The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 474 The position of noble concubine is vacant, who will the emperor confer?

Chapter 474 The position of noble concubine is vacant, who will the emperor confer?

The old lady looked at the exquisite jade bottle, and then looked at the empress with slight surprise in her eyes, and said in a gentle tone, "The emperor has a heart."

If it weren't for her, it would be impossible for Yaowang Valley to pay tribute to the court.

However, the pills tribute from Yaowang Valley are relatively expensive, and the quantity is not much.

What I didn't expect was that the empress would use it to honor her.

The old lady is very complicated. This child is indeed filial, but it's a pity...

The Empress Dowager looked at the jade bottle with an ugly face. She knew that there were three bottles of this health pill, one bottle was given to the old prince Chu, and the other bottle was given to the old lady. What about the other bottle?

She is her aunt, isn't it used to honor her?

But the empress only took one bottle to honor the old lady, not her share.

It shows that she, the queen mother, has no weight in the heart of the empress.

Respected as the queen mother, but if the empress does not give her face, she is dispensable as the queen mother.

Thinking of this, the empress dowager's eyes flashed coldly, and she smiled, "The emperor is filial, but unfortunately the emperor is busy with state affairs. It would be great if the tenth princess could come back and spend more time with the empress dowager."

Mu Wan frowned imperceptibly, looked at the queen mother, narrowed her eyes slightly, "Well, what the queen mother said is true, if the tenth imperial girl sincerely repents and reforms, it's better to take it back early, you are a princess, always It’s not good to stay outside.”

Both the queen mother and the old lady were stunned for a moment, but they didn't expect her not to be angry?
The tenth princess coveted Concubine Yun and tried to force her with drugs. Does she not mind?

Mu Wan picked up the teacup and sipped it, she lowered her eyes and said nothing, she couldn't slap on the matter of the tenth princess, Concubine Yun was also at fault, since they were all punished, there was no need to be aggressive and hold on.

If Jun Murong really learned her lesson this time, reformed herself, and be her tenth princess well, and stop antagonizing her everywhere and making things difficult for her, in the capital she would be the tenth princess with infinite honor, all surnamed Jun, she Give her that honor.


Next is the women's tea party, chatting.

She never speculates with these words, what they talk about, she will respond occasionally, if she doesn't want to respond, she doesn't speak, and quietly sips tea.

But when the empress is silent, it always makes people feel oppressive and nervous.

Especially Concubine Zheng and others.

They secretly wiped their sweat, and they dared not speak lightly, for fear of making mistakes and making the Empress unhappy.

Everyone knows that the empress is no longer the useless idiot she used to be. Now she has a private armored guard in her hand, which is comparable to the dragon and tiger army, which is very dreadful.

The princes were so worried about this that they didn't dare to easily contradict and annoy her.

Seeing Concubine Zheng's wives with stiff expressions and frequently wiping their foreheads with handkerchiefs, Mu Wan frowned slightly, and her eyes fell on the charcoal stove. It was getting colder in autumn, and the old lady's body was weak, so she used charcoal fire early.

Mu Wan glanced at them and sympathized with them, "Grandmother, if there is nothing else, I will leave first."

At this time, Concubine Zheng became anxious and stood up nervously, "Your Majesty..."

"Well, what's the matter with Concubine Zheng?"

Mu Wan frowned slightly and looked at the embarrassed woman.

Concubine Zheng glanced anxiously at the Empress Dowager, she was a little meek, unable to speak, and finally blushed, "Chenqie...Chenqie wants to ask the emperor to let Doctor Fu give Chenqie a medical diagnosis."

She married into the palace, and Prince Li came into her room the most, but he was still barren.

Recently, the concubine was diagnosed with a one-month pregnancy. She was very anxious, anxious and jealous, so she wanted to go to the palace to ask the empress dowager for help.

What's more, complaints and complaints, the princess is pregnant, and it is reasonable for Prince Li to go to her more often, but for some reason, after returning from Lingyu Mountain, the prince never stepped into the backyard again, and only occasionally visited the pregnant princess to accompany her. She ate, but never stayed overnight. She usually slept in the study. She took the initiative to look for it, but was kicked out. She felt wronged, so she entered the palace...

The old lady glanced a little recklessly, so Concubine Zheng shook her head secretly, looked at the empress and said, "Master Fu is the emperor's imperial physician, and the Ai family can't be invited without the emperor's order. Since Concubine Zheng has entered the palace, why not let the emperor let Fu Let the divine doctor diagnose her."

As it was about the issue of Prince Li's heirs, the old lady naturally attached great importance to it.

Although Princess Li is pregnant, there are still too few heirs in Prince Li's mansion.

Mu Wan smiled and said, "Okay, someone will take Concubine Zheng to find Doctor Fu."

A little side concubine would not let Fu Si come over in person.

Since she came to seek medical treatment, she must be sincere and go to the Tai Hospital by herself.

Xiao Lizi led her there, Concubine Zheng didn't care so much, and followed after busying herself to thank her.

Mrs. Zheng Guogong didn't leave. She glanced at the old lady. There were some words that didn't need to be said, and they could understand with a look between them.

Then the old lady cut to the chase and asked directly, "Concubine Su committed a serious crime by eloping. The emperor has ordered her to be abolished as a noble concubine. Now that the position of noble concubine is vacant, who do you plan to promote?"

There are many concubines in the harem, and recently the jade concubine and the virtuous concubine are in the limelight.

No matter who it is, it is not surprising, but their Zheng family also wants this position.

Mu Wan paused her hands, her eyes darkened, and she said with a light smile, "I haven't considered this yet."

The old lady said, "That means there is no suitable candidate?"


Mu Wan was a little depressed. She didn't plan to be a concubine at all. She had to find a way to get out of the concubines in the harem.

Now they want to stuff her.

If you propose to abolish the harem, you will definitely oppose it and stop it.

a bit troublesome...

The empress replied absent-mindedly, and the old lady immediately said happily, "What does the emperor think of Xuan'er?"

After saying that, the inconspicuous young man sitting at the back stood up and stepped forward to salute, "Yitxuan has seen the emperor."

Hear the voice full of youthful texture.

Mu Wan raised her eyes with a slightly dazed expression, like a young man from Mo Shang.

He is the second son of Zheng Guogong, the younger brother of Zheng Dagongzi, and he is 14 years old this year.

The son of the Zheng family who is the complete opposite of Mr. Zheng.

The elder brother is a dude, and the younger brother is both talented and beautiful.

His personality is different, but it seems that Mr. Zheng is more respected.

Seeing that the Empress looked at people without blinking, Mrs. Zheng Guogong and the old lady were secretly happy.

Just say that Xuan Er is so good that he will definitely please the Empress.

Second Young Master Zheng lowered his eyes slightly, his ears were reddish, and he was a little uncomfortable. Being stared at by the empress like this, he didn't know why his heartbeat was not normal.

He has always been docile and well-behaved, and he also knows that his father likes his eldest brother, so he decided to let his eldest brother inherit the Duke's mansion.

And he was just a pawn, a pawn used by his father and Prince Li as a marriage bargaining chip.

So when his father and Prince Li decided to send him into the palace, he didn't resist or feel anything.

He just came back from college, and he seldom goes home.

Today is the first time I saw the queen.

He had heard all kinds of rumors about her, but when he really saw her, he suddenly no longer felt that it was a humiliating thing to be sent to the palace as a favorite concubine. If he could, he would.


(End of this chapter)

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