Chapter 476 The Paranoid Teenager

Mu Wan regretted for a while, "Aren't they all white now?"

The young man shook his head and said truthfully, "It's hopeless, I wonder what the emperor planted?"


"If the emperor wants to plant soybeans, it should be the most suitable time to sow soybeans around the end of June."

The young man's eyes flickered slightly. He knew that the soybean production was low this year, so the Empress would spend all her time planting soybeans. She said, "Your Majesty, don't worry. There will be a drought this year, so the soybean production will be low. This situation will definitely not happen next year."

Mu Wan saw that he was well-organized, and he really knew how to farm, but it's a pity that he was from the Zheng family.

Now Zheng Guogong is supporting Prince Li, and his intentions are not righteous, and this child seems to have no opinions, so he cannot be reused.

We can only test it first, investigate it and then talk.

"I asked you to go to the Royal Farm to supervise the sowing of the fields, would you like it?"

There is no official position in this area, and when they went there, they were just doing miscellaneous work for farmers and workers, so more people went there but didn't stick to it.

The young man was slightly startled, then cupped his hands and said, "I am willing."

I didn't expect the empress to reuse him, which is very surprising.

"Okay, if you can do something, I will reward you a lot."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Well, if there is nothing wrong, go out of the palace and prepare, and someone will pick you up later."

The boy nodded and bowed to leave.

Mu Wan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, this Second Young Master Zheng is indeed better than his elder brother, and he is a malleable talent.


He learned that the empress only sent him to do farm work on the royal farm.

The Zheng family was so angry that they almost lost their temper.

I think the empress is too deceitful, if you don't like it, you don't like it, why throw his son into the royal farm to work as a coolie?

Is this a warning?Punishment in disguise? !
Zheng Guogong and Mrs. Zheng Guogong's faces were livid with anger, but there was nothing they could do about the Empress, because it was recommended by Mrs. Zheng Guogong herself. The second son of Zheng likes to tend flowers and plants, and is good at farming.

She just needed talent in this area, and she delivered it to her door, and she didn't force it.

In the end, Zheng Guogong could only vent his anger on his son, "Useless trash!"

Second Master Zheng felt bitter for a while, and after being scolded, he followed to the Royal Farm.


The Zheng family and Daojia failed to plug people one after another, and everyone was intimidated, so they didn't dare to plug people into the Empress's harem easily.


Chu Bei and the others went to the military camp, so Mu Wan could only review the papers by herself. After going to Shoukang Palace, she stayed in the imperial study and worked hard to write.

It wasn't until the afternoon that I really felt sore in my neck, and I got up after being tired to go for a walk in the Imperial Garden.

If someone disturbs them, let them go to clean up first.

If she finds out that there are concubines, she won't go, because she doesn't want to deal with those active teenagers.

The position of noble concubine is vacant, so Concubine Yu, Concubine Yun and others must be ready to move.

She even suspected that Su Ran's forced elopement with Su Li had something to do with one of them, but she didn't know who it was.

The sure way to coerce Su Ran is unusual.

She guessed that it was Zhou Yunting's delicate and extreme boy, but there was no evidence, so it was not appropriate to ask the crime rashly, and she could only find out when Su Ran and the others came back on their own initiative.


At this time, Guangling Palace.

Knowing that the empress planned to force Su Ran and the others to return to the capital, Zhou Yunting was always a little uneasy. He was afraid that Jiu'er would get angry and annoy him if he knew about it.

He was sitting on the imperial concubine's couch holding the chess piece in his hand and was in a daze.

At this time, Wuhen came in with the medicine, "My lord, it's time to drink the medicine."

The boy's eyes darkened, and he said irritably, "I don't want to drink."


With a look of embarrassment on Wuhen's face, he said, "Young Master, how can you do without taking medicine? Even if it's not for you, for the emperor, you should take care of your body!"

After all, after serving for a long time, I found out the master's temperament, and with one pinch, he hit his seven inches. After two pinches, the young man obediently picked up the medicine bowl, and "gulu" drank it all.

There was joy in Wuhen's eyes, and he felt that the empress was his savior, a living bodhisattva.

Whenever the master loses his temper and refuses to drink medicine, or is angry and wants to kill someone, as long as he mentions the empress, the master will instantly become a cute little white rabbit and become ruthless.

This method has been tried and tested, and recently, he has not worked so hard.

After drinking the medicine, the young man took out a snow-white handkerchief and wiped the corners of his mouth, his eyes were gloomy, and he said with disgust, "Don't boil such bitter medicine for Bengong anymore, I don't like to drink it!"

He hates taking medicine the most.

I remember Jiu'er hated it too.

As he said that, he lowered his eyes and thought to himself, I miss Jiu'er so much...why can't I always see her in the palace.

Wuhen's eyes flickered slightly, and seeing the master's faint and melancholy expression, he immediately understood that the master might miss the emperor again, but there is no way, the emperor will not come to the harem, even if he wants to meet in the imperial garden, there is no chance, Because now the empress will ask people to clear the place before going to the imperial garden, asking for absolute silence, and no one is allowed to disturb.

By doing this, the empress wanted nothing more than to break the hearts of the concubines in the harem.

But this was too heartless, and it just hurt Concubine Yun.

He fell in love every day, and wanted to see him once, but he was not allowed to even take a look at him. If this continues, sooner or later he will die in depression.

Thinking of this, Wuhen's eyes flickered slightly, and he changed the subject, "My lord, now the emperor plans to force Mr. Su and the others to return to Beijing for questioning, and I'm afraid it will expose us."

A cold murderous intent flashed across Zhou Yunting's eyes, and he said in a cold voice, "They are not allowed to return to Beijing alive."

Hurry up before others find them, or kill Su Ran and the others before they return to Beijing to surrender.

Wuhen's back tightened, and he said coldly, "Yes, this subordinate will definitely make it clean."

"Also, how did you find out where Prince Xiqi and others were detained recently?"

"Master Hui, they are being imprisoned in the underground prison of the palace. The guards are very strict. I'm afraid it's not easy to attack."

The young man's eyes drooped, and his red lips raised slightly, "No matter what method is used, this palace must kill Prince Xiqi, Regent of Nanliang, and Great Prince of Beiming."

Wuhen was in a bit of a dilemma, it was impossible to do this at all, the queen's people guarded the water prison like a copper wall, and even a mosquito couldn't fly in, and the food was delivered by special secret guards, not prepared in the imperial dining room of the palace, but from It was directly brought in from outside the palace, and others had no chance to contact it, and they couldn't find a chance to make a move at all.

But the master became paranoid and couldn't bring back a hundred cattle.

No way, Wuhen started to think again, thought for a while, and said, "My lord, envoys from Nanliang, Xiqi, and Beiming are all here now. If you kill people in the water prison of the palace now, I'm afraid the emperor will It's very embarrassing, when the three kingdoms are angry, they will join forces to attack the monarchy, if the emperor personally conquers..."

Just as he was talking, the young man suddenly slapped the teacup on the table, his eyes turned scarlet, with an indescribable anger, covering his whole body with a layer of ice, the bottom of his eyes was faintly violent, and he said, "Shut up!"

He breathed heavily and clutched his chest tightly, as if he had encountered something terrible.

Royal conquest! !
Royal conquest! !
Royal conquest! !
In her previous life, if Jiu'er hadn't been forced to conscript her, she wouldn't have died tragically.

(End of this chapter)

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