Chapter 420
One night, the spring breeze was endless.

When he woke up, Fu Ruilou had passed a crisis.

The young man was wearing a snow-white tunic, and he was sitting blankly in front of the slump, looking at the messy brocade clothes, his eyes were black and blue, his knuckle hands were tightly clutching his knees, and he was not at all happy.

After taking a bath and changing clothes, Prince Xiqi walked out from behind the screen in a bright red nightgown made by himself with a belt around his waist, his red lips slightly curled up, "I lent you the wine, but it's just for urgent needs. .”

Prince Li looked at him silently, feeling a little angry.

But the man ignored the anger in his eyes at all, took a sip from the teacup, and continued, "It's not Bengong who blamed you, but with your business acumen, it's a miracle that Fu Ruilou has closed down until now."

The young man's eyes darkened, and he said angrily, "Are you here to ridicule me?"

"No, what I mean by this palace is that all the teammates you make are pig teammates."

"You want to say that this king has bad eyesight?"

Those staff members were selected by him personally.

"No, what I mean by this palace is that this palace can give you a good idea and help you achieve your wish."

The young man stared at him resentfully, "Say!"

Prince Xiqi couldn't help feeling a hint of pampering in his eyes, and chuckled, "You're too angry, you'd better calm down first and then come to Bengong."

Prince Li's face was gloomy, and he stood up angrily and wanted to leave, "It's fine if you don't help me, why bother playing with me..."

As he said that, he didn't take two steps, but suddenly felt his legs go weak.

He staggered and fell on the soft ground.

Prince Xiqi looked at him, blinked his eyes, covered his mouth with his slender hand like jade, and couldn't help "puchi" ~ laughed.

A certain prince was so angry that he vomited blood, his face turned black, as if he had been poisoned, he roared, "Li, Jin, Yan get out of this king."

This is his palace, he has the right to tell him to go.

The boy gritted his teeth, never wanting to see him again in this life.

Prince Xiqi was yelled at for a while, coughing violently, and then he had no choice but to restrain his smug smile, and curled his lips, "Okay, I will tell you."

As he said that, his eyes narrowed coldly, and he said quietly, "At present, the Empress is relying on the support of the power of the four major families, and the military power in the hands of the King of Chu. Don't even think about moving to your emperor's sister, the seat of the ninety-five supreme."

Prince Li: "..."

Prince Xiqi glanced at him, sipped the teacup, lowered his eyes, and continued to analyze for him, "However, moving to the four major families and getting rid of Chubei is not an easy task. Today's empress is gradually full of wings, If you let her grow stronger, it will be difficult to deal with in the future. You can think of cutting off the empress's wealth. This idea is very good, but you used the wrong method. You have to know that your emperor's sister is a fine person."

And that smelly girl is very proficient in the art of merchants.

Even he is willing to bow down.

Just his little trick is not enough in his eyes, let alone dealing with that damn girl Jun Muwan? !
The young man in red had deep eyes and smiled coldly.

Prince Li's face was extremely dark, and he stared at him, very unhappy, this vile man, he knew that no matter what he had to poke his sore spot to be happy, didn't he?
"I know what you're talking about, but what does it have to do with the current settlement of the closure of Furui Building?"

"Don't worry, I'm only halfway through what I said."


"Hit a snake and hit seven inches, don't you understand? The empress has a lot of inconvenience in the palace. The property outside the palace is managed by the concubines of Chubei and the Su family, but your eyes are only on the couple of Chubei." , have you never thought about the Su family?"

Prince Li's eyes flickered slightly, and he pursed his lips: "Go on."

Seeing that he was finally a little gentle, Prince Xiqi put down the teacup and walked over, leaned over his ear, put his fingertips on his chest, raised his red lips and said, "You should deal with the Su family, grab his The handle, people are weak, as long as you control Su Ran, it is equivalent to controlling the entire Su family, and then the Su family will be your money jar, you can have as much money as you want, and then you want to cut off the empress's fortune , it will be effortless, but do you know the weakness of Mr. Su?"

Prince Li frowned, Su Ran...he didn't pay much attention.

What else can a businessman do besides make money?
He also has a lot of property and is not short of money.

It's just that today's empress compares it, and then she knows what it means to be rich and rich, and she is making money every day, so she also becomes greedy.

If you want to win the throne, money is indispensable, but if you want him to do it, you may only think of marrying the daughter of the Su family to win the relationship, and you have never thought of controlling the Su family by any means. On this point, he did not have the method he said think…

Are you really not as good as him?
Prince Xiqi narrowed his eyes slightly, put his hand on his shoulder unconsciously, and continued to draw it slowly, saying, "So you are not as good as Jun Muwan, if you want to be the Nine-Five Supreme, you can't just play tricks, You need to take a long-term view, and you have to always pay attention to every detail, observe words, pay attention to all the people around the empress, grasp a person's weaknesses, grasp people's hearts, and you can control the world, do you understand this truth?"


"Bengong came to the kingdom these days, and found a very interesting thing, and asked someone to investigate it specially. What do you think is Su Ran's weakness?"

His words have already shocked the young man.

Looking at him, there was a little more complexity in his eyes.

After all, it is Prince Xiqi, who has reached the qualifications of an emperor in all aspects of strategy.

He seems to be extravagant, but in fact he has strategies and methods, and is extremely smart, otherwise he would not be able to be the future prince of Xiqi.

"What is Su Ran's weakness?"

Prince Xiqi narrowed his phoenix eyes, and approached slowly, "Actually, the Su family has a little-known secret, Second Young Master Su, who died young at birth. If that's the case, then tell me, who is that man in the palace?" ?”

He's always so tantalizing.

Prince Li stepped back, brushing away his salty pig's hand, a little annoyed, "I don't know."

"Ha ha…"

He stood up suddenly, folded his hands on his chest, "Actually, I don't know, haha..."

"Li, Jin, Yan!"

"Hey, don't be angry, I'm just teasing you."

Prince Xiqi grabbed the flying pillow and touched the corner of his lips, "Although I don't know who the Second Young Master Su is now entering the palace as a concubine, I can be sure that Su Ran has a close relationship with him. His weakness must be him."

Maybe Su Ran and Su Li are with him.

It's nothing unusual to enter the palace and become a concubine for the one you love.

And there is no rule in this world, there can be no love between men, right?
He always believes that love has no gender, only beauty and ugliness.

As long as it is a beauty, there is love in his eyes...

"Okay, Bengong gave you an idea, so you have to repay Bengong, right? Hmm!"

The man's smile is enchanting and charming.

"Go away~"

Prince Li was so angry that he threw another pillow, then picked up his clothes and ran out quickly.

"The heartless little thing..."

Run away after using this palace?
Oh, the future is long, it depends on where you go.

Prince Xiqi threw away the pillow in displeasure, "Come here... pass on the meal, I want to eat abalone and sea cucumber..."

The black-bellied and stingy prince will take revenge immediately, otherwise he will be so angry that he won't be able to sleep at night.

Two hidden guards: "..."


After leaving Jinmoxuan, Prince Li asked the dark guard to go to Suzhou to investigate the affairs of the Su family.

At this time, Su Ran and Chu Bei were cooking hot pot at the hot pot restaurant.


 @云盛歌@Hi白河@苦索@i朝芝, etc. for the rewards, thank you ()
(End of this chapter)

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