The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 451 Autumn Hunting Contest—Repaying Gratitude!

Chapter 451 Autumn Hunting Contest—Repaying Gratitude!
"Brother Ran, let's go, don't do stupid things for me anymore, the emperor's heart is kind, if I apologize with death, she will definitely not pursue the Su family's crime of deceiving the emperor again."

In this way he will no longer be controlled by others.

She can also finally repay the foster mother's kindness of nurturing.

Seeing that she had thought of sacrificing herself to protect the Su family, Su Ran suddenly became angry, her eyes were slightly red, and she said, "Su, Li, I warn you, if you dare to seek death, I will not live in the world, nor will I be a ghost." Let you go!"

How can she always be like this?

In order to repay her mother and the Su family, she easily agreed to enter the palace as a concubine for him, without even asking him.

Now in order to repay the favor, you can choose to sacrifice yourself without hesitation.

Does she only want to repay her kindness?

Haven't thought about his feelings?
After Su Ran got angry, he closed his eyes and said with a wry smile, "Can't you choose to live for me?"

Probably his eyes were too terrifying, which startled her. After hearing this sentence, Su Li burst into tears, and dared not say the words of seeking death.


Knowing what she was worried about, Su Ran's eyes dodged slightly, and said, "Don't worry about me, I won't obey Concubine Yun."

But in order to get the antidote, I did something for him...

Concubine Yun was weak and couldn't go hunting on horseback into the deep mountains, so she asked him to run errands to deliver a brocade box to Prince Beiming.

As for what it was, he didn't know, all he knew was that the First Prince Beiming's face changed in shock when he saw what was in the box, and then he ran away in a hurry.

Concubine Yun said that she would not let him do anything against his promise.

Su Ran clenched her fists secretly, if this matter would be bad for Chu Bei and the others...Concubine Yun dared to lie to him, he would kill him with her own hands.

"Dye brother..."

Su Li was taken aback by the sudden chill that came out of him.

Su Ran paused and smiled, "It's okay, we will leave the capital after the autumn hunting competition, don't do stupid things anymore, understand?"

Su Xin tightened his grip and nodded, "Mmm..."

Looking at his leaving figure, she secretly made up her mind that from tomorrow onwards, she will practice martial arts diligently so as not to hold him back.


The next day, the third day of the autumn hunting contest.

Although there was a small episode about Mr. Zheng, it still didn't affect everyone's hunting mood.

On this day, Mu Wan didn't go into the mountain again, but stayed in the tent to read the memorial.

Chu Bei and the others didn't dare to leave easily, so they all stayed and had nothing to do. Xia Houjin and the others simply invited Yufei and the others to come over and play mahjong.

The sound insulation effect of the camp tent is not good.

Xia Houjin's camp was right next door.

When Mu Wan heard the commotion, she couldn't calm down to look at the notebook, so she threw down the notebook with itchy hands, and asked someone to call Ning Xinyao, Chu Xin, and Xiao Xuan'er to play mahjong together.

After playing a few games, she was lucky today, and she won a lot of money. Seeing Chu Xin's depressed expression, Mu Wan immediately said happily, "Come on, come on, let's play another round, and I'll be the one who loses."

A few girls: "..."


This day was happily spent on the mahjong table.


It was night, on a hundred trees, a man in purple clothes and black hair stood proudly, staring at the distance with dark and deep eyes.

Afterwards, two figures fell together, and the boy in black cloak knelt down respectfully.

"My lord..."

Under the moonlight, the man was wearing a mask, showing a pair of sharp and cold eyes looking back, looking at the two teenagers kneeling in front of him, the corners of his lips twitched slightly, "Have a good time over there!"

"My lord, this subordinate deserves to die, please punish me!"

The two teenagers suddenly panicked, and hurriedly clenched their fists and cupped their hands.

"Hmph, do you still remember the mission this king gave you?"

The two teenagers looked gloomy, pursed their lips, and said with difficulty, "My lord let us enter the palace to compete for favor and be favored by the empress."

"Now that you know, what are you all doing?"


The two teenagers trembled, their heads covered in cold sweat, and they didn't dare to say more.

They entered the palace for some time, but there was no progress.

This is a shame for them who came from the Secret Detective Pavilion.

There has never been a precedent of failure for the people in the Secret Detective Pavilion to take action.

After arriving in the kingdom, in their hands, they have lost countless times.

It's really embarrassing to Tange, if it's in Nanliang, Zhao Shisan might kill them with a single knife.

"My king asked you to kill a person and you can't do it. Now you can't even deal with a woman. What's the use of keeping you?"

The man's eyes were faintly ruthless, he was very annoyed when he saw the two teenagers, and wished he could kill them.

He has cultivated so many excellent spies, and only produced these two useless things.



"Don't talk? Do you think that you are the concubine of the empress now, and this king dare not kill you?"

The hearts of the two teenagers tightened, and they hurriedly said, "This subordinate dare not."

The man glanced sharply and said, "Needless to say, I will see King Chu's head tomorrow, otherwise you will apologise with death."

After speaking, the slender figure quickly disappeared into the night.

The two teenagers stood on the tree for a long time, under the pouring moonlight, looking at the moonlight, they felt cold and fierce.

Fuyu crossed his arms and stared coldly at the young man beside him, and said with a smile, "Even if we can't kill the queen, we still need to find a way to lure a few people around him away, otherwise the regent will definitely not spare us."

Nan Sheng's brows were cold, the corners of his lips curled, and he said mockingly, "It's so easy, do you think they will believe you if you become a poker friend?"

Fuyu's eyes flickered darkly, "It's true."

Now they are playing well with Xia Houjin, but they are just poker friends after all, so they may not really regard them as friends.

"Heh, that's the best way, otherwise let them know that you lied to them, and your death will be even worse."

Fuyu: "..."

It's been three years since this kid, why is he still with such a poisonous tongue?
"I'll do this task alone."

"What do you mean."

"Don't say that elder brother doesn't take care of younger brother..."

Fuyu shook her head and chuckled, the two of them knew each other since they were young, they were almost sympathetic to each other, they were hated by their close relatives, they were cruelly thrown into the Secret Detective Pavilion, and they were cultivated as Nanliang's pawns, they didn't get along for a long time, but they had such a good relationship Diu Diu's friendship is here.

In comparison, he was a little better. He had a distinguished sister who treated him very well. No matter how angry Zhao Shisan was, she would not really kill him.

And Nan Sheng was much more miserable than him. After the death of the mother who loved him the most in the world, no one would care about his life or death.

At the beginning, the two hated each other, but now they were sent to the empress's harem together, which is quite a fate.

In terms of qualifications, he is a senior in the Secret Detective Pavilion, so he has to be a little bit responsible and take care of his juniors.

Fuyu looked at the moonlight, thinking that she didn't know when she would be able to escape from the control of the regent...

Nan Sheng boy ignored him, put on his hat, jumped off the treetop first, and sneaked out, he didn't dare to delay too long, he had to go back as soon as possible.


Inside the tent, a young man came up to meet him, his eyes were full of worry and he said, "My are back."

Fuyu took off her hat, glanced at her, and frowned slightly, "No one came to see me."

Changfeng shook it and said, "No."

Concubine Xian sent someone to invite her once, but he managed it.

"Well, you should rest early..."

Fuyu didn't say much, and Changfeng didn't ask him where he was going, and the two went to their dormitory tents to rest.


 Chapter 437 is dead, it will be released in a few days, the plot is not connected, wait to see mua~(°з°)-

(End of this chapter)

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