The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 475 General Fan, you know how to farm?

Chapter 475 General Fan, you know how to farm?
Mu Wan secretly wiped off her sweat, glanced at Mrs. Zheng Guogong and the old lady, and said, "Grandmother, this..."

She was too embarrassed to say what happened next.

This child is too young, she doesn't want to destroy the flowers of the country.

And she had no intention of it.

If another newcomer is recruited, Huhu Chu will definitely be jealous, she can't stand it.

The old lady frowned slightly, "The emperor doesn't like Xuan'er?"

Mu Wan glanced at the young man, and saw that he was a little nervous at the moment. If he were to be honest, there were so many people, it would have caused a psychological shadow.

"No, Mr. Zheng Er is very good, but I feel that the matter of Su Li has not been resolved yet, and I have no intention of making a new imperial concubine."

The old lady was a little disappointed. Now the Zheng family is declining day by day, not as good as before.

Supporting Prince Li is still unknown, and she even feels that hope is getting slimmer.

That's why he came up with the idea of ​​letting Mr. Zheng's family enter the palace as a concubine.

If they can give birth to a prince with the empress, and they can support the prince in the future, there is still some hope for the revival of the Zheng family.

They plan to proceed in two steps, with a long-term view, if Prince Li's affairs can be accomplished, then that's the best, if not, then there is a way out.

But the Empress was unwilling to accept a concubine, this was a problem, and it might be because she was wary of the Zheng family.

The old lady sighed secretly, a little disappointed.

But Mrs. Zheng Guogong did not give up. She smiled and said, "The emperor is right. Xuan'er is still young, don't worry, you can get to know him slowly, he is docile, likes to take care of flowers and plants, and usually grows vegetables. I'm so dirty, I don't even know what to say to him..."

Before they entered the palace, they had inquired clearly that the empress had planted a lot of potted plants in the garden of the imperial study, and was very concerned about the movements of the royal farm.

And Xuan'er happens to have a hobby in this area.

They will not make useless preparations, and it is not a random choice for Second Young Master Zheng to enter the palace.

Since he intends to send someone into the palace, he must choose what he likes, and every vote will be accurate.

There is no shortage of beautiful men in the harem, but there are few who can interest the empress.

Sure enough, upon hearing Mrs. Zheng Guogong's words, the Empress's eyes lit up. She looked at Second Young Master Zheng, and asked with some interest, "Second Young Master Zheng, can you farm the land?"

Hearing this, the young man nodded nervously, "I have nothing to do in my free time, and I planted some fruits and vegetables."

This is not a good hobby. Others are just playing around with writing, reading the Four Books and Five Classics, learning horseback riding and archery, and taking the road of high officials and rich salary.

But he just likes to take care of flowers and plants, and is interested in farming.

This is why my father always thinks he is useless and doesn't like him.

Fortunately, his good mother loves him very much and supports him, so he has the opportunity to live in a village in the suburbs and do what he likes.

Many people think that he is a different kind, so he doesn't have many friends, so Yang Sheng is introverted and somewhat withdrawn.

Mu Wan was a little surprised, "Really, do you have any research on rice and seeds?"

"Well, Yixuan is not talented, so he planted them all... At the beginning, a lot of them died."

He said a little ashamed.

Talking about topics of interest, the boy is still very lively.

Mu Wan chuckled, and said even more ashamedly, "The one I planted never sprouted."

Seeing that the second son of Zheng successfully attracted the attention of the empress.

Mrs. Zheng Guogong and the old lady were very happy, and hurriedly said, "If the emperor doesn't understand something, you can take Xuan'er to have a look."

Mu Wan got up and nodded, and said to the young man, "Then I'll have to trouble Mr. Zheng, follow me to the imperial study."

The young man looked up at the smiling face of the empress, his heart skipped a beat, he beat the drums, and said in a warm voice, "Yixuan obeys the order."

The Empress just took people away, the Empress Dowager, Concubine Xu, and Mrs. Fan looked at each other secretly, and hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, let Feng'er go together, or we can discuss it with more people."

They entered the palace mainly to give people to the empress.

When Mu Wan walked into the hall, she saw a handsome young man standing out. He was still wearing armor, with a dignified demeanor, a cold expression, and a little embarrassment. It seemed that he had been called back to Beijing from the military camp in a hurry.

"The last general, Fan Qingfeng has met the emperor."

He is the son of General Fan. Since General Fan was injured and retired, he has held an idle position in the court and has no real power. He was very unwilling to let the 15-year-old Prince Fan take over in the barracks.

At the beginning, he started from the bottom. Now he is 19 years old. After four years of experience, he has climbed from a recruit to the position of a fifth-rank major general. His ability is still very good.

Regarding the arrangement of the family and the queen mother, he felt it was absurd and did not want to enter the palace.

But they tricked him back with the fact that General Fan was seriously ill, so they had no choice but to follow his mother into the palace.

At this moment, he can't wait to escape.

He is still very sure of the ability of the Empress, and he admires it from the bottom of his heart, because at a young age, as a woman, she has created a brand new armored guard, which is shocking and admirable.

"Little General Fan, do you know how to farm?"

Mu Wan's brows twitched, thinking that the Queen Mother and the others were ridiculous and extremely stupid, and couldn't help but feel displeased.

The Fan family had produced many famous generals in the past, and they were once a top-notch family in the kingdom. They had glorious years and made great military achievements. The old man Fan died in the line of duty to save the late emperor. For this reason, he married the daughter of the Fan family as the queen. For the Queen Mother.

Later, the Fan family fell, and the military power factor fell into the hands of others, but I didn't want to see such stupid people as the Queen Mother and General Fan.

Mu Wan's face turned blue, and she felt sympathy for the Fan family in the past.

Fan Qingfeng's back tightened, and he quickly sensed the empress's anger, knelt down and said, "The emperor calmed down, I just went home to visit my father, and I went to the palace to visit the queen mother, I don't know anything about farming, I am only good at leading soldiers and fighting."

The major general was a little nervous, and he almost didn't say that the minister had no intention of entering the palace as a concubine, expressing his intentions.

The faces of the Queen Mother and the others changed slightly, a little ugly, stared at by the cold eyes of the empress, from the head to the soles of the feet, and felt faint.

The old lady and Mrs. Zheng Guogong sneered secretly, without a brain.

The harem already has a powerful Chu king who holds military power.

How could the empress recruit another major general into the palace?

What if the ambition and power of the Fan family grow?
The empress looks young, and she can understand foresight.

A queen and a noble concubine both have military power, so can she sleep peacefully?
See, she will gradually weaken the military power of the King of Chu, even if she wants to train someone to weaken the power of the King of Chu, it is not his Fan family.

The empress would still consider a harmless boy like the Second Young Master Zheng they chose.

Mrs. Zheng Guogong looked at her son's brows with joy, and was secretly relieved.


Mu Wan cast a cold glance at Fan Qingfeng, her face softened, "Well, General Fan is filial, that's good, but after visiting father, go back to the barracks as soon as possible."

Fan Qingfeng cupped his fists and said, "Yes, Your Majesty."

After speaking, the empress left Shoukang Palace.


Arrived, the small garden of the Imperial Study Room.

Looking at the bare potted plants, Mu Wan motioned for the young man beside him to follow along.

"Why don't my seeds germinate?"

She is planting soybeans, and according to the sowing time, it should be no later than September.

Second Young Master Zheng went over to look it over, poked the soil with his hands without disdain, and then frowned, "Your Majesty, have you watered too much? Besides, the soil is so fertile that the seeds are rotten."

Mu Wan was embarrassed for a while, "I'm usually busy, and I mostly leave it to the little eunuch to take care of."

She doesn't know much about farming, and the soil is dug near the cesspool, thinking that the more fertile the soil, the better the nutrition and grow faster.

And all the eunuchs who took care of it were young eunuchs who took care of the flowers and plants. They used the seeds as flowers and plants, and they potted water every day.


(End of this chapter)

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