Chapter 460 Impossible! !

Thinking of the displeased look in the Empress' eyes, everyone dared not speak loudly, and one by one retreated first.


It was around Si time that the empress got up from the bed, sat on the edge of the bed and yawned.

Two court ladies came in to dress and wash.

After finishing the meal, Xiao Lizi came in and reported, "My Majesty, the old prince Chu and others are asking to see you in the meeting hall."

Mu Wan wiped the corners of her mouth, said "yes" lightly, then got up and went to the conference hall.

I saw a lot of people crowded, several concubines, even Concubine Yun and others gathered together.

What's going on here?
Mu Wan frowned slightly, walked to the tiger leather soft seat and sat down, the corners of her lips moved slightly, "What's the matter, tell me!"

All the ministers secretly looked at each other, and then all looked at Chu Bei. It is more appropriate for him to speak out about this matter.

The queen is favored, even if the empress is offended, the empress is reluctant to punish him.

Chu Bei raised his eyes to look at the woman, and suddenly felt a headache. He didn't know what to say. In fact, he should choose to be with her in private, but now that the trouble is well known, it's hard to explain.

Paper can't wrap fire, she will know about it sooner or later, Chu Bei sighed secretly, and said, "Report to the emperor, the imperial concubine is gone."

Ok? !

Mu Wan frowned slightly, and raised a big question, "What do you mean the imperial concubine is missing?"

Chu Bei: "..."

A minister explained, "Report to the emperor, it is Su Guifei who eloped with someone under the cover of Mr. Su."

The air stood still for three seconds.

Mu Wan blinked, then her face darkened, she looked at Chu Bei with anger, "Queen, please explain clearly to me!!"

What elopement?
Her imperial concubine actually eloped at all?

With whom?

I didn't find that the girl from the family was missing.

Only Su Ran and Su Li disappeared together.

The two brothers elope for her?
She doesn't believe it.

Chu Bei pursed his lips and said, "The emperor calms down. At present, there is no evidence that the noble concubine eloped with anyone. It's just that Su Ran and the noble concubine disappeared suddenly, and they may be taken away by someone. We need to investigate. The minister has sent people to track down the road. I believe There will be results soon."

At this time, a minister came forward with a brochure and said, "Your majesty, I have a secret report here. Concubine Su is not actually the second son of the Su family. She is the adopted daughter of the Su family. She has had a deep relationship with the eldest son since childhood , a secret love affair."

After speaking, everyone's face changed slightly, and their eyes opened wide, which is unbelievable.

If this is true, then didn't Concubine Su elope with Young Master Su?

And the Su family's doing so is the crime of deceiving the emperor, first deceiving the first emperor, and then deceiving the empress, this crime is not an exaggeration to punish the nine clans!
"The Su family is too bold..."

For a time, there was a lot of discussion among the people, and the waves were turbulent.

The empress in the seat took the booklet and glanced at it, her face turned blue and then black, then slapped the armrest suddenly, and said angrily, "Presumptuous! Nonsense! How could Concubine Su be a daughter..."

Mu Wan was sweating profusely. She couldn't believe it. She didn't know what was going on. That day, she clearly... personally verified Su Li's identity. His body was the same as a man's, with an extra piece of flesh.

Concubine Yun raised her eyes and smiled lightly, "Has the emperor personally verified his integrity?"

If Su Lizhen had gone to bed, it was impossible for her not to know.

Looking at her appearance, you can tell that she doesn't know anything at all. There are no wonders in this world. There is a kind of craftsmen who can imitate human organs, and they can be very realistic, for those who have special hobbies to have fun.

In the underground dark markets of various countries, there are places that specifically sell this item.

With the wealth of the Su family, what can't be bought?

Zhou Yunting looked at the Empress, covered her lips and snickered, it's not hard to imagine how she "verified her integrity" by herself.

Mu Wan glanced at Concubine Yun, her face blushed for a while, then she glared at Chu Bei and the others, breathed heavily, and said coldly, "Queen, Concubine Shu, Concubine Xian, and Concubine De stayed behind, and everyone else stepped down. "


"Get out!"

The female emperor's eyes were faintly ruthless, and she flew into a rage.

Everyone tensed their backs, then hurriedly bowed and retreated.

Suddenly knowing that her concubine is actually a daughter, and even eloped with her brother-in-law, anyone would be angry if this happened, and she couldn't accept it for a normal person.

The ministers didn't dare to run into trouble at this time, so they had to leave quickly.

Concubine Yun, Concubine Mei, and Concubine Yu also left.

They wanted to stay, but the Empress' eyes were menacing and frightening.

So I dare not stay.


After everyone left, Mu Wan stared at the boys with cold eyes, clenched her fists, took a deep breath, tried her best to hold back her anger, narrowed her eyes, and said with a smile, "If you don't speak clearly today, you will die. "

The bodies of the teenagers couldn't help shaking, feeling that the gentle voice, the bright and bright smile, and the words they said were inexplicably creepy.

The four hurriedly knelt down, their faces a little pale. They thought about the angry look on her face countless times when they found out, but they didn't expect her to be able to laugh? !
But she was angry, a fool could feel it.

They are more afraid of calm than storms! !
Situ Mo and the others didn't dare to speak, they just stared at Chu Bei.

Chu Bei bit the bullet and said, "I told you that Su Li is a daughter..." She didn't believe it!

Mu Wan's face was gloomy, and she was so angry that she stood up and walked back and forth, wishing she could smash him to death with a teacup.

If he had the heart, he should have told her the ins and outs long ago, instead of just saying "Su Li is a daughter" and it's over.

He just exists to hide her.

And he has been hiding these things all the time, and he has never believed her.

He thinks that she is a female emperor, the Ninth Five-Year Supreme, and there is no room for a grain of sand in his eyes. He feels that being with the king is like a tiger, and that she is a tyrant, and he is afraid that she will slaughter Su's family in a fit of anger.

It turned out that he was just like everyone else, he was always on guard against her, treated her with prejudice, never understood her, and never believed her.

Mu Wan's eyes were slightly red, as if she had realized what it means to be at a high place. In fact, it's not that emperors have been ruthless since ancient times, but because the emperor controls all the power of life and death. The people next to the pillow don't treat each other with heart and calculate everywhere, so the heart of an emperor is destined to build a high wall, and he will not give his true feelings, and he will be lonely all his life.

Chu Bei is also a human being, so he cannot avoid vulgarity.

Deep in his heart, he was afraid that she was the emperor, moody and unable to communicate, afraid that he would hurt his family, brothers and friends in a fit of anger...

Thinking of this, Mu Wan's heart ached. During these days, she tried her best to become friends and confidants with them. She didn't want to come to this world and end up alone.

Although everyone was not familiar with each other at the beginning, there would inevitably be frictions and conflicts, but she could understand what they did before. After getting along and getting to know each other slowly, she thought she could become friends with them.

It turned out not to be, everything was her own opinion.

Su Ran didn't believe her, Situ Mo and the others didn't believe it, even Chu Bei didn't believe it...

Mu Wan raised her eyes to look at the four teenagers, her eyes flashed with pain, she was afraid that apart from the matter of Su Li's daughter, they still had many things to hide from her...

But she has no right to blame them, because she also has secrets that she didn't tell them...

But she still can't accept it.

Seeing that her expression was wrong, Chu Bei's heart tightened, and suddenly he felt panicked, he hurriedly got up and walked over, "Your Majesty...I..." I didn't mean to hide it from you...

He really wanted to say it, but when he saw her disappointed and painful gaze, he couldn't get it out of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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