The queen who wears books always wants to bully me

Chapter 481 Rescued 2 times by annoying people.

Chapter 481 Saved twice by annoying people.

She didn't realize it before because she saw no one else except Chu Bei.

I have met him a few times, and I will look at him carefully, and find that besides Chu Bei, Xia Houjin is also quite good-looking.

The Ninth Princess of Nanliang raised her eyes to meet his cold eyes, and she felt her heart skip a beat, and she began to feel dry mouth and hot all over.

She clenched her fists and thought to herself, the medicine is over, why is there still such a shameful feeling?

At this moment, she wished she could kill Prince Qi immediately.

dog man!How dare he plot against her! !
"Are you dumb?"

The Shizi raised his eyebrows and glanced at him, then leaned back on the imperial concubine's bed a little lazily, his face was flattened when he opened his mouth.

The Ninth Princess of Nanliang's face turned red and then blue, and the green and red intertwined, and she tightened her fist tightly, wishing to punch him twice.

Sure enough, this man was ugly, not as good-looking as a strand of Chu Bei's hair.

She was very angry.

However, after this encounter, she has grown up and knows that this place is not Nanliang, and it is not a place where she can run amok.

She was saved by this man.

As Uncle Wang said, one must know how to repay kindness.

She didn't want to owe him a favor.

good!Today, this princess will bear with you for a while.

The Ninth Princess of Nanliang suppressed her anger secretly, with a smile on her face, she blessed Fushen and said, "Rong Yue, thank you Xianfei Empress, for saving Rong Yue, Rong Yue is very grateful, the grace of saving life is unforgettable, he A daily gift of ten thousand taels of gold will be given as a reward!"

Grandpa: "..."

He frowned, propped his head on his hand, smiled for a while, and then his handsome face gradually turned cold, and said, "Princess Nanliang Ninth, you speak so loudly, you are worthy of being a princess of a country, rich and powerful, but , this prince made a move, how can the golden ten thousand taels be offset? If I remember correctly, this prince saved you twice, right? Princess Rongyue is a golden branch and jade leaf in Nanliang, with a noble status, so her life is naturally more valuable than ordinary people's gold, and your life is yours. Is it worth 1 taels of gold?"

The Ninth Princess of Nanliang looked anxious, with small veins on her forehead, clenched her fists, raised her face, and said coldly, "Then how much do you want?"

As he spoke, his little face drooped bitterly.

In fact, she doesn't have much in her small treasury. If he opens his mouth like a lion, he might be like the Empress Jun and can only write IOUs.

However, she still has Uncle Wang and Little Emperor Zhao to help her, so as long as it does not exceed 50 taels of gold, she can barely get it out.

But would 50 taels of gold be too cheap?If her life is only worth this price, where will she put the face of the Ninth Princess of Nanliang?

Xia Houjin looked at her tangled sample for a while, and the corners of her lips could not help but curl up, "This son is not short of your money."

"No money? Then what do you want? This princess doesn't want to owe you favors."

The Ninth Princess of Nanliang was a little troubled.

The first time he formed a relationship with him at the hot pot restaurant, he felt that this person was very annoying.

But every time something happened to her, she met him.

Saved twice by hated people.

This kind of bloody experience is really bad.

The young man narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a dark smile, "Everyone is a respectable person, it's so vulgar to ask for money, if the princess really wants to repay her kindness, why not just be my son's girl for a few days, serve tea and water, do some rough work, etc. In fact, it won’t take too long, just three days, if you can work hard and bear no complaints, this matter will be written off, how about it?”

She wants to save the Prince Regent of Nanliang, can that make her succeed?
He happened to be on vacation for three days, so he lived in this yard, so he could play with her when he had time.

Princess Ninth of Nanliang's eyes turned dark, "You want this princess to be your girl, want to deliberately humiliate me."

"Didn't you say you wanted to repay your kindness? If you don't want to, then forget it."

Xia Houjin picked up the military book on the table and flipped through it, chuckled lightly, and didn't force her.

After a while, the girl stomped her feet viciously and gritted her teeth, "Okay, it's a deal, just three days."

She didn't want to owe him favors, so she could bear it for three days.

"Okay then, do you want to change your clothes first?"


"This is a princess dress, a girl should look like a girl, and this son doesn't like red, which is gaudy and ugly."

Princess Ninth of Nanliang's nose was almost crooked, "Xia Houjin, what do you mean, you say this princess is gaudy and ugly?"

"Tsk, I think it's better to forget about repaying your kindness. The princess has such a temper, and this son dare not order you."


The young man narrowed his eyes slightly, and motioned for someone to come in and see her off, "Princess, go back to the post house, lest I say that my son bullied you."

Soon, a dark guard came in to take her back.

Princess Ninth of Nanliang is willing to go back

She hasn't succeeded in rescuing Uncle Wang yet.

Go back, Nan Xiang will lock her up for sure.

Suddenly some ants rushed to the pot, she had never humbled herself to anyone in this life, let her serve him as a girl, maybe?
But she had no choice.

Then she raised her eyes to look at the young man, her eyes moved, and suddenly she had a flash of inspiration, thinking that maybe she could use him to save Uncle Wang.

What are you afraid of, this princess can bend and stretch.

Thinking about it, the girl changed her attitude in seconds, blessed her body slightly, and said with a smile, "Please calm down, Rong Yue, I'm going to change clothes now, I don't know what color the prince likes."

The Shizi raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at her with a strange expression, why did he suddenly change his attitude?
Could it be that he wanted to use him to rescue Zhao Shisan?
The young man lowered his eyes while holding the book of war, and the corners of his lips curled slightly, "As long as it's not red."

He didn't particularly hate red, he just wanted to hurt her deliberately.

Who made her proud and arrogant in red makeup, like the sun like fire, it is dazzling and dazzling, which makes people inexplicably uncomfortable.

The Ninth Princess of Nanliang kept smiling, wishing to strangle him to death, "Yes, Rong Yue will change it now."

After saying that, he went down with the girl and changed into a purple dress, and then came back willing to be his little girl, serving tea and water, squeezing his shoulders and beating his legs, while he was sleeping, she had to stand beside him and take care of him.

In this way, the difficult day for the princess in trouble gradually passed as the sun went down.

At night, she still has to watch the night and continue to be on call.

I was almost forced to copy the guy to abolish a certain annoying son-in-law.


No one knows where she is, and a large number of people are looking for her every day.

Xia Houjin didn't know what was going on outside either.

Because he was on vacation for three days, he said it in advance, and no one was allowed to disturb him, and he had to wait until he finished his vacation to discuss any important matters.

He has to play happily for three days.

I originally planned to go to the countryside for horse racing.

Who knew that picking up a "little beggar" changed his plan, and he could only nest in the yard, read military books, practice dancing, and play tricks on the "little beggar" by the way.

Life is still very good.


The day after Princess Nine of Nanliang disappeared.

The empress summoned the envoys of the three kingdoms.

Set up a banquet in Ziyang Palace.

The Prince Regent of Nanliang and the First Prince of Beiming attended respectively.

Southern Prime Minister of Nanliang, Princess Qingsang of Beiming, and Imperial Teacher of Xiqi entered the palace together.

The envoys from various countries found their own people, greeted each other and sat down first.

At this time, Xiqi Guoshi and the others glanced at the empty space, but they didn't see Prince Xiqi, and they were a little annoyed.

Xiqi Guoshi raised his hand to signal the Xiqi envoys to be calm and calm.

It's useless to say that the empress hasn't arrived yet.

Sit down first.

After waiting for a while, followed by "The emperor is here. The queen is here!"

Everyone looked up and saw a pair of young emperors and queens coming side by side.

Followed by a few teenagers above the concubine rank.

Nanliang Nanxiang, Beiming Qingsang County Master, and Xiqi Guoshi were very curious about the Empress. They raised their eyes and looked at them, with different expressions, including surprise and admiration.

However, Mo Li Guoshi's expression was different from others.

The moment he saw the Empress, his face was gloomy and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

The Empress and Concubine Ning look exactly alike, except that there is a phoenix fire pattern missing on her forehead.

This is the daughter of Ning Pengpeng and Jun Yuanyi?


The five fingers under the cloud sleeves clenched subconsciously, rattling, as if they wanted to pinch the Empress in the palm of her hand and shatter it.

The man's eyes were faintly red, as if there was an irrepressible murderous aura that was about to be vented in an instant.


(End of this chapter)

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