Chapter 459 Elopement

It was night, under the black wind, suddenly several figures fell down.

Wearing a black cloak, the leading man came out and cast a cold glance at the boa constrictor with only its corpse left, his handsome face was full of gloom.

"Check, who killed Lan Mei."

Lan Mei is the real name of the giant python.

It is a pet raised by Xiqi Moli Guoshi.

Followed him for hundreds of years...even long ago.

Ever since he came to this damned place, he lost all his honor, as if he had been thrown into the abyss of eternal doom, living like a weak person.

Now that the pet is dead, he is furious.


The man's anger made the black-clothed dark guards behind him tense up, and hurriedly said, "My subordinates will investigate immediately. It is late at night, and after a few days of driving, the national teacher should rest first."

The man took off his black cloak to reveal a stunning face, with frost-dyed white hair, but he looked like a boy in his twenties and eight years. They all wore purple-gray brocade clothes, embroidered with five-clawed golden dragons, and had a cool demeanor. Luxurious, extremely dignified.

It was cool at night in the mountain, and the dark guard quickly built a log cabin.

The man stepped in and rested overnight beside the Thousand-year-old Lake...


On the other side, at the Junguo campsite in Lingyu Mountain, after the banquet, there were only a few eunuchs who were responsible for cleaning up the mess.

Quite a few people got drunk and were helped to send them off to their respective dormitory tents.


In the dead of night, the two teenagers wore cloaks, avoiding many eyes and ears, and quietly came to a quiet mountain pass. This road is a trail that no one knows, and it can directly leave Lingyu Mountain and lead to the outside of the capital.

At the intersection, there was already a carriage and a dark guard in black waiting here, he offered a bottle of something and said, "This is the antidote, my master will send it to Young Master Su respectfully, and the imperial concubine will have a good journey."

After speaking, he quickly disappeared into the night.

After Su Ran helped Suli get into the carriage, he drove the carriage away.

The two of them only brought silver bills, a few thin pieces, two long swords, and nothing else. Su Ran hurried on the carriage in person, without stopping.

Just like that, the carriage disappeared into the mist forest until it could no longer be seen...


The next day, when the sky was gray, the empress' bed tent was in a mess, and the dragon robe and brocade clothes were casually thrown on the floor.

The empress was still in bed, and was suddenly awakened by a noise in her sleep.

The empress turned over, got into the bed and continued to sleep, regardless of the sky falling.

The King of Chu was not at ease, he got up, got his clothes on, put them on, and walked out. He glanced at Xiao Lizi with displeasure, "When did you make such a noise?"

Little Lizi panicked, and said, "Go back to the empress, the imperial concubine is gone."

Chu Bei frowned slightly, and immediately passed the news to the guards. After questioning, he only said that Su Li and Mr. Su had gone out and never came back.

After not returning all night, the little eunuch serving as a noble concubine went to Concubine Shu to inquire about the whereabouts of the master.

Who knew that the little eunuch serving Concubine Shu said that Mr. Su didn't come back after he went out.


Everyone's complexion changed slightly, and it was indescribably strange, and then news spread that the imperial concubine had "eloped" with others.

The news spread like the wind, waking up many people.

When the ministers of the DPRK and China heard the news, they all got up in a hurry, dressed neatly and went to the main tent.

"Empress, I heard that the noble concubine has eloped with someone? Mr. Su helped to cover it up, what...what's going on?"

The ministers looked at each other in blank dismay, it was really hard to believe.

How dare the Su family do such a bold thing?
Don't want to live?
As a noble concubine but she eloped with someone, rumors spread that the Empress's face should be put there! !

Chu Bei's face was a little ugly. Recently, he was busy arresting Nanliang Regent and others, but he didn't notice Su Ran's strangeness. That guy "eloped" and didn't tell him?
At this time, Situ Mo and the others were in a hurry. Last night, Situ Mo was drunk a lot of alcohol, so he fell asleep after returning to the tent, and it was not clear when Su Ran left.

The hidden guard knew that he was leaving, so he could think that he was going up, so he didn't care.

It wasn't until the little eunuch in the imperial concubine's palace found something wrong.

And whether to send someone to chase them now, they couldn't make up their minds.

So I had no choice but to come here to ask Chu Bei for instructions.

Situ Mo's face was a little ugly, and he said, "It's my fault..."

The two lived in the same tent and had the most chances to be together, but they never found out that Su Ran had something on his mind.

He was probably coerced.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have "eloped" with someone without saying a word.

And the news spread suddenly, someone must have done it on purpose.

Old Prince Chu and the others glanced coldly at Chu Bei and the others, and some accused, "How do you manage the harem? It's really useless!"

Several fathers reprimanded their sons for being merciless.

In their eyes, as long as you do something wrong, no matter what your status is, you will be reprimanded directly.

No one noticed when people ran away. This was a serious mistake. They would have to be beaten with military sticks in the barracks.

The four teenagers remained silent and let their father reprimand them.

At this time, if you make excuses and talk back, the scolding will be even worse.

So several people chose to shut up tacitly.

The prime minister had a headache and said, "Does the emperor know about this?"

I haven't seen the empress until now, and I haven't seen her get angry, so I probably don't know.

Dingbeihou asked, "Why did Su Li run away? Who did he elope with?"

The four teenagers looked at each other secretly. Only they knew that Su Li was a daughter. Now that all the ministers were here, it was inconvenient to tell the truth.

Su Li eloped with her "big brother".

Zheng Guogong looked at the young men with gloomy faces, his eyes flashed darkly and said, "I'd better invite the emperor to come out and tell the truth, the guards are loose and accommodating because Mr. Su and the queen have a good relationship. I'm afraid the queen will have to talk to the emperor about this matter explain clearly."

Chu Bei looked at him with a faint blue face, but he couldn't refute it. Su Ran had the token he gave, and with the token, the guards could easily let him go, so he was able to leave quietly.

Xiao Lizi's eyes moved slightly, and he stepped forward and said, "My lords, you should go back first, the emperor is still sleeping, even if there is a big event at this time, don't disturb the emperor, otherwise...the consequences will be very serious."

He didn't want to explain clearly, the last time they quarreled here they woke up the empress, they must have understood the Shura aura at that time, if they don't want to annoy the empress, they had better shut up obediently.

The main camp tent and sleeping tent are connected, here is the meeting hall, and behind it is the empress' sleeping tent and temporary imperial study.

It's still early now, there's no need to go to court, the Empress is used to it, and she only gets up around Chen Shi.

In addition, I drank a lot of wine last night, and it was another night of spring dinner after I came back... I am afraid that I am very tired.

If people were to be woken up at this time, they would be equivalent to waking up the sleeping Great Demon King.

If you offend her, you will definitely die.

Xiao Lizi wiped his sweat secretly, and reminded again, "Don't blame our family for not reminding you when you hit someone. If you wake up the emperor, I'm afraid the empress will be punished."

Chu Bei: "..."

He hadn't tried to wake up the big demon king before, but he only knew that she wanted to sleep, and if you bothered her, you would be afraid to slap her to death.

Thinking of last night, his chest started to hurt, and there was a pink and tender palm print on it, if he hadn't dodged quickly, it would have hit his handsome face...

(End of this chapter)

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