, he is already his person, so he has no choice at all.

Ha ha…

Prince Xiqi secretly laughed, with the certainty in his eyes, he walked away from the study.


After lunch, Mu Wan got into bed and continued to catch up on sleep.

All the excerpts from the imperial study were thrown to Chu Bei.

Situ Mo, Xia Houjin, and Xiao Ci also came to help.

The few people were very happy, and finally resolved a matter of concern.

The emperor and empress finally consummated the house, and the empress achieved a positive result.

In this way, at most one year they can retire.

Seeing the happy faces of the three, Chu Bei couldn't bear to pour cold water on them.

But after being a brother for so many years, he can't lie to them.

Chu Bei's eyes flickered slightly, he coughed lightly, and said, "Actually...the emperor doesn't plan to have a child yet."

I'm afraid it won't happen within a year or two.

The three of them froze, Qiqi looked at him, "What do you mean, everything you said in the Golden Luan Hall was false?"

They knew that he had been beating the floor.

Chu Bei: "..."

And at this moment, the old prince of Chu stepped in, his face darkened, obviously displeased, and when he came up, he said with a stern face, "Queen, you go back to Chu's house with me."

In the imperial study room, he is the queen, so it is not easy to scold him.

Back at Chu's house, he is his son, so he can only be beaten after closing the door.

Chu Bei pulled his lips slightly, "What's the matter? I'm not free."

The prime ministers followed behind, wiped their sweat secretly, and said, "Old prince calm down, and speak well if you have something to say."

The old prince's temper is well known, and no one can suppress his anger.

What's more, Chu Bei did too much this time, disappointing Princess Chu again and again.

The old prince hated his daughter-in-law's frowning and disappointed expression the most.

This is not so angry that he couldn't help rushing into the palace to teach his bastard son a lesson.

At this time, the empress is not around, and no one can protect him.

Xia Houjin looked at her own father with some disgust, "Father, what are you doing here? We are busy."

In the middle of the conversation, suddenly interrupted, very annoying.

Marquis Dingbei's eyes darkened, and he wanted to slap his son, his skin itch after a few days, if not for his status as a concubine, he would have slapped him a long time ago, why did he talk to his father?
When the old prince makes a move, he will also make a move.

The prime minister looked at the two grumpy fathers, secretly raised his forehead, and said to the teenagers, "It's because of the emperor's dragon body..."

The elders are almost heartbroken, and they don't know what's going on with these young people, and they are procrastinating about doing things.

The consummation of the house is so big that it took half a year to get married but it still hasn't been done.

No one is motivated!
One of them finally got the hang of it, but he couldn't explain it in a word...they won't kiss their father to please their daughter-in-law.

The old prince Chu snorted coldly, and glanced at Chu Bei, "Queen, just give me a word today, have you consummated the marriage with the emperor?"

Everyone: "..."

Chu Bei's head was full of black lines. He didn't expect that even his father was suspicious. He had to make fun of such a big matter in the Golden Luan Hall?

The empress can't cut him off?

He raised his eyes and looked at the expectant eyes of a group of elders, his face was ugly, "Didn't this king make it very clear?"

The old prince Chu said heartbrokenly, "I already know about you sleeping on the floor of the Xuanwu Hall, so I don't need to argue anymore, just go back to the palace and kneel in the ancestral hall for me now."

Everyone nodded and looked at him, saying that the family does not talk about the two, his secret is no longer a secret, they all know it, there is no need to suffer for it.

Empresses are not so easy to conquer, they can understand.

But he can't lie to himself again and again.

Nothing is nothing.

To be despised by the Empress is to be despised.

There are so many favorite concubines in the harem, and none of them has really been favored by the empress, so there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Tell him about the difficulties, and they can help him find a way.

Chu Bei's expression changed, and he ran away in various ways, "..."

Now it seems that they don't believe what he says.

Chu Bei secretly supported his forehead, and he had to explain, "I don't think I have done anything wrong, and I don't know how to kneel in the ancestral hall. Father, please go back."

As he spoke, he sat down and picked up a pen to review the papers without distraction.

Seeing that he still didn't know how to repent, Old Prince Chu was so angry that he vomited blood.

No matter how you look at it, you despise this son.

In the palace, as a queen, one has to be more or less concerned about one's status. For the first time in history, the old prince refrained from doing anything, and finally walked away angrily.


After resting for three days, the ministers didn't have to go to court, but the official documents and papers were sent to the imperial study in piles.

Sitting at the table, Mu Wan felt a headache and thought that Xiu Mu could play for two days.

Unexpectedly, as the emperor, there is no rest day at all.

Chu Bei and the others were diligent in going to the military camp recently, so no one could help her.

You have to do your own work.

She worked hard all day.

In the evening, Chu Bei came back from the military camp, and after taking a bath and changing clothes, he came to the Imperial Study to look for her.

At this time, the empress fell asleep on the rocking chair, with a thin animal skin blanket covering her body.

Outside the window, the sunset glow was falling, and her body seemed to be shrouded in a soft light.

The man's cold brows felt soft and he stepped forward, bending over to hug her.

At this time, the girl's eyebrows and eyes moved slightly,
Awakened by a sudden rush of warm breath, the scallop-like eyelashes trembled slightly, she got up and rubbed her eyes, and whispered softly, "Queen..."

(End of this chapter)

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