The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 418 Thanks to the late emperor

Chapter 418 Thanks to the late emperor
With gentle doting between his brows, Chu Bei reached out to hug her, lowered his head and pecked her soft lips, and said in a hoarse voice, "Well, didn't you say that you will deal with these papers when the king comes back?"

As he spoke, he glanced at the piles of papers, his eyes flashed coldly.

Not so much when he left.

This is because someone deliberately sent these irrelevant notebooks to the imperial study room desperately, deliberately not to let her have a leisurely time.

Mu Wan rubbed her neck, and said with a light smile, "When you come back, I'm afraid the imperial study will be filled with piles. It's okay if they are all insignificant papers. Just read them over and sign them."

Things that don't require brains to think, are not as tiring as imagined, and you can recover after a short rest.

In addition, Chu Bei had just taken a bath, and a refreshing mint scent wafted from her body, making her instantly full of energy.

Mu Wan narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at him, "The queen just came back from the barracks?"


"Why are you so diligent in going to the barracks recently?"

"You can't let your martial arts go to waste."

Chu Bei smiled lightly. In fact, marching and fighting is his old profession. In the past, he would go to the barracks to practice soldiers and horses on time every day, rain or shine, without interruption.

If he hadn't entered the palace to become a queen, he had no choice but to stay in the palace and watch her all the time, considering that she had just ascended the throne and had many troubles.

But who knew that after she ascended the throne, she always wanted to pamper the concubine, and she was still doing nothing like she used to.

The harem was made wild by her every day, and the two often fought a lot.


Thinking of these things, Chu Bei smiled and said, "I never thought that the emperor would change..."

In fact, he has been thinking, who is she?
He didn't believe that she would change from evil to righteousness only after her death.

They grew up together, and Chu Bei knew the former Jun Muwan best... Now she is the same as the former, although she is similar in personality, playful and mischievous, but the hot pot restaurants, convenience stores and other things she came up with are There are also trade policies, overturned cars, drum cars, and strange calculations... It was impossible for her to think of it before.

Although she was smart since she was a child and has a photographic memory, she doesn't like reading... she's a martial idiot.

Now, apart from other things, she just talks about martial arts... She is not good at it. She is talented but not unmotivated. When it comes to opening a shop and doing business, she can be excited all night without being tired.

After a person loses his memory, his hobbies, personality, and even accidents all change, which is so strange.

As smart as him, how could he not have thought of these abnormalities.

But except that she is smarter than before, everything else seems to have not changed, her appearance has not changed, and she likes to eat sweet and sour pork ribs...

As soon as she said this, something was obviously wrong with her, and he could keenly sense that she was nervous.

Mu Wan's eyes dodged slightly, and she said with a smile, "I didn't expect that... Maybe it was the protection of the late emperor."

Chu Bei narrowed his brows and eyes slightly, and held her hand. The generous palm made people feel instantly full of security.

She didn't want to mention it so she didn't ask.

"Well, I want to thank the late emperor for sending such a good emperor to my side..."

If it wasn't for the overbearing persecution of the first emperor, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

No matter who she is, he must thank the first emperor.

Mu Wan looked at his smiling face, her heart skipped a beat, she didn't want to mention those things again, so she changed the subject and said, "You guys are so good at martial arts, you practiced them in the barracks, why don't you go to the barracks sometime?"

"It's natural for the emperor to go to observe and inspect, but the training is exempt."

With her small body, she would get tired from general training. That kind of cruel training method might not be suitable for her.

Mu Wan nodded, looked at him, and found that he had been black recently, and had lost a lot of weight. It seemed that the training in the military camp was really harsh.

Is the food in the army that bad?

She raised her hand to touch his cheek, feeling distressed.

And a certain fox stared at her with burning eyes, his Adam's apple rolled, "Your Majesty..."

Suddenly fell down...

Mu Wan's eyes darkened, she gritted her teeth secretly, "I'm going to court tomorrow, you..."

"Well... this king will be temperate."




In the side hall of the imperial study, the dragon robe and the brocade clothes were all messily scattered on the ground.

The big arhat collapsed, the empress's cheeks were flushed, and she glared at the man with anger in her eyes, "From today onwards, you will go back to the Suzaku Palace, and you will not have to sleep without my summons."


The man's eyes flickered slightly, but he didn't protest, and obeyed obediently. The corners of his lips were slightly raised, and his smile was bright, "Okay."

As he spoke, he picked up the clothes and coaxed her to put them on one by one, "This king always listens to the emperor."


The girl snorted softly, with a look on your face, she stretched out her gloves and put on a bright yellow coat, but at this moment, Xiao Lizi's voice came from outside, "Report to the emperor, the prime minister, the old prince Chu and others .”

At this time, several people were already in the imperial study room, and through a door, the voice of the empress urging came from inside, "Help me put on the dragon robe's all your fault."

Old Prince Chu and others: "..."

Everyone has been there, and they can instantly understand what happened in the previous moment. Thinking of the young empress who is so unrestrained, several people's old faces suddenly became hot, and they felt a little painful, and they were about to leave.

At this time, the door opened, and both the emperor and the empress came out, handsome and beautiful, with purple clothes and black hair, full of spring breeze and high spirits.

Suddenly I am envious...

Seeing the ministers, Mu Wan's cheeks were hot and she was a little embarrassed, then she regained her composure and said, "What's the matter with the loves?"

I really didn't expect that several father-in-laws would come to the imperial study to discuss political affairs with her at night.

Could this be to supervise her? !

Take a three-day bath and don't let me relax?

What she did in the imperial study just now... they don't know...

The empress tensed slightly, poking a certain fox with her cold eyes. If he hadn't deliberately seduced her, she wouldn' such absurd things in the imperial study.

Alas, after all, I have to blame my lack of concentration.

Mu Wan was a little melancholy, masculinity is harmful.

The old prince Chu glanced at Chu Bei, and smiled kindly at her, "Let's wait until tomorrow to discuss. The emperor is tired today, and I will take my leave first."

Said the fuselage bowed and retreated.

Mu Wan blushed, stared fiercely at a certain fox, clenched her fist, and punched him directly in the chest, "It's all your fault, I'm so ashamed."

This fist was painless to Chu Bei.

He held her little red hand and said with a smile, "Don't worry, father and the others won't criticize the emperor."

Father will only reprimand him...

This saves him from explaining, and they should believe it.

Seeing that he was still smiling, Mu Wan became angry, and then she punched him again with Fenquan, and said angrily, "I'm hungry, go pass the meal."


After having dinner together in Xuanwu Hall, Chu Fox returned to his bedroom very obediently.

Mu Wan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and was very depressed. The three-day rest and bathing was simply torture for her. She had to read the book during the day and pamper the queen at night.

As a result, when she sees Chu Bei now, her legs tremble inexplicably...

(End of this chapter)

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