Chapter 480

Mu Wan: "..."

"What does the Regent mean?"

Zhao Shisan's icy handsome face was slightly heated, his eyes flickered, and he said, "This king wrote to you, you must remember to reply to this king."


"My lord refers to the trade between the two countries and exchanges in various aspects. If you need anything, you can send a letter to me directly by flying pigeons. I will definitely help you."

Fearing that she would refuse, Zhao Shisan opened his eyes and told nonsense for the first time in his life.

Made a bad excuse.


Seeing this, the First Prince Beiming was not far behind, and simply left the six knights behind.

"The twelve knights of the Northern Darkness are highly skilled in martial arts and can keep the emperor safe. If the emperor is in trouble, he can also ask them to pass the letter to me, and I will definitely be there when I pass it on."

After thinking about it for a while, it seemed too straightforward, and then changed his words, "Whether you remember Bengong or not, I am your elder brother Zhao. I promised to protect you for the rest of my life. You are a man. What Bengong said, Never break your word."

"Also, when I go back, I will persuade my father to do business with the monarchy."


Chu Bei's face turned green.

How dare she covet his daughter-in-law so blatantly in front of him.

These two men don't need to live anymore.

In the hall, a raging murderous aura suddenly filled the air.

The Great Prince Beiming and the Regent of Nanliang sat on the grand master's chair, looked up at Chu Bei coldly, with a half-smile, and the murderous intent did not budge.

Sitting in the hall, Mu Wan wiped her sweat secretly, not knowing what to do for a while.

I don't understand, why is she so popular all of a sudden?
Everyone rushed to confess to her?

She changed from a tyrant who was hated by everyone, and everyone screamed for beating and killing, and she became a sweet pastry that everyone loves and flowers bloom.

What's the situation.

The original author secretly changed the plot?
Mu Wan didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

At the beginning of the chapter, she was so miserable that she was scolded by many people for being aggrieved.'s not so good now!

After wandering for a while, the three of them almost started fighting.

Mu Wan wiped off her cold sweat, and coughed lightly, "Ahem...Okay, carrier pigeon, the regent should take it back. I appreciate the kindness of the regent. If I really need help, I will write to you."

"I'm the majestic king of a country. I have someone to protect my safety. How can I accept your Beiming knights? Please the eldest prince take your people away. Thank you for your kindness."

"I hope to become friends with the two of you. The Three Kingdoms will be friends forever. We will witness our friendship together. Please don't make things difficult for me."

From beginning to end, she dared not go to see Chu Hu.

Because no matter what she did, he would be angry, so he might as well just ignore her and coax her later.

The eldest prince of Beiming and the regent of Nanliang have all kinds of bad things, and she always rejects them, which makes people feel very sad.

However, they didn't want to embarrass her anymore, and they couldn't force her to accept it.

So he obediently took back both the pigeon and the knight, and stopped forcing her.

Seeing that they were reasonable, Mu Wan secretly tugged on his collar, breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Come here, send the eldest prince respectfully, and the regent return to the palace. Tomorrow, the envoys of the three kingdoms will be brought into the palace."

After she finished speaking, her feet felt windy, and she ran away in a hurry.

Carrying the dragon robe all the way, he quickly returned to the Xuanwu Hall and lay down on the imperial concubine's couch, feeling a little regretful in his heart.

Dealing with two people is more tiring than dealing with civil and military officials. If I knew earlier, I shouldn't let Chu Bei go with me.

Not long after lying down, I heard footsteps.

On the other side of the Hanyuan Hall, Concubine Shu and Concubine De are responsible for sending the Regent of Nanliang and the First Prince of Beiming to leave.

They were also responsible for receiving the missions from the three countries.

Seeing him, Mu Wan got up and moved her position, smiled and said, "Queen, sit down."

Chu Bei lifted the corner of his robe and sat down next to her, raised his hand to pinch her slender waist, and asked darkly, "Is the emperor very happy now?"

Before she lost her memory, what she liked most was all kinds of handsome men around her.

Now not only the harem, but even the regent of Nanliang and the eldest prince of Beiming were conquered by her, entangled desperately and refused to let go.

She should be very happy.

However, he was not happy.

She is just her own.

Whoever robs him, he is in a hurry with whom.


Mu Wan was a little helpless, and said, "I didn't, you have to trust me."

Her eyes flickered slightly, feeling a little guilty.

In fact, there is a lot of vanity, she is a mortal, not a fairy.

Facing the temptation of power, money, beauty, etc., it is impossible to be completely indifferent.

But she only has him in her heart, and that will never change.

Chu Bei's slender eyebrows drooped slightly, and he was keenly aware that her eyes were dodging her guilty conscience, her eyes were gradually turning cold, and there was an indescribable anger and irritability in her eyes.

Zhao Shisan and Bei Mingzhao are not ordinary people. They were able to put down their posture for her today, desperately trying to please her, and they couldn't bear it.

Changing for her, it shows that I really like it.

If she keeps pestering her, can she guarantee that she will be consistent?

Seeing that he was unhappy, Mu Wan didn't say much, she picked up his handsome face and kissed him forcefully. Sometimes actions can prove everything.


After a kiss, many uneasy and irritable emotions were calmed down, and the air was filled with a sweet smell.

The two were close together, Chu Bei felt a little uncomfortable, counting his fingers, how many days would it take before he could touch her?

So a bit tormented...(ー_ー)!!
After a long time, Chu Bei asked, "Why doesn't Prince Xiqi let go?"

Speaking of Prince Xiqi, Mu Wan's face darkened, and a murderous look flashed in his eyes, "I just want to lock him up."

If possible, she would like to imprison him for the rest of his life.

Chu Bei frowned slightly, feeling strange that her cold murderous aura at that moment was shocking.

She doesn't like to kill.

"Because he hunted you down last time?"

Mu Wan looked up at him, took a sip of her tea cup, and said angrily, "Because he thinks differently about you..."

After thinking about it for a while, he told him that Prince Xiqi had been coveting his beauty all the time, and conspired with Prince Li to drug him and try to occupy him.

Chu Bei's eyes darkened in an instant, and Situ Mo didn't dare to tell him how ugly his face could be.

Xiqi Prince Li Jinyan is so disgusting...

Thinking that he was going to drug him, Chu Bei became very angry and wanted to strangle him immediately.

Mu Wan knew he would do this, so she didn't dare to tell him.

"Okay, Prince Xiqi can't die, or else I would have skinned him long ago."

Chu Bei paused, and seeing her angry face, he became less angry for some reason, and was even very happy.

She did this because she cared about him.

She will be jealous too.

I feel the same way as myself.

I don't like people thinking about him.

Thinking of this, the heavy heart suddenly became clear.

Putting his arms around her fragrant shoulders, he said with a smile, "The emperor is right, then drive him out of the kingdom, if he dares to come again, this king will let him go."

Seeing that he finally smiled.

Mu Wan was so happy, she leaned into his arms and nodded, "Well, okay..."


In a private house in the capital.

Away from the busy city, it is a bit remote, but the environment is quiet and no one will disturb you.

Princess Nine of Nanliang washed and changed into a fiery red dress again, and followed the girl to Xia Houjin's residence.

He also just took a bath, wearing a brand-new brocade suit, moon white, with intricate patterns embroidered with gold and silver threads on the collar, which is low-key and luxurious, and looks very luxurious.

Look carefully, he has a pair of phoenix eyes that are slightly raised and slender, with double eyelids, exquisite and beautiful, eyebrows that look like ink dyed, lips that are painted red, a tall nose, and a beautiful beauty point on his full forehead. The phoenix eyes are slightly raised, saying no Do all kinds of styles.

(End of this chapter)

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