The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 450 Autumn Hunting Contest—Degenerate!

Chapter 450 Autumn Hunting Contest—Degenerate!

When Mr. Zheng saw him, he couldn't bear it anymore and passed out.

"Xiao Jiu, you are too much!!"

Mu Wan was about to get up and go back to sleep, but Prince Li suddenly yelled at her furiously.

His fists were clenched and creaked.

Vein jumping.

Like a raging beast, it couldn't help bursting into anger and wanted to rush over and bite her to death.

He was already irritated and ruthless, and just when he needed to vent, the usually calm and composed young man, at this moment, the tense string "bang" was completely broken.

Zheng Guogong's heart tightened, he was afraid that Prince Li's impulsive behavior would offend the Empress, so he hurriedly said, "My lord, it's Ling'er's fault, you should apologize to the emperor immediately."

In anger, Prince Li threw him away, glared at the Empress, and said, "The ancestors of the Zheng family were relatives of the emperor from the beginning. Leaving aside the relationship between the monarch and his ministers, the Zheng family and the Jun family are direct relatives. Qian, if you do this, where will you put the emperor's grandmother?"

As the old saying goes, don't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face.

Whether it is right or wrong, it is always family.

It's just a small matter, just to support her queen, she took the Zheng family under the knife.

No mercy at all.

So heartless.

It was unbearable.

Mu Wan was still so dazed at first, thinking that he suddenly became nervous and didn't want to talk to him, but when she heard this, she remembered the Ning family who was killed by him, her eyes turned cold, her fists clenched, and she sneered, "Okay , since you want to tell me about the royal relatives, then I want to ask you, what exactly is the Ning family doing? You want to kill them all? Have you ever thought that the Ning family and the Jun family are relatives, relatives? Or do you think The Ning family can be killed wantonly if they are not your relatives?"

Prince Li's pupils tightened. She never expected that she would bring up this matter. That day she suddenly proposed to summon the Ning family to Beijing. They symbolically obstructed her, but they still let her send Fei Lian to lie on the border as she wished. , but did not take back a single Ning family.

That's because he and Prince Qi have been pursuing and killing the Ning family for many years.

In the end, the Ning family all died tragically at the border.

Afterwards, she didn't mention this matter, and she didn't ask anyone to investigate the murderer of the Ning family. She thought she had no feelings for the Ning family, and forgot about it. She only made up for the orphan girl of the Ning family. thing.

Looking at the empress's cold eyes full of hatred, Prince Li suddenly felt cold all over his body, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and instantly woke up. The assassination of him by the Ning family was nothing but an organized and premeditated conspiracy.

Although he was still young at that time, he also knew that this was the method of the Zheng family and the Empress Dowager to get rid of the Ning family.

Although the king's throne has always been passed on from male to female, the late emperor had promised in front of the empress dowager that the throne would not be passed on to the nine princesses.

But that was not enough to make people feel at ease, so the Empress Dowager and the Zheng family decided to use the Ning family to test the late emperor. In the future, the crown prince will need the help and support of the natal family. He risked his life to force the first emperor to make him the crown prince.

In the end, Emperor Xian chose to sacrifice the Ning family to keep her safe.

Once the Ning family was removed, the empress dowager and others felt much more at ease, and they no longer forced the late emperor to establish a crown prince. In addition, the nine princesses developed an ignorant temperament, and they were completely at ease. From then on, he and Qi Wang In order to compete for the crown prince has been fighting endlessly.

As everyone knows, all of this was arranged by the late emperor...

Looking back on the past, Prince Li's face was ugly, and his eyes were faintly ruthless.

Mu Wan returned to her seat and stared at the young man coldly, "Speak, Brother Seventh King, I'm asking you something!"

Prince Li, who was stiff for a moment, realized just how impulsive he was, and he shouldn't have been so impulsive.

She is no longer the weak and incompetent Xiaojiu in her own eyes, nor is she the Jiugongzhu who is ignorant and only knows how to eat, drink and have fun.

She is already the ninety-five supreme, the supreme emperor.

How could he bump into her so stupidly like Lao Ba! !

Prince Li was so angry that he vomited blood. The secret hatred was caused by that man Li Jinyan. He silently cursed a certain prince, then knelt down and said, "The emperor is angry. This case happened more than ten years ago. At that time, I was still young. It was the late emperor who confiscated the house and questioned it, and I don't know what happened back then."

The implication is that it was the first emperor who killed the Ning family, and the Ning family became a stepping stone to pave the way for her. She was the victim of the struggle for imperial power, and the culprit should be her.

They sent people to hunt down the Ning family without leaving any traces.

They cannot be blamed.

Mu Wan closed her eyes and said angrily, "Get out~ Get out of here."

"I'm waiting to retire."

The corners of Prince Li's lips twitched slightly, he got up immediately, and left quickly with Duke Zheng and Young Master Zheng.

The rest of the ministers secretly wiped off their cold sweat and bowed to leave.

Several teenagers glanced at her, then bowed and retreated.

Only the queen remained.

After everyone left, Mu Wan's brows twitched, and the more she thought about it, the more angry she became.

Unconsciously, he picked up the fan and fanned it violently.

He picked up the teacup and took two sips of the pot, but he still couldn't get rid of the anger in his heart.

Chu Bei came over and sat beside her, his eyes flickering, "Why are you angry, it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, if you don't like him, just get rid of him secretly."

Mu Wan was startled, raised her eyes to look at him, frowned and said, "Sooner or later, he will kill himself, so there is no need to go to great lengths to get rid of him."

When she saw the beating killing in Chu Bei's eyes, she resisted in her heart. After all, she was still too soft-hearted.

Chu Bei smiled lightly, without piercing her, stretched out his hand to hold her slender hand tightly, "Is the emperor still sleepy?"

Mu Wan complained, "I was woken up by you when I was sleeping soundly, and I won't feel sleepy at all."

"Since we can't sleep, let's do something else..."


As he spoke, he picked her up and walked into the bed tent.

Mu Wan's cheeks were flushed, and she grabbed his brocade clothes and said, "Others say you are my favorite man, what do you think? If you mind, then it's better..."

To put it bluntly, this world is power supremacy, and everyone is involuntary in front of imperial power.

A wicked smile crossed the corner of the man's lips, "Since this king is a male favourite, the emperor should pamper me well, no matter what others say?"

He never cared about others, but her.


Is this man probably depraved? !
Chu Bei looked down at her, "Well, because of you, this king has fallen, and you will never get rid of this king in this lifetime."

As he spoke, he pressed her under him, and with a casual tug, the dragon robe slipped to the ground.

Mu Wan's brows overflowed with tenderness, she wrapped her arms around his neck with one hand, and tightly grasped his collar with the other, and chuckled, "Then let's fall together..."



At this time, the imperial concubine is in the tent.

The poison in Su Li's body broke out, and he was tortured to death.

The poison in her body will attack every seven days, and she needs to take part of the antidote to relieve it.

Su Ran came to look for her quietly while Situ Mo and others were looking for the empress.

"Li'er... come and eat half of the antidote."

He brought water to feed her, and the pain eased.

The hateful thing is that Concubine Yun is treacherous and ruthless, and only gives half a pill every time.

Seeing her beloved being tortured, Su Ran's eyes were red, she hugged her tightly, and said hoarsely, "Li'er, let's run away, I'll take you out of here."

Su Li smiled wryly, "But where can we escape? If we leave, what will happen to the Su family? Brother Ran, I'm a damned person, so don't worry about me anymore. Concubine Yun is not a good person, so don't believe me anymore. he."

Concubine Yun not only wanted the position of noble concubine, but also wanted Su Ran to obey him.

She didn't want to see him being used and threatened to do things she didn't want to do.

"Don't talk stupidly, I won't leave you."

"I can go to Beiming... Didn't you say that you remember growing up in Beiming? I will take you to Beiming to find your brother."

Su Li coughed lightly, and took out a short jade flute from his sleeve. The white jade was translucent, and the word "Li" was engraved on it, "With this jade flute alone, there are so many people, where can we find brother? "

She was separated from her mother and elder brother when she was four years old, and when she was brought back to the Su family by the Su family, she couldn't remember anything, only vaguely remembering that she used to live in a gorgeous palace, but she didn't know where that place was. After her servant told her the word "Bei Ming", she just remembered it firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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