The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 424 Why Not?The emperor is not alone

Chapter 424 Why Not?The emperor is not alone

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The old lady only let Prince Li go in and have a conversation.

When Prince Li came out, he said, "Grandmother is not feeling well, let the tenth princess go to Xiangguo Temple to pray for her, and leave today."

It didn't take long until the old lady's anger subsided and the tenth princess realized her mistake.

Well, this is really hate.

The tenth princess knelt down with ashen face and was helped out of Shoukang Palace.

The old lady didn't want to see her, so she was very angry.

If she didn't know how to repent this time, she might have to stay in Xiangguo Temple for the rest of her life and never come back.

Prince Li then continued, "As for Concubine Yun, the emperor's grandmother's decision is up to the emperor."

It is impossible for the old lady to just let Concubine Yun go.

Prince Li looked at the Empress coldly, and curled his lips, "Why, the Emperor is reluctant to punish the beauty?"

Mu Wan glanced at Zhou Yunting, and pursed her lips lightly, "Concubine Yun copied Buddhist scriptures a hundred times to pray for the Empress Dowager, and she will start copying today."

King Ling snorted, what kind of punishment is punishment for copying, punishment is like no punishment, "One hundred times is too little!"

After all, she still protects Concubine Yun.

Mu Wan narrowed her eyes coldly, "Then let's do it 150 times."

Everyone: "..."

The female emperor's eyes turned cold, and she was obviously impatient. If she continued to speak, she was afraid that she would get angry, so the matter was dismissed as a trivial matter.

Prince Li stayed in Shoukang Palace to guard the old lady for one night, and everyone else went back.


After leaving Shoukang Palace, Concubine Yun suddenly fainted, and the Empress had to escort her back to Guangling Palace.

When they arrived at Guangling Palace, Fu Si only said that he was weak and needed rest, so he left with a medicine box.

Looking at the sick and delicate boy who was half lying on the bed, his face was pale, and he was weak.

The empress frowned, "My dear concubine, I'd better rest, I'll come to see you another day."

Originally, she wanted to reprimand him a few words, but seeing this sickly appearance, Mu Wan thought about it and decided to forget it.


"Is there something else, Concubine Ai?"

The young man clutched the quilt tightly, and asked a little nervously, "Is the emperor angry?"


Seeing that her complexion is not very good, the young man lowered his eyes, "I have caused trouble for the emperor, the emperor should punish me."

Mu Wan's eyes darkened, "You think I dare not punish you?"

The young man's expression changed, and he hurriedly said, "Jiu'er...I was wrong."


Mu Wan frowned, and said in a cold voice, "Stop being a good boy and tell me why you framed the tenth princess."

The boy's eyes were cold, and he did not hide his disgust at all, "Because I hate her."


"If you hate someone, you have to kill her? You are too cruel and merciless!"

The young man panicked, "No, Jiu'er, I won't kill innocent people indiscriminately, because she is not a good person, and she will harm the emperor. I know you are soft-hearted and don't like killing, so don't worry, those people you hate, Yun Ting will help you deal with have to trust me, I'm doing this for you..."

"That's enough, just don't cause trouble for me, stay in Guangling Palace and reflect, and don't go out."

He opened his mouth and kept his mouth shut just to kill, and under the guise of doing it for her own good, is it okay to let it go?

"Jiu'er, I was wrong, don't be angry..."

Mu Wan frowned so much that a fly could be killed, she thought he was so weird, Jiu'er, Jiu'er, she didn't know him well, why did she call him so smoothly?Did she allow him to call that! ?

"Call the emperor."

The boy's face froze, his eyes dimmed a bit, and he lowered his eyes and said, "Yes, Your Majesty."

Mu Wan took a deep breath before planning to leave.


But before that, the dragon robe was grabbed by someone.

Mu Wan's head was full of black lines, and she looked back angrily, "Let go! Concubine Yun, you are getting more and more presumptuous, I tell you to let go."

"Your Majesty, can you come to accompany me tonight..."



Suddenly a cold sound came down.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Bei strode in.

After receiving the news from Fu Si, he rushed back from the barracks immediately.

This Concubine Yun is really audacious, dare to openly seduce the Empress? !
"Emperor... empress."

For some reason, seeing his dark and handsome face, Mu Wan felt guilty and her scalp tingled.

Chu Bei's eyes were cold, and when he came in, he forcibly pulled her towards him. With a shock of his inner strength, he shook off the sickly young man's hand.

Zhou Yunting was angry, and raised his eyes to stare at him, "Why not? The emperor is not yours alone."

He is also the empress' concubine, as long as she likes him, she can pamper her.

In his previous life, he was so domineering, he didn't like the Empress doting on other concubines, and often angered Jiu'er. The relationship that was originally close to each other was turned away by him.

Because as long as the empress favors other men, he will have a cold war with Jiu'er.

That's why he had the chance to win Jiu'er's favor.

Seeing that Chu Bei's current appearance is no different from his previous life, he is just as stupid, and he doesn't even think about how it is possible for Jiu'er, as an empress, to stick to one end?
He and Jiu'er had a cold war and would only push people away.

There are so many concubines in the harem, and all kinds of beautiful men dangle in front of her every day. She has no shortage of men at all, and after a long time, she will naturally become promiscuous.

Seeing Chu Bei angry made him happy.

Then he will take the opportunity, the young man secretly sneered triumphantly.

Chu Bei's face was cold, as cold as ice for a thousand years.

Mu Wan secretly wiped her sweat, turned her head to stare at Concubine Yun, gritted her teeth and said, "Shut up for me."

Zhou Yunting: "..."


"you shut up!"

Mu Wan gave him a hard look, hugged Chu Bei's arm, and said with a smile, "Queen, I'm hungry, you can have dinner with me."

As he said that, he pulled people away from Guangling Palace at a high speed.

When they arrived at the Suzaku Hall, Chu Bei couldn't help but explode, and grabbed her arm tightly, his eyes were scarlet, like a wounded and irritable beast, angry and sad, "Wan Wan, I don't allow you to touch other men, You only belong to this king... okay?"

Said and hugged her tightly.

He never thought that she would come forward to protect Zhou Yunting...

Will she have other men besides him in the future?
When he thought of this, he was like a thousand arrows piercing his heart.

Mu Wan was startled, and said distressedly, "Okay... I will always belong to the queen."

Chu Bei held her face in his hands, with a smile on his slender eyebrows, and a hint of sadness, he slowly lowered his head and approached, "You can't lie to me..."



In the bamboo forest, Mu Wan soaked in the hot spring, blew a few mouthfuls of water bubbles, looked at the man opposite, her eyes were black and blue: it was too scary, I almost got killed, o(╥﹏╥)o
For the sake of my life, stay away from the harem in the future.

Chu Bei was in a good mood, and was still picking petals to play, his phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, "Your Majesty, why don't you speak?"

Mu Wan's head was full of black lines, "What do you want to hear..."

The man paused, dropped the petals and got up to walk over.

"Stop! Can't I be wrong?"

Mu Wan tried her best to hide back, wanting to cry but without tears.

A bright smile appeared on the corners of a certain fox's lips, "What did the emperor say, you are the king of a country, everything you do is right, why is there anything wrong?"

"No... no no... I was wrong, I will definitely not go anywhere except the Vermillion Bird Hall in the future, I promise."

Chu Bei: "..."

Did it scare her?
Seeing him approaching, Mu Wanhei stared and said angrily, "Chu, Bei, I warn you, if you come again, I will get angry."

The man shook his head helplessly, and walked over regardless of her angry eyes.

The woman's face changed, and she was just about to wave her hand to slap him.

But in the next moment, his body lightened suddenly, and he just put clothes on her, hugged her, and said with endless tenderness between his brows, "It's my fault, Your Majesty, don't blame me."

Looking at the various marks on her body, he felt distressed, blamed himself, and even felt that he was simply a beast.

Mu Wan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "Hmph, yes, it's all your fault... If you dare to do this again, I will... just..."

"Just fine the king and be at the mercy of the emperor, how about?"

"Go away~"

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(End of this chapter)

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