The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 478 Wash it up and see me again

Chapter 478 Wash it up and see me again

Coincidentally, it fell into his arms.

Xia Houjin's eyes darkened, and she picked up the little beggar in disgust, intending to throw it aside.


The little beggar raised his eyes and looked at him with tears all over his face, "Woooo..."

The Shizi took off the brocade stuffed in her mouth, untied her, and said, "Who are you..."

Before he could speak, the little beggar clung to him, "I feel bad..."

Shizi's whole body tightened, and he pushed her desperately, "Oh, you little beggar, you dare to blackmail me, don't you?"

Xia Houjin was furious, and said that she couldn't be a good person, and that she would be punished if she did a little bit of kindness. He was probably not born to be a good person.

"help me…"

The little beggar clung to him like an octopus, and pulled him out alive.

The Shizi was angry, and secretly shook her internally, and directly sent her flying.

The little beggar slammed against the wall, curled up on the ground in pain, his face was flushed, he was unconscious, and a long nephrite whip fell from his body.

Seeing the whip, Xia Houjin's expression changed slightly, and she hurried over to help her up, frowning, " are the Ninth Princess of Nanliang?"

The Ninth Princess of Nanliang touched his cold hand, and immediately threw him down crazily, her eyes were scarlet and fierce, and something inside her was screaming crazily.

The Shizi's face changed in shock, but his reaction was a bit slow, and he was kissed violently before he could guard against it...


The two tore and pulled in a dead end.

One frantically tore his brocade robe, and the other resisted desperately.

In the end, Xia Houjin was so angry that her forehead trembled and she couldn't bear it anymore. She raised her hand and pinched her wrist, suppressing her instantly, and then took out the antidote pill of the love potion on her body and gave her to take it.

At first the Ninth Princess of Nanliang was still crazy...

After taking the antidote, he slowly regained his sanity.

But Xia Houjin didn't dare to take it lightly, pinched her wrist with her big hands, hung her on the wall like this, stared at her sullenly, wishing to strangle her to death.

I regret it very much.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't mind my own business.

This stupid woman...

He closed his eyes, touched his hot lips, and was so angry that he really strangled her neck.

At this time, the Ninth Princess of Nanliang woke up, before she could see the man's face clearly, she immediately resisted fiercely, "Let me go, don't come here, I beg you..."

There is still a hint of crying, anger, grievance, fear, watery eyes with tears, very helpless.

Xia Houjin froze for a moment, threw her away with some disgust, and gritted her teeth secretly, "You are so stupid. Last time, the prince almost plotted against you, but this time he plotted against you again. Did your brain get caught by the door?"

An angry and cold voice came, and the girl who had slipped on the ground suddenly raised her head, woke up, saw the boy's appearance clearly, immediately burst into tears with a sore nose, and hugged his thigh, "Xia Houjin..."

At this moment, her fearful heart inexplicably settled down.

The Shizi's head was full of black lines, and he looked down at the little beggar who was hugging his thigh, wishing he could fly away.

"Let go!"

"Don't wipe your nose on me, you're so dirty!!"

The young man was a little desperate, and the veins on his forehead were throbbing like thunder.

The dark guard with a few roast chickens behind him searched several streets before finding him.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help being stunned, his mouth opened in an egg shape, and he stared at the object on Xia Houjin's lap with some horror, thinking, the little beggar picked up by the Shizi is too powerful! ?
The son of the world can actually tolerate her hugging his thigh? ?
And allow her to rub her nose on her body? ?
Xia Houjin raised her eyes to see the dark guard, her face was ashen, and said, "You send the roast chicken to the barracks first."

"oh oh…"

Being poked by the cold stare, the guard did not dare to stay, and immediately dodged.

After the man left, the young man was a little helpless, and angrily pulled the crying bag off his thigh, then turned onto the horse with a black face and hugged the man, in short, leave this place first.

The girl quietly raised her eyes to look at the gloomy man. She didn't dare to cry or speak anymore. When she walked to a crowded place, she buried her face in his chest.

Xia Houjin was very thankful that she wore a mask when she went out, and she would not be embarrassed if she saw people coming and going on the street.

Otherwise, if someone spreads the word, he will be ashamed.


Riding horses all the way, try to go to places with few people in alleys and trails.

Until in a secret courtyard in the capital, the young man pulled the horse rope, got off the horse with the man in his arms, strode quickly, and ran into the yard quickly. When he arrived at a wing, he angrily threw the man on the ground, "Wash up, and see me again." .”

He gave the cold order, and then turned and left directly.

Afterwards, two maids came in with clothes to wait on them.


At this time, the Nanliang mission was almost insane.

A lot of money was stuffed, and the envoys of the monarchy were accommodating and helped find Concubine Sheng and the others.

Now the empress refuses to see them.

She can only ask Concubine Sheng and Concubine Yu in the harem for help.

After receiving the news, Fuyu and Nan Sheng felt a little headache.

Princess Rongyue was worried about the regent, so she sneaked out of the post house.

No one knows where he is now.

Nanliang's post requesting to see the Empress was repeatedly rejected.

The two had no choice but to come to the imperial study to see the empress.

"Your Majesty, Concubine Sheng and Concubine Yu are asking to see you in the imperial study."

Mu Wan paused, frowned and said, "Please come in."

The two come in.

"Don't be too polite, sit down, what do you want me to do?"

The two didn't sit down but knelt down directly, "Your Majesty, the Ninth Princess of Nanliang was worried about the safety of the regent, so she slipped out of the post house by herself, and her whereabouts are unknown now, Prime Minister Nan asked the emperor to send someone to search."

Mu Wan was a little speechless, how dare the Ninth Princess of Nanliang dare to come to the kingdom?

However, she is filial and affectionate, and Zhao Shisan did not love her in vain.

"I will send someone to look for it."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Mu Wan looked at the two teenagers, her eyes flickered slightly, "Follow me to the dungeon and see if that one is real or not."

Nan Sheng and Fu Yu secretly looked at each other, not sure what the Empress was going to do.

She lost her temper?Are you going to let him go?
Not allowing them to refuse, Mu Wan got up and took them to the underground dungeon.


Seeing the empress, several men had different expressions.

"Two concubines take a closer look, is this your Nanliang regent?"

The girl curled her lips, and a cold and evil smile flashed in her eyes.

The two teenagers stepped forward and pretended to look carefully, and said, "Return to the emperor, yes, this is the regent of Nanliang, and the prince of Beiming has also seen it. He is himself, not pretending."


A sound of surprise broke open in the water prison.

"Then untie it quickly, come here, quickly regent Nanliang, and untie the great prince of Beiming..."

"I'm really sorry, I didn't see the dignity of the two with my stupid eyes, and I made you feel wronged."

Both the regent of Nanliang and the eldest prince of Beiming were released.

Looking at her smiling face, the two of them were full of evil fire but suddenly couldn't get out.

"It's okay."


With the same voice, they spit out two words out of nowhere.

Mu Wan's eyes showed shame, "Oh, you two have been wronged, go to the palace and wash up."

Prince Xiqi and the others were still hanging on the wall of the water prison. When they saw that the Empress had let them go, but didn't intend to let them go, they immediately vomited blood and said, "Hey! There are us!"

"You guys? I'm sorry, I didn't recognize the face of Prince Xiqi with my poor eyesight. Let's talk about it after Xiqi Guoshi comes to redeem him."


Prince Xiqi was so angry that his face was livid, tearing the iron chain angrily, like a violent beast, wishing to break through the cage and bite her to death.

But he couldn't break free, and watched helplessly as the empress took the regent of Nanliang and the eldest prince of Beiming away, leaving the three of them alone.

Prince Jin's son said angrily, "Brother Prince, is she trying to make things difficult for us?"

Pei Han stared at the prince coldly and said, "I think she just has trouble with the prince, did you offend her?"

Prince Xiqi: "..."

Could he say that Xiaoxiao bullied her and almost slept with her?

But he didn't know that one day it would fall into her hands!
You could tell by his expression that he was offended.

The two of them closed their eyes, their veins twitched twice, and they said angrily, "You bastard, you're hurting us again!!"

Prince Xiqi: "!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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