Chapter 482
When Mu Wan was seated, she glanced intentionally or unintentionally at the man in purple clothes and white hair sitting next to her. Even though she had seen the portrait, she was still stunned.

Unexpectedly, this perverted national teacher actually looks like a god who is refined, pure and pure.

A head of frost-dyed white hair was even more conspicuous, almost standing out from the crowd, and the flourishing beauty instantly covered up everyone's light.

However, this look is not a good person.

Perhaps, he was not a god in his previous life, but a demon king.

Mu Wan sat down calmly.

Mo Li's murderous aura was exhausted, and in a blink of an eye, his gloomy eyes became as warm as water, and his smile was like a spring breeze.

This subtle coefficient of change fell into Mu Wan's eyes, and she became horrified, and her vigilance escalated, this person is extremely sincere.

After everyone got up and finished the salute, the Empress gestured for a seat without courtesy.

At this time, the Xiqi envoy stood up and said angrily, "Dare to ask the emperor, where are I, Prince Xiqi, Prince Jin's son, and Fifth Prince Pei? What do you intend to do by detaining them?"

The empress was sitting on the dragon chair, holding a jasper wine glass in her hand, drinking a small wine quite leisurely.

She doesn't need to go out for this kind of question, the corresponding minister stood up and fought back, saying, "Xiqi sent the prince and others to assassinate the emperor one after another. I don't know about this, how can Xiqi explain it?"

The envoy of Xiqi glanced at the national teacher for a moment, and said, "They all say this is a misunderstanding. The national teacher Mo has already explained it to the envoy of your country. Presumably this matter has been conveyed to the emperor and the queen of the country. First, arrest him for no reason. It is already too much to kill Prince Xiqi and still be imprisoned in the water prison. The son of Jin Wang, the fifth son Pei, is the prince's younger brother. Because he cared about the prince's safety, he offended the emperor of your country on the spur of the moment. Now you are forcing him to Assassination, does the monarchy have evidence?"

"Also, they all trespassed on Lingyu Mountain of your country without authorization. It is wrong to trespass on Lingyu Mountain privately. It is understandable for the emperor to be angry and imprison the prince, but why did the emperor let the regent of Nanliang and the eldest prince of Beiming go alone? Imprisoning Prince Xiqi alone? What is the meaning of this? I also ask the emperor to give a reasonable explanation."

Xiqi's envoy spoke harshly and sharply, quite aggressively.

The empress looked up at Xiqi's envoy with sharp eyes and sneered, "Prince Xiqi is hiding in the monarchy and sneaking around, waiting for an opportunity to assassinate me, and was stabbed by the queen. The scar on Prince Xiqi's body is the evidence, the prince of Jin , Fifth Young Master Pei, secretly followed me, tried to assassinate me, and was captured alive by me, do you still need evidence?"

The Xiqi envoy's back tightened, not daring to look at the empress' fierce eyes, but looking at his national teacher anxiously, what should he do now?

Since the Empress Junguo personally arrested the person, and the assassination was confirmed, Junguo naturally had a reason to detain him, unless Xiqi gave a reasonable explanation, or used other methods to dispel the Empress' anger.

The envoys of Xiqi were defeated.

Master Mo had no choice but to go to battle in person. He glanced coldly at the useless envoy, then raised his eyes to look at the empress, with a half-smile, and said, "Prince Xiqi didn't trespass on Lingyu Mountain, but I asked him to go to Lingyu Mountain." Thousand-year-old lake under the black wind, feed my pet, the big snake Lanmei."

Everyone was horrified, and their eyes were all looking at the white-haired national teacher in horror.

Is that giant python a pet kept by Master Xiqi?
How can it be?

But... It is rumored that the head of the Xiqi Mo family really likes to raise big snakes.

There is indeed a big black snake in Xiqi Guoshi's mansion now, I heard that anyone who disobeys or angers him will be swallowed by that black snake silently.

Not only that, it is said that there are actually two such big black snakes in the National Teacher's Mansion, one is called Lan Mei with ice blue eyes, and the other is called Black General with jet black eyes.

When he mentioned Lan Mei, many elderly ministers knew about it, and more than 50 years ago, some veteran generals who had been on the battlefield had witnessed the true face of the black general.

"Impossible. The anaconda in Qiantui Lake has been living in Qiantui Lake in Lingyu Mountain. It was there before the founding of the Kingdom of the King, and it has been more than 300 years now. How could it be raised by the Xiqi State Teacher's Mansion?"

If someone doesn't believe it, ask back.

If it is true, then this Mo Guoshi has lived for more than 300 years, and his face is not old, so isn't he a god?
Everyone panicked.

Mo Li sneered in his heart, more than 300 years, he doesn't remember how old he is now, he only knows that he was already thirty thousand years old before he fell into this world with Black Snake and Lan Mei, the king of King's Landing Demon Realm.

How can these ignorant human beings understand?

This broken place has no spiritual power, no magic power, and no Three Realms. It seems to be a waste area independent of the Three Realms.

Except for the two snakes who understood him, he could find no one of his kind here.

Humans here are even more vulnerable, like ants.

Today, he has also become a weak human being, no longer the devil that everyone fears.

Even Black Snake and Lan Mei have lost the power of the king of monsters and turned into ordinary snakes, they can only eat people, and they can't even transform into human form.

The only fortunate thing is that he can have a long lifespan and an ageless face.

It's a pity that these things can only be maintained at a certain price... because he is no longer a demon king, but a human being.

After counting, he has indeed been in this world for more than 300 years.

Mo Li looked at these terrified humans, held a wine glass and smiled casually, "It was raised by the ancestors of the Mohist family, because only the water of the Qiantui Lake in Lingyu Mountain can survive, and Xiqi does not have a suitable environment for Lan Mei. The ageless appearance of our Mohist family is just a natural inheritance, and generations of patriarchs have this characteristic, and everyone must know that this seat is just an ordinary person, so you don’t need to panic.”

Afraid that if he told the truth, these people would treat him as a monster.

Having been a human being for more than 300 years, he also began to be afraid.

Because the secret of immortality was known, human beings tried to destroy him.

In desperation, I secretly feigned death a few times.

The current identity is the No.15 successor of the Mohist school.

He doesn't remember how old he is, anyway, when he wants to die, he will naturally "die".

The Mohists wantonly spread that the white-haired and childlike face is due to heredity, so that he can live in this world openly and aboveboard.


Everyone wiped off their cold sweat secretly. They were convinced of what Mo Li said. The Mo family did have such an inheritance, and white hair was also an inheritance. It was not a secret that any child with white hair in the entire Mo family must be the future head of the family.

And as the child grows up to 16 years old, his face will no longer have any changes, and he will not age until he dies.

But the strange thing is that the Mo family will give birth to a white-haired child again only after the head of the family dies, which is very regular.

Someone laughed and said, "This kind of good thing may only happen to the Mo family."

In Xiqi, because of the relationship with the Mohists, many people envy the white-haired child, thinking that he is a human being, a reincarnation of a god, and will become a great weapon in the future.

But unfortunately, only the Mohists in this world have this special inheritance.

Mo Li looked at the crowd and chuckled, "Hehe, the white-haired childlike face of our Mo family is inherited, which is the same as the birthmark of the phoenix flower of Junguo and Ning's family. It's not unusual."

(End of this chapter)

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