Chapter 421 Conspiracy!Framed!

In the imperial study room, Mu Wan was discussing the autumn hunting competition with the prime minister and others.

The date is set in mid to late September.

"Let King Xiao take charge of the Autumn Hunting Contest."

Xiao Wang received the decree and said, "The minister receives the decree."

"How is the good house doing?"

Master Shen stepped forward and said, "Return to the emperor, it is expected to be completed in the spring of next year."

That college is very big, and the style design is very special, it will take some time to build.

"Well, I hope to start studying in the spring of next year."

"Luo Aiqing, you are in charge of finding some famous bachelors and compiling books..."

Thinking of something, she paused slightly, and said, "Now the books on the market are hand-copied, right?"

Luo Zichen cupped his hands, "Back to the emperor, it's all handwritten."

Mu Wan raised her eyebrows, "That's quite troublesome."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, trouble is trouble, there may be no better way.

Because it is hand-copied, there are not many books on the market, even the library books in the palace are also very limited.

It can be said that it is basically a lonely copy.

This shantang requested to build a library, and I am afraid that there will not be many books to read by then.

"If you want me to think about it, you should step back first."

"Oh, by the way, that Zhong he still at the Royal Farm?"

The queen's eyes flickered and she suddenly thought of something, she looked out the window, and the potted plants she planted didn't sprout.

It is still a bit difficult to cultivate this new seed!

If she proposes to establish an agricultural department at this time, she is afraid that she will encounter opposition, and she will have to show actual results to be convincing.

She asked those newly promoted Jinshi to stay at the Royal Farm.

Without a specific job, I don't know how they performed?
Luo Zichen was in charge of arranging this matter, he cupped his hands and said, "Zhong Chu is still at the Royal Farm, and the others..." Couldn't bear the hardship and resigned.

"Well, let him enter the palace another day, I have something for him to do."

She didn't hold out much hope for those people either.


If nothing happened, the ministers withdrew.

At this time, a small eunuch came in and reported, "My Majesty, the guards in Guangling Palace are begging to see you."

Guangling Palace!
Zhou Yunting's bodyguard? !
Mu Wan's eyes narrowed slightly, and she pursed her lips lightly, "Let him in."

The little eunuch withdrew, followed by Wuhen, knelt down, "Your Majesty, please save Concubine Yun!"

"What happened?"

Wuhen was a little nervous and hesitant, but he still said, "Your Majesty, I almost strangled Princess Ten..."

If he hadn't stopped it in time, it would be the corpse of the tenth princess that would be carried out of Guangling Palace.

Mu Wan frowned, feeling a little headache, "Let's go."

One or two are not worry-free.

On the way, Mu Wan got to know the basic situation, that is, the tenth princess ran to Guangling Palace to provoke Zhou Yunting again.

And Zhou Yunting almost strangled her in a fit of anger.

Later, Wuhen stopped in time, and the tenth princess saved her life.

The fact that the tenth princess was carried out of Guangling Palace cannot be concealed, and sooner or later the Empress Dowager will come to question her.

Wuhen was afraid that his son would suffer, so he rushed to rescue the soldiers first.

At this time, the empress dowager's people have come to Guangling Palace to "invite" Concubine Yun to move to Shoukang Palace to accept the sanction.

He was deliberately murdering the princess.

In any case, intentionally murdering someone's life is a crime. If you don't go to Shoukang Palace, Dali Temple will send people to arrest him.

The emperor committed the same crime as the common people.

It is impossible for him to do whatever he wants and escape the king's law just because he is the Empress Yunfei.

Aunt Zhen came to Guangling Palace with a few guards, looked at Concubine Yun and said coldly, "Concubine Yun, the Empress Dowager, please, please go with this old servant."

Zhou Yunting was wearing a large wide-sleeved shirt with ink and ink cross-neck embroidery pattern, and jade hairpin. He was easy-looking and handsome, with a temperament like a fairy. He was sitting on the first seat in front of the main hall. When he raised his cold and dark eyes, two ruthless rays of light burst out. The red lips lifted, "I have been in the palace for so long, and I have been sick all the time. I just recovered recently. I should pay my respects to the Empress Dowager."

As he said that, he got up and passed Madam Zhen and other guards, confident and fearless.

Nanny Zhen frowned slightly, she couldn't understand this Concubine Yun, for some reason, when he walked past, it made people's hair stand on end, and fear instantly crawled into my heart.

Is this the original aura of Mr. Zhou?
It's not that she has never seen Zhou Yunting before. In her impression, he is a gentle and jade-like son. He is humble, courteous, talented and gentle, and has a gentle temper... Now, how can he look at him with a frighteningly cold aura.

"The Emperor is here!"

When we got to the door, we met the empress who came to save the scene.

Unexpectedly, the young man whose eyes were gloomy just a moment ago suddenly lit up with a gleam of brilliance.

He hurried over happily, "Your Majesty..."

I couldn't help shouting excitedly in my heart: Jiu'er, Jiu'er...

I haven't seen her for more than ten days.

The feeling of longing and the excitement of seeing her could not be restrained written on his face.

Seeing this scene, Nanny Zhen's face sank slightly, and she finally understood that Concubine Yun was looking after the dishes.

There really wasn't a single good thing at home this week.

There is a shameless Miss Zhou, what kind of husband can you expect from Mr. Zhou?
I just don't know why the tenth princess wants to fall in love with this kind of man...

Mu Wan paused at the door, and when she saw the young man coming up, she immediately raised her hand to block him from putting a smile on her face, she took a few steps back, afraid that this guy would rush over in excitement.

Zhou Yunting's smile froze slightly, knowing that he had lost his composure, he took a step back, kept his distance and bowed slightly, "Yun Ting has met the emperor, Yun Ting has lost his composure, I hope the emperor will forgive me."

Mu Wan raised her hand to lightly touch her nose and lips, gave her a little support, her eyes lightly glanced at Nanny Zhen and the others, "Well, get up, this is to greet the Empress Dowager?"

Zhou Yunting's eyes flashed coldly, and he said with a smile, "I have been in the palace for so long, so I should go to Shoukang Palace and Yong'an Palace to pay my respects."

Mu Wan stared at him coldly, it seemed that he didn't need her help at all.

Confident and calm, he seemed to be waiting for the Empress Dowager to come to her door.

"Well, then I will go with you."

Anyway, go see it.

The conflict between the Empress Dowager and the Zhou family started with Zhou Ruolan. Now that Zhou Yunting has entered the palace as Concubine Yun, the Zhou family first took refuge in Prince Li, then King Qi, and finally her.

The Zhou family played around with Prince Qi and others, they would definitely not let the Zhou family go, and Zhou Yunting might have a hard time in the harem.

She would like to see how Zhou Yunting can attack the old lady and the others.


When we arrived at the Shoukang Palace together, the old lady's expression turned bad when she saw the Empress.

The empress really dotes on her concubines.

Whenever something happened, she came to support her, and everyone was spoiled by her.

But this time, she will definitely teach Concubine Yun a lesson.

It doesn't matter who comes.

The old lady's eyes flashed coldly, "Why is the emperor free to visit Ai's family?"

I haven't been here since a few days ago.

Generally, she never took the initiative to invite Ann.

After making the old lady so angry last time, she never wanted to see the empress again.

If you don't trouble her, the empress won't come to Shoukang Palace.

Mu Wan raised her eyebrows and smiled lightly, "I've been busy with state affairs recently, so don't be angry, Grandmother. I'll come to visit you soon when I'm free. Are you in good health recently? If there's anything wrong, I'll send Master Fu to come over to you Look."

The old lady looked worried, "The emperor doesn't need to lie to Aijia, you brought Concubine Yun here to plead guilty."

Mu Wan sat down on the first seat, glanced at the upright young man standing in the main hall, and said in surprise, "Concubine Yun is weak and has been recuperating in Guangling Palace. When will she have the chance to offend you?"

(End of this chapter)

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