Chapter 423 Confession
Although she knew that all of this was deliberately set up by Zhou Yunting to frame the tenth princess.

However, she has no reason to help the tenth princess.

In any case, she was the one who had the wrong idea first and violated her taboo.

It's fine for her to like Zhou Yunting, but she absolutely shouldn't try to hook up with her under her nose and commit adultery in the harem.

This is slapping her in the face.

When Zhou Yunting is no longer Concubine Yun, they will do whatever they like.

She loves to death, vigorously, she doesn't care.

Looking at the old lady with a darkened face, she thought that she had been slapped in the face again this time.

The corners of Mu Wan's lips curled up, "I believe Concubine Yun is not the kind of person who doesn't know what's important."

The tenth princess knelt down, tears fell sadly, and cried, "'s not like this, you have to believe me, Grandmother, I don't, I really don't."

She cried very aggrieved, very pitiful.

But the old lady's face was cold, and when she heard what Zhou Yunting said, she was already extremely angry and extremely disappointed in her.

Even if Zhou Yunting framed her, if she didn't go to Guangling Palace, she wouldn't fall into his trap.

After all, it's because she doesn't respect herself.

Falling in love with a man who shouldn't be.


Zhou Yunting stared at the woman with sinister eyes, sneered in his heart, and said, "Your Majesty, if the Empress Dowager doesn't believe it, you can go to the palace to check. The tea cup for the acacia is still there, and it was made by Princess Ten herself..."

The tenth princess looked up at him, her eyes flushed with anger, "You..."

So he lied to her...

I thought he really wanted to drink the tea he made himself.

At that time, there were only the two of them in the dormitory, but now she only needs to defend and confirm what he said...

This time she was really speechless.

The tenth princess sniffed and looked at the young man Ruyu in front of the palace. Her heart ached and she couldn't breathe. Because of his eyes and his trivial words, she foolishly believed them to be true... How could he be so cruel to her?


Mu Wan's eyes dimmed, and she said coldly, "Go and check."

The corner of the boy's lips raised slightly, and he smiled strangely.

"No, this princess admits that it was this princess Xinyue Concubine Yun who prescribed medicine to force him to come back..."

Everyone was surprised, they didn't expect the tenth princess to recognize her so quickly.

She got up and walked to the main hall, knelt down and kowtowed, "Rong'er knows her mistake, please forgive me."

Mu Wan raised her eyebrows slightly, her eyes showed surprise, and she glanced coldly at Zhou Yunting. It was the first time she saw such a ten princesses. Even if she was rejected by Chu Bei, she never saw her so sad when she was rejected by him. Being framed, but no longer crying like before, asking for the decision, it seems that this time he really fell in love with Zhou Juvenile...

But why did Zhou Yunting target the tenth princess?

The layout that took a lot of trouble did not hesitate to seduce itself.

I'm afraid it's not just to ruin the tenth princess, but to use her hand to kill her.

To seduce the empress and concubines, to fornicate the harem, the general emperor would have pulled out and beheaded the ten princesses in anger.

Mu Wan's eyes narrowed slightly, showing a bit of coldness, how dare you, Zhou Yunting, take her warning as a deaf ear, and dare to use it to plot against her?
Unexpectedly, Princess Ten knelt down and pleaded guilty.

The old lady spat blood out of anger, and looked at the tenth princess with great heartache and shouted, "What a crime!"

"The Empress Dowager..."

The Shoukang Palace was suddenly in chaos.

Mu Wan hurriedly got up and took a look. Seeing that the situation was not good, she hurriedly said, "Come to Fu Si."


The old lady vomited blood and fainted.

When the princes heard the news, they rushed over without stopping.

Prince Li was the most worried, he forgot about the rituals of a monarch and minister, "Xiao Jiu... how about the imperial grandmother?"

Mu Wan said lightly, "Fu Si is treating inside, please wait a little longer."

Prince Qi looked at her with a sense of reproach, "Your Majesty, how can you make the imperial grandmother fall ill again and again?"

King Ling said, "Last time I heard that the emperor made the imperial grandmother faint with anger, and today he vomited blood from the imperial grandmother's anger. You really don't want her to live a hundred years, don't you?"

Prince Li glanced at the Empress, looked at Concubine Yun coldly, and said angrily, "In the final analysis, the culprit should be Concubine Yun, Concubine Yun, why did you frame Princess Ten? If something happens to the Empress Dowager, this king will not spare you, come here Someone arrest Concubine Yun!!"

At this time, the tenth princess hurriedly knelt down and grabbed Prince Li's robe, "Seventh Brother, it's not Concubine Yun, it's me, it's my fault, I let the emperor's grandmother down, I was wrong, Seventh Brother can blame me if you want to. "


Prince Li was so angry that he vomited blood when he looked at his sister who was not up to date, and shouted at a group of palace people, "Are you dead!!"

The maids in the palace were startled, and hurried over to drag the tenth princess away.

The tenth princess was taken away, and Prince Li was going to attack Concubine Yun again.

Mu Wan wanted to stand by and let them make trouble.

But Zhou Yunting just hugged her thigh and didn't let go.

"Prince Li speaks so loudly! The emperor is still here, and you want to do it for me? I am the emperor's concubine, and it's not up to you to dictate whether it's life or death, right or wrong!"

Zhou Yunting looked at Prince Li coldly, and sneered in his heart, Jun Mubai, what do you think you are?You're not even worthy to carry Jiu'er's shoes.

He looked at the princes and secretly clenched his fists, wishing they could die immediately.

"What I just said is very clear, please let the emperor make the decision for me."

Zhou Yunting knelt down in front of her.

Mu Wan's scalp tingled instantly. This guy is too good at making trouble, so he has to find a way to lock him up.

"Your Majesty, ahem... don't even you trust me?"

Seeing that she hadn't spoken for a long time, the boy's eyes flashed, and the boy simply pretended to be weak for her.

Mu Wan's head was full of black lines, and she said, "Concubine Ai is in poor health, please sit down and talk about it."

The young man secretly rejoiced and got up, walked to her side and sat down, "Ahem, thank you, Your Majesty..."

Mu Wan: "..."

When Prince Li saw that the Empress was protecting Concubine Yun, his face was livid, and he said angrily, "Your Majesty, I can't slap you with a single slap. There is nothing wrong with this king not believing Concubine Yun. Concubine Yun is treacherous and cunning. The Tenth Imperial Sister is pure-hearted, so she must have been deceived by him." , as Concubine Yun, if he seduces the princess first and framed the princess later, he deserves death!"

Prince Qi nodded and sneered, "Anyway, this matter is also because of Concubine Yun. If the emperor wants to ignore the health of the emperor's grandmother because of a little favorite concubine, if this matter spreads, people will think that the emperor is greedy for beauty. There is a lack of filial piety."

Zhou Yunting watched them force the Empress to punish him one by one, his heart went mad with rage, his eyes were scarlet, " are so courageous."

Mu Wan narrowed her eyes slightly, raised her hand to signal him to be calm, and looked at the princes coldly, "I have ordered that no one is allowed to enter the harem without authorization, and the tenth princess took my words as a deaf ear and entered Guangling Palace without authorization. Can it be said that it was Concubine Yun who seduced her? The tenth princess disobeyed my will first, and it was already a death penalty. I can think that she is the royal blood to avoid the death penalty. As for her mistakes, it is up to the emperor's mother to decide. My concubine, I'm not dead yet, and it's not your turn to do it for me."

Qing Lingling's voice resounded through the hall.

The faces of the princes changed, and they hurriedly knelt down, "I wait for the overcoming, and hope the emperor will calm down!"

You can't force her to decree to abolish Zhou Yunting and teach the Zhou family a lesson, but instead she was suppressed by the Empress, and the princes secretly hated her.


The Empress was too lazy to look at them and sat down to drink tea, and they had to kneel before letting them get up.

So the hall finally quieted down.

It wasn't until after Fu Si gave the old lady a diagnosis and treatment that Chu came out and said, "The Empress Dowager is only having a sudden rush of energy and blood, so it will be fine to rest and recuperate."

(End of this chapter)

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