The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 449 Autumn Hunting Competition - Moody!

Chapter 449 Autumn Hunting Competition - Moody!
As soon as the boy's face changed, he immediately got on his horse and went straight back to the base camp without saying hello.

A group of people rode away.

Then a white pigeon landed on the shoulder of the man in the hot spring. Prince Xiqi raised his eyes and narrowed his eyes slightly. He raised his hand and slapped the pigeon violently away. Anwei Xin hurried forward to catch it firmly. , I'm afraid of throwing the pigeon out of the way, this is the "love pigeon" of Moli Guoshi's mansion!

If he was slapped to death by the prince, the national teacher would definitely demolish the prince's mansion alive.

The dark guard carefully took off the bamboo tube on top, and handed it over respectfully, "Master, it's a letter from Master Moli."



After the empress was woken up, she was in an extremely bad mood. At this time, whoever hit the muzzle of the gun would die, and if she caught one, she wanted to hit him with the board.

"Your Majesty, please be merciful!"

Zheng Guogong is a prince after all, and he holds a very important position in the court. To be dragged out to beat him like this is simply an insult to him.

Consider the seriousness of the matter.

The prime minister and the others took the initiative to intercede, and the young empress could not be allowed to act according to her temper. A slap in the face would inevitably chill the hearts of the courtiers. Losing the prestige of the courtiers would not do her any good.

Zheng Guogong knelt there, showing a look of chills on his face, kowtowed and said, "Your Majesty, I have committed a crime, please forgive me!"

Mu Wan looked at it coldly, the veins on his forehead throbbed violently, he did this to provoke her on purpose!
"Prime Minister, what exactly happened?"

Punish him without asking.

The old man was naturally dissatisfied.

The prime minister stepped forward and told the whole story.

After listening, the Empress looked up at Chu Liu, Mr. Zheng, and Prince Jingbei.

At this time, the three of them knelt straight and remained motionless. Mr. Zheng's nose was so painful that he didn't dare to cover it with his hands.

Seeing how badly he was beaten by Chu Liu, Mu Wan frowned fiercely, and said, "Master Fu, give Mr. Zheng a nose first!"

Everyone: "..."

The father and son of the Zheng family looked up at the empress, with shocked expressions on their faces, the eldest son Zheng was so moved that he cried, even his own father had never cared about his injury after coming in for so long.

Didn't expect that the first person who cared about him was actually this cruel empress? !
She is too surprising. Could it be that the rumors are false?
Mr. Zheng was completely moved.

The emperor's life is difficult.

Fu Si went over with a cold and handsome face, and gave him a diagnosis and treatment.

For a moment, the whole atmosphere was very strange, and everyone still knelt and did not dare to get up, because the empress did not let her flatten her body, so she was obviously still angry, but what did she mean by this?Everyone looked at each other in private, they really couldn't understand what the Empress was thinking.

One second, Long Yan was furious, and the next second, the rain will pass and the sky will clear up?
This moody temperament is a bit overwhelming.

The first emperor is not like her.


Mu Wan raised her hand and yawned, which relieved her sleepiness a lot. After Mr. Zheng's injury was healed, she squinted and smiled, "How's the injury?"

Fu Si twitched the corners of his lips, "No problem."

Young Master Zheng knelt down with a look of emotion, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Mu Wan took a sip from the teacup, lowered her eyes and smiled, "Who did you just say is the male favorite?"

Those eyes that were as cold and ruthless as ice made people shudder all over.

The boy's face with a bright smile was immediately chapped, his lips turned white, and his pupils trembled slightly. He felt as if he was being stared at by the eyes of a god of death. Speech out wild words, nonsense, the subject deserves to die! The subject is wrong!"

At this time, he unexpectedly calmed down, which made people surprised.

"Well, since you know you're wrong, why not hurry up..."

"I'm wrong, I deserve to die..."

The empress raised her eyebrows slightly, and before she finished speaking, the young man immediately raised his hand and slapped himself hard, with blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, and the sound of "pa" was so clear that Zheng Guogong felt as if he had slapped himself in the face.

"I'm wrong, I deserve to die..."

The young man lowered his head, his eyes were a little out of focus, and he slapped himself while crying, his nose and face were already bruised and swollen from the beating.

Soon Mr. Zheng's face swelled into a pig's head.

I couldn't bear to look directly at that appearance, everyone was very sympathetic, but they were helpless.

Zheng Guogong on the side watched his son suffer, his heart was pierced, he knelt on the ground and clenched his fists secretly, his eyes were red, and he couldn't help but kowtow, "The emperor is merciful, the emperor is merciful...the emperor..."

Everyone shook their heads secretly, drooping their eyes in silence.

The Empress is really ruthless!
Zheng Guogong has a lot of prestige in the court, and the empress can't touch him easily.

But Mr. Zheng is different. He uttered wild words to destroy Miss Ning’s reputation first, and insulted the King of Chu with his rude words. The matter of Miss Ning is not that big. Bumping and insulting the queen in public is a serious crime, enough to punish him with a death penalty.

Give a sweet date first, and then a bowl of poison.

The psychological torture was unbearable.

The girl leaned on the tiger skin and said with a smile, "Zheng Aiqing, you have no way to teach your son, and I will help you discipline your son. Are you not happy?"

"I dare not..."

"It's just like you, pampering your children, that's why you're used to being like this, uttering wild words, arrogant, lawless, and I don't know who I learned from."

Zheng Guogong slammed his head on the floor, cold air rose from the soles of his feet to his back, he didn't dare to move, his forehead was covered with layers of cold sweat, and he didn't dare to show any complaints, "What the emperor taught is that every mistake is the minister's fault. Wrong, I didn't discipline the dog well, I ran into the empress, I deserve death, the dog is injured, I implore the emperor to show mercy... I beg the emperor to forgive the dog, the fault of the son, the sin of the father and the son, the emperor punishes the minister! "

After finishing speaking, he kowtowed to Chu Bei again, "The Empress is merciful, I beg the Empress to forgive the dog for his reckless crime."

Chu Bei: "..."

He was angry just now, but now seeing Mu Wan backing him up, that anger suddenly disappeared.

I was really angry when I heard the word male pet before.

Now, male favorites are male favorites... He just wants to be pampered by her like this.

After thinking for a while, Chu Bei cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, please calm down, if you think he is the first offender, let him be spared."

Mu Wan looked at him and said with a smile, "Since the queen begged for mercy, forget it."

After finishing speaking, Mr. Zheng paused and stopped, "Thank you, Your Majesty, and thank you, Empress..."

This time he really has a long memory, he knows the truth that misfortune comes from his mouth, and he will not dare to do it in the future.

At this time, there was a horse cry outside.

Prince Li and the others hurried back.

Mrs. Zheng Guogong, who was blocked from entering the camp, saw him, her eyes turned red, and she said excitedly, "Mu'er, you have to save your uncle and cousin!"

"Aunt, don't worry, this king will not let uncle and the others have trouble."

Said the boy lifted the curtain and stepped in.

But someone had to go through it earlier and get permission before the guards let him in.

I will wait.

A little eunuch ran over, the guards put away their spears, Prince Li sneered, and walked over in a dignified manner.

When Mu Wan saw him, she raised her hand and yawned, feeling a little irritable. It was so noisy at night, why don't people sleep?

I feel irritable just thinking about it.

"Brother Seventh King came just in time, Mr. Zheng was injured, please send it back, so as not to worry Mrs. Zheng Guogong."

Everyone: "..."

Prince Li glanced at Cousin Zheng, his eyes turned black, he was so angry that a mouthful of old blood stuck in his throat, he was late! !
(End of this chapter)

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