The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 477 Where did the little beggar come from?

Chapter 477 Where did the little beggar come from?

Zhou Yunting clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and suddenly violently smashed things.

Wuhen stood there motionless, not daring to take a breath.

Unexpectedly, it backfired this time.

When mentioning the empress, the master suddenly went berserk and furious. Why? !

He was going crazy, this master was too difficult to serve.

When the young man finished venting, he fell on the soft bed, suppressed the anger that kept venting, and said coldly, "Who is here?"

He would like to see if there are any old acquaintances who will meet soon.

Wuhen clasped his fists and said respectfully, "Nanliang Nanxiang, Beiming Qingsang County Lord, Xiqi Moli Guoshi."

"Mo...Mo Li..."

After mentioning the word Mo Li, the young man sitting on the imperial concubine's couch suddenly turned pale and trembled a little, looking very strange.


"Go out, I want to stay alone for a while."

Wuhen was a little worried, but still didn't dare to disobey, and bowed and retreated.

After the person left, the young man collapsed on the soft floor, his face was like the sky in June, recalling the fear of being dominated by Moli in those years when he recalled his previous life.

Mo Li... that man is simply a devil, he is not human.


At this time, outside the capital, there is a post house.

At the residence of the Nanliang envoys, a group of people were anxious.

Princess Rongyue unexpectedly got into the mission and came to the kingdom secretly.

Not only that, but when she learned that the Prince Regent of Nanliang had been arrested, she sneaked out of the posthouse by herself, intending to save others.

Now the entire post house is surrounded by people, and I don't know how she slipped out.

Nan Xiang sent people to search the entire post house.

What happened to Jiugong mainly, how should I explain to the little emperor when I go back?

An envoy said, "Master Xiang, what should we do now, the princess must be worried about the prince, and has entered the capital of the monarchy, we have to get the princess back as soon as possible."

Nan Xiang glanced at him coldly, and said with a gloomy face, "Invite the envoys of the Jun Kingdom, and say that the truth is that I want to meet the Emperor of the Jun Kingdom."


At this time, the Ninth Princess of Nanliang dressed up as a little beggar and sneaked into the capital.

But it is impossible for her to enter the palace.

But she is also smart, knowing that she can enter the palace by looking for the rich and powerful in the capital and stealing the badge.

So she squatted on the street corner and started looking for prey.

His jet-black eyes stared at every dignitary and nobleman.

Until I saw Prince Qi in a noble royal robe.

She has been to the kingdom, and she knows several princes.

As soon as her eyes lit up, she locked on her prey.

Prince Qi entered the Tianxiang Tower with several dignitaries.

She's going to follow right away.

"Ah, ah, stop, you little beggar, go, go, this is not where you should come."

Who knew that he would be thrown out before reaching the threshold.

The Ninth Princess of Nanliang was so angry that she took out her whip and threw it away.

"Ahhh... beat someone."

The little servant immediately scrambled and screamed.

Hearing the movement, Prince Qi looked back, saw the familiar whip, his eyes flickered, and motioned for people to go over and settle the matter, and invite the little beggar to come in.

Princess Ninth of Nanliang was a little surprised. Prince Qi actually recognized her?
She held the long whip tightly, a little nervous and vigilant.

In the end, he followed the dark guard into the Tianxiang Building, and came to the private room booked by Prince Qi.

He turned down the dinner of several dignitaries.

I specially booked a private room to receive this princess.

Although the Ninth Princess of Nanliang was dressed in tatters and made herself dirty, her pair of peach blossom eyes were truly attractive, like washed grapes, and the black eyes were extremely bright, like two bright moons reflected in the lake.

Coupled with pink and delicate lips, tattered beggar clothes, revealing a small section of white legs, even if she is dressed as a beggar, it is difficult to conceal the innate nobility of her body, who would think that a beggar looks like this Pretty and cute?

Look carefully, this little beggar is really cute.

Prince Qi narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at her, with a hint of greed in his eyes.

The Ninth Princess of Nanliang was stared at by him, who was covered in fur, and said displeasedly, "You... since you know it's my princess, why didn't you send me to arrest me?"

She planned to sneak in and steal his token or something.

But when he discovered his identity, he was afraid that he would arrest him.

After all, Uncle Wang and the others dared to arrest him.

Prince Qi laughed and said, "Princess is so bold, she actually knows that the capital is dangerous, why did she dare to come here alone?"

The Ninth Princess of Nanliang took out her long whip, "Hmph, you arrested my Uncle Wang. This princess wants to talk to the Empress of the Kingdom of the Kingdom. Why should she imprison my Uncle Wang?"

The man chuckled, "Princess, please calm down. It's not the king who arrested your uncle Wang. This king also wanted to save your uncle Wang. Unfortunately, the emperor refused. He insisted that your uncle Wang was a fake and put him in the underground dungeon."

"What! That damned woman actually put Uncle Wang in a dungeon!"

The Ninth Princess of Nanliang lost her temper when she heard the little rage, stomped her feet angrily, and was furious.

"Don't worry, I can help you."

The man propped his chin with both hands, his brows and eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was looking at something very interesting.

He thought to himself, he always wanted to marry such a little beauty but couldn't. Zhao Shisan treasured this princess very much and refused to agree to marry her to him.

Since she is just a "little beggar" and no one knows who she is, that's just right, he takes it back and hides it, and enjoys it slowly.

Thinking of the cold and evil smile flashing in his eyes, and thinking of such a little beauty crying under him, he was a little excited.

"You? Why does this princess trust you?"

"Because... besides choosing to trust me now, what else can you do?"

The man got up and walked towards her with a smile.

Perceived his unkindness.

The Ninth Princess of Nanliang stepped back, flicked the whip immediately, and said, "What are you going to do, don't play tricks on this princess, or don't blame me for being rude."

Prince Qi looked at her, approached her step by step, laughed loudly, flashed in front of her in the blink of an eye, raised his hand a little, and stopped her.

Nanliang Jiugong's eyes were wide open, unable to move or speak, she was so angry that she could only stare at him fiercely.

This expression pleased the man, and Prince Qi picked up the jug on the table in a good mood, and poured her a strong drink.

The Ninth Princess of Nanliang shook her head violently, only feeling a faint heat in her body, which made her very uncomfortable. No matter how stupid she was, she knew what this man was up to.

The corners of Prince Qi's lips raised slightly, "Come here, take her to this king and tie her back to the palace first."

He would like to deal with her now, but she still needs to be cleaned first.

And just in case, it's safer to do business in the palace.

After saying that, two guards came in with a rope and tied her up, then quietly threw her into a carriage.

At this time, Xiahou Shizi, who was on vacation for three days, was wandering outside.

He had just come out of the hotpot restaurant, and was riding a horse to go to the military camp to deliver roast chicken to Situ Mo and the others.

With a faint glance in his eyes, he caught a glimpse of the people from Qi Wang's Mansion tying up a little beggar, and they were in a hurry, planning to go back to the mansion furtively.

He frowned slightly, feeling a little curious, so he turned around and followed quietly, wanting to follow to have a look.

When the carriage turned into the alley, he knocked out the guard with a hidden weapon.

The unmanned carriage crashed into a dead end, and the little beggar inside was suddenly knocked out.

(End of this chapter)

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